
Chapter 41

Sara sat up against the headboard. Without looking away from Cam, she slowly shut her eyes and inhaled.

“That’s good,” Josh said.

“Now, we want to clear your mind. When you exhale, focus on how you feel when you breathe, what your lungs are doing. With your next breath, just focus on how it feels to inhale.”

Cam’s voice sounded softer with her eyes closed, like the caress of a warm summer wind. Following his instruction was frighteningly simple, and when she took in a second breath, she loosened the fingers she’d had crushed around Josh’s, the sensation of her chest rising and falling hypnotic.

He coaxed her through the breathing exercise for what could have been several minutes. His voice was lulling, even soothing, and soon, she could feel Josh’s breath begin to echo hers, like he was following the same directions.