
Chapter 43

“Is he right, Cam?” she asked softly. “Do I need to do this?”

Cam opened his mouth wide, like he was about to yawn, and yowled. He jerked his head, the sound shifting in tone as he moved, and his blue eyes flashed. The inflection rose and fell, and Sara knew even though he couldn’t form words, he was still talking to her. Josh only smiled.

“I think that means yes.”

Her smile was small but genuine. “Me too.”

Sara closed her eyes. Though she didn’t have Cam’s breathing exercise to help her focus this time, she wasn’t sure she needed it. She was calmer now than she’d been the first time, and she’d shifted already. She could do this. She just needed to stop thinking about it so much. It wasn’t a parlor trick to be done on command; it was a part of what she was, a muscle waiting—yearning—to be stretched.