
Chapter 31

“Josh claims he can cook? I guess scrambling eggs and boiling waters counts as cooking, technically. But yeah, I taught him everything he thinks he knows.”

“While I was gone.”

“Yeah,” Cam breathed. “But now maybe I can show him how to make you chile rellenos.”

Sara paused. “It won’t be the same. Nobody does it like you do, Cam.”

“Maybe I can cook something tonight for dinner?” Cam suggested. “If you’re not up to chile rellenos, I can make some Italian wedding soup.”

“No, no, that’s okay,” she said quickly. Too quickly. “My stomach’s actually been bothering me a little bit. But you could make it for Josh.”

“Bothering you?” Cam asked, food forgotten. “Bothering you like how?”

“Just…bothering me. Achy. Like I’m going to be sick. It’s probably just getting used to real food again. It only gets intolerable at night when it doesn’t let me sleep.”

“How long have you been feeling this way?”

“I don’t know, a few days maybe. What does it matter?”