
Rein's Misleading Appearance

"Master…" Treegan's hesitant voice broke the silence in the room.

Just earlier, they had discussed why the King had chosen to punish the ladies for their involvement in the poisoning incident that had taken place last night.

Lady Marin had ordered her maid to poison Rein who in return had sought Lady Amaira's help in getting a fresh poison prepared.

The two ladies who received their punishment would remain inside their rooms for the next three weeks and under no circumstances could they leave their confinement.

King Zander had been looking over the files he had received to review during today's morning court when he heard his aide's voice.

"Hmm?" He inquired while continuing to scan the documents.

Treegan understood that his Master was asking him to proceed so he revealed what was on his mind.

"Master, if Lady Amaira made a poison intending to kill Rein then how is he still alive?" He placed his doubts before the man who could always help him uncover the truth.

'That is exactly what Lady Marin thought.' Zander sneered, recalling the look of shock and incredulity on her face and also the maid's.

Compared to her, Lady Amaira had done a better job at masking her emotions.

She pretended that she had truly made the poison for a rat and it did not matter to her who that poison had been fed to.

Therefore, she had escaped with ease after the incident as she was just an accomplice while the main culprits had to pay the real price.

Coming back to his aide's doubt, his lips curved into a sinister smile before he placed the file in his hands onto the desk.

Treegan felt a shudder run down his erect spine as he gulped his saliva, fretful of his Master's expressions.

"Do you think that someone who could die from a mere poisoning is worthy of standing by my side?" He sneered as he revealed something that he had never said before.

According to everyone's views, Rein Melk was a weak, introverted man who had a mousy personality and was immensely timid.

Yet the Kind disregarded what everyone thought about him and kept the same man by his side.

What were his intentions in doing so?

Was Rein such a great chamberlain that his weaknesses were overlooked and he was granted this position?

Treegan, who was having these thoughts in the past was now beginning to see things from a different point of view.

"So what I had seen earlier was not by a strange stroke of luck?" He muttered in confusion, intriguing the King about what he was murmuring.

Feeling his Master's gaze, Treegan did not waste another moment as he began narrating what had happened earlier in the servant's room.

"Doctor Bundt also saw how the room's temperature dropped when I revealed who the culprit behind his poisoning was." He disclosed and now believed that Rein must have unleashed a small part of his powers back then.

Only those with powers were respected in this world so Rein, who was silent and never displayed his powers until now was stomped all over by the other servants.

'If he had powers then why did he not retaliate?' The aide was lost in thoughts when he heard the King's voice.

"I would never keep someone weak by my side." He proclaimed that doing so would only drag him down and he had no need for such a person among his subordinates.

This single sentence proved to Treegan that the King had seen potential in the chamberlain and thus had kept him close.

While the King himself did not know what kind of powers were inside this servant of his, he was sure that Rein's misleading appearance did not do justice to the powers residing in his fragile body.

What Treegan had informed about the temperature in the room fluctuating because of Rein's volatile emotions was a classic example of a strong vampire's abilities.

While this was a rookie move that most powerful vampires could accomplish, mostly when their emotions flared, the King was classes above them all.

He could control the temperature of his surroundings at will, increasing or decreasing it to suit his desires without being emotionally troubled like the rest required.

However, for Rein to finally display his powers was a step in the right direction.

'He has the potential but never rose to the challenge.' Zander sighed as he did not know what that man was afraid of that he chose to remain reclusive and in the shadows.

"Forgive me, Master, for not recognizing your thoughts." Treegan knelt before his Master and apologized for his mistakes.

Even if he was apologizing, it was not for doubting Rein's capabilities and mocking him all along.

Instead, he was ashamed that he had failed to discern what his Master had seen in that young man which made it possible for him to continue being one of the King's close aides.

Nevertheless, this did not mean that Treegan would just put away his differences with that man and the animosity between them would vanish right away.

Thanks to the King, he now knew that Rein seemed to have powers but he could not deny that he was still wary of the chamberlain and disliked him immensely.

However, if it was for the sake of his Master, then he would continue to bear with it in silence for Rein was seen as someone useful in his Master's eyes.

Now that he was aware of this truth, a new thought appeared in his mind.

'I need to train him and force him to unleash his true potential!' He decided what he would do next.

The determination on his face was so obvious to see that Zander wondered how his aide completed tasks without spilling the beans.

However, Treegan was like an open book only when he was before his Master for he had nothing to hide from him.

As for the rest of the world, they could only see the mask that he chose to show them.

This mask was a mirror of what they would like to see, allowing him to accomplish his missions with ease.

That was the kind of man Treegan Molt, King Zander's right-hand man was.

Cunning, deceitful, and most importantly, competent and loyal to a default.

The King shook his head after noticing the determination in his aide's face.

"Make sure you let him recover first before you torture him with your training." King Zander reminded him to be considerate of the poisoned man's health, at least for a while longer.

This made the aide embarrassed that his thoughts were so easily deciphered by his Master.

However, Treegan did not object and promised to let the weak servant recover completely before he could be put through intensive training to enhance his powers which had only just made an appearance.

On the other side of the King's chamber, Rein was fast asleep to even bother about the whirlwind named Treegan that would soon hit her.

She was safe for now; however, once she recovers… She would have to face that mighty whirlwind head-on and try her best to not get swept away by it.

Wish Rein luck so that she survives what's coming her way!

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