
Tricking My Cold Lover

He hated working with women. She turned herself gay so she can keep her job. They wound up finding themselves in a hilarious misunderstanding, preventing them from telling their true heart’s yearning. **** “I don’t like women directly reporting to me!” He yelled at her after learning he would be working with a mere woman. Xia Yanmei replied, “I understand how you don’t like women and I support you wholeheartedly.” “Are you a lunatic? I just said I detest women!” Anton Yeong repeated himself, already agitated. His brows were drawn together while his eyes were like a laser, ready to pierce a hole through her body. “Oh, you were referring to me? I’m sorry. Sometimes, I forget. I am actually a woman… The truth is, I am a man trapped in a woman’s body!” That was all she could think of to secure his trust. In order to keep her job and remain away from her father’s pestering, she tricked the cold and powerful Anton Yeong in more ways than one. It was from that moment that he was willing to give her a chance, and it was because she turned herself into gay that she kept living a lie... only to regret it after falling for his unorthodox approach. ***** “Can you pretend to be my girlfriend?“ Said the icy man wearing her silk robe. The man before her was none other than Anton Yeong, the CEO of JKW Investments and Yeong Guns and Ammos Corporation. Belonging to one of the wealthiest families in Korea, many women wished to be wed to this indifferent man, but he chose to make her his fake lover. ***** Yanmei knew her lover was angry with her. She came out of the bathroom, revealing her sexiness. She brushed her hair with her fingers before biting her lip and placing both her hands on her waist. "Are - you - still - angry with me?" Like a lingerie model, Yanmei raised one of her legs while looking seductively at Anton. She bit her lip again and asked, "Are you still... angry with me?" Yanmei traced her legs with both her hands, slowly gliding them from her thighs, up to her silky smooth behind. Her hands resumed to soar up her waist and then cupping her breasts from under the thin layer of a torn shirt. Letting out a seductive sigh, she asked, "Could you really dare to be angry with me?" ***** Join me as I tell this romantic comedy through this book and hope that you will love it the same way as my first novel. ***** WARNING: This novel contains content of a very adult nature. If you are easily offended or are under the age of 18, you may opt to skip this. I have two covers, one is a bought licensed picture. The other is a photo by Sergio Souza of Unsplash. If you prefer a novel that is naughty with both action and lots of love (smuts included), you may go for The President's Lover is a Fighter. The story has already ended, so you won't end up in a cliffhanger. Join me on my server: https://discord.gg/mGDZ6aH IG: https://www.instagram.com/authorlilhyz/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/LiLhyzwithlove

LiLhyz · Urban
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587 Chs

His First Rejection

'What is wrong with this woman?' Anton Yeong asked himself. He could not understand what she was trying to imply. He was about to dismiss her and have his assistant guide her to the new office when he thought of testing her.

Anton abruptly stood up to study Yanmei properly. He loosened his necktie as he walked around her, looking at her from head to toe.

He first looked at her alluring eyes. He instantly saw they were admirable. He allowed her to see him properly, yet despite his aggressive approach, she was not bothered. Instead, she looked back at him without hesitation. She barely even blinked as they looked at each other.

Yanmei did not look away from his light brown ones that seemed to swallow her whole. They were intense, but they were beautiful at the same time. She asked silently, 'Wow! Is he wearing contacts? Wonder what shade is that?'

He looked down at the crook of her neck and saw she was wearing a Saturn inspired necklace. It wasn't a typical girlish type of pendant. He was used to seeing fancy necklaces around a rich woman's neck.

Yanmei watched him stare at her jawlines and her slender neck. When his eyes came looking back up, she extended her neck for him to see visibly while pouting her lips. She wondered if he was jealous of her, just like her friend, Garry.

She made a comment in secret, 'I hope you don't consider surgery. Andy might get heartbroken. Huhu.'

Wearing a black turtle neck dress and a burgundy shaded coat, Yanmei looked simple but stylish. Anton Yeong recognized that although she seemed to have a good figure; she was not showing off any skin nor was she posing to attract him. Her choice of shoe was elegant but not glittery nor daring in color.

His actions were giving Yanmei mixed assumptions. It dawned to her that aside from being jealous of her female body, he also liked her clothes, so she blurted out, "I have a red color just like this, but - " She cut herself off observing how the tall and how well built he was, there was no way he would fit in her coat.

She gave up on the thought and offered an alternate option instead, "You know what? I can have a customized coat made for you - "

"What? What are you talking about?" Anton asked before folding his arms across his chest.

Yanmei's eyes moved from left to right before responding, "You - like - my coat?"

He frowned at the sight of her brows raising while confirming her thoughts. He quickly answered, "No, I don't like your coat."

'Yeah, right? Fine. Deny all you want,' Yanmei said to herself before she laughed and said, "You are hilarious."

"I was not even trying to be funny!" He firmly replied before putting both his hands on his waist.

Anton was expecting her to melt away with his stares and pretend advances, but instead, she thought he liked her coat?

'Maybe it's really possible,' thought Anton Yeong, 'Let me give my final test. Most women would fall for this in an instant.'

He had long used this technique for years. He was questioning women's motives, getting close to him in any way. So far, all of those women failed miserably that he was certain Yanmei would also fall for it.

He would suggest for a kiss and every time he tried this on a woman, she would either fall into his arms or attempt to kiss back.

He took two steps forward while his eyes remained glued to her. He then blinked and looked at her beautiful lips before moving closer.

Yanmei saw him lean over. Her mouth formed into a circle and her brows knitted together, wondering what he was up to. She asked herself, 'Was he leaning in for a kiss?'

Her head was frantically trying to find the answer and then, an idea popped into her head. "Oh! I am so sorry! I did not realize you are into that… You must travel to Europe a lot."

She also leaned over that their cheeks nearly touched. Slightly tilting her head up, she blew a kiss in the air. She pulled back, giving him a smile and did the same on the other cheek.

"There, there," Yanmei said. "I'm sorry. It took me a while to recognize you were about to welcome me the Italian way - but some of my friends do cheek-kiss. It's pretty typical for some of my ga -"

"My friends... Haha!" She managed to stop herself from saying gay.

Anton Yeong was stunned, to say the least. He offered a pretend kiss, but the woman in front of him gave him a cheek-kiss, merely blowing it in the air. Their cheeks did not even touch.

He stepped back as a frown appeared on his face.

Just very timely, his sister came to check on them and that was his signal to let her go. Obviously, she did not show any romantic interest in him. At least… for now.

He quickly sat back behind his desk, disappointed. He did not look back at her and merely called for his assistant, "Junsu, come inside and show Miss Xia Yanmie to the new office."

"Thank you… Thank you for giving me a chance, Mr. Yeong. I assure you, you won't regret it," said Yanmei while giving a bow. She maintained her smile even until she followed Junsu and shut the door.

When Anton was left alone in his office, he was in deep thought. Was it really possible that there was such a woman who showed no malice toward him? He was asking this, but the truth was, he was dismayed that Yanmei did not respond to him.

He looked fearfully at the window when a realization hit him; it was literally his first rejection from a woman.

"What am I thinking? Why am I even angry? I was only pretending, anyway," Yeong said before letting out a heavy sigh and returning to his work. "Xia Yanmei, I'll be watching your every move."

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Please also check my other story, The President's Lover is a Fighter! It has six hundred chapters and is already completed.

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