
Chapter 39

Cam grabbed Josh’s arm and hauled him up, pushing him toward the door. “Go. Ask her to do it. Now.”

Josh didn’t even think to argue. Yes, she was finally asleep. No, he didn’t want to frighten or upset her. But this wasn’t like the earlier dispute. It wasn’t selfish need prompting Cam to issue orders; it was genuine concern. “Fine. I will. But wait out here.”

Releasing his hold, Cam stepped back, giving wide berth for Josh to go inside. “Shifting is the important thing. Just tell me what happens.”

Josh didn’t wake her immediately; naked and bloody probably would not contribute to her peace of mind. He pulled on his sweats and found another towel to wipe his lips until they were clean. Hopefully, she wouldn’t notice the swelling.

Easing himself to her side on the mattress, he watched her sleep for a few seconds before touching her face gently. “Sara? Sara, sweetheart, wake up.”

She sighed in her sleep and turned into the touch, her lashes fluttering open. “Hey.”