
Chapter 24

Her ordeal might be over, but the thought that the monsters who had tortured and tested her without reprieve were doing it to others ignited every protective instinct Sara possessed. Nobody deserved that treatment. She would do everything she could to make sure it didn’t happen again. Josh wouldn’t fail her. 7

The journey to Delta was more excruciating than Cameron had imagined. It wasn’t just the growing miles separating him from Josh and Sara. It was the sheer loneliness of the drive. Hours behind the wheel with only the radio for company. Though he had begrudgingly grown accustomed to the hole Sara had left in his life, he wasn’t used to Josh not being there. Cam needed his presence like he needed to breathe.

He needed both of them. Josh’s assurances they’d be together, the three of them, were all he had to cling to.