
Tribute of the Serpent -Volume 1- [EN] eBook on Kindle / Mebmarket

Tribute of the Serpent 蛇神之致敬 Vol. 1 Translation: Gen-B iReader / Webnovel — eBook version at Amazon Kindle, Mebmarket.com This book was released on Friday, March 3, 2023. Price: $2.99 USD In the spring of the lunar month, cycles occur every twelve years. It’s the year that humans will be closest to the world of the gods. Lóng-nián's bride has been chosen this time by the order of a noble city lord, Lóng yī jìn First and foremost—must be a virgin. Secondly, no family members are descended from demons, and lastly, there must be a woman with a red birthmark somewhere on her body in the shape of a ‘python’ 'Ā bèi' 阿贝 strongly disagreed with the offering of sacrifices to deities. She would never agree! She had only turned eighteen a few days ago. She never had a life of her own before. There were twelve brave women on board before her. No one survived. it doesn’t make any sense at all. She’s afraid that she’ll take her life for nothing! "Let’s go... now is your time. You will live among deities. for the honor of your country and your parents. You are a woman with a brave heart. For your sacrifice today, you should be proud. I won’t forget you... Ābèi" "You definitely won’t forget me. Lord, I know that this path is not for a deity's bride at all. I'm going to feed the snake." --------------------------- The story of a woman's sacrifice who became the demon god Treasure in the celestial world. --------------------------- “However, please understand that I have no idea what you are other than a treasure. Not my woman at all.” “I think I will be your most favored treasure. more than any, so you cherish me to this extent. Otherwise, I would have misidentified you as a strange, therefore, your actions are always contradicting each other.” “You should rest more than you should tease me, Ābèi; I’m not your friend.” She’s smiling! laughing at Divine Yǔchén with her hoarse voice like no one had dared to do it before. Her eyes were slender, like a sly fox. ‘Demon fox’ No matter which family they were from, they all had the same personality as she does now. Ābèi made a fool of her eyes. But it brought a surprisingly warm feeling to his heart. Deity Yǔchén couldn’t take his gaze away from those big, round eyes. as bright as the flowers blooming in his beautiful garden, in the form of a serpent, his neck towering in front of her. “Yes, that’s right... It’s my great merit to become your favorite treasure, Lord Yǔchén.” --------------------------- Ābèi thought that she should put a little more effort into it. Perhaps he will be more interested in her. She wished to possess love in the form of a deity. She heard people say that their love was pure. Devoid of jealousy and sensuality, there is only affection and good will. They only hope for their partners’ happiness. "I think you have some plans. I think you are going to seduce me." “Did it work?” She smiled. Her lips were red against the black robe, making her beautiful skin and white cheeks stand out even more. A stern voice said, “It didn’t work.” "Is God lying too?" "No... God doesn’t lie." ------------------------------- Original Chinese Fantasy Novel from 梦府 Mèng fǔ FB Fanpage Author: @Mengfu.APK translation: Gen-B [Author] iReader , Webnovel , — eBook Version at Amazon.kindle , Mebmarket.com

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45 Chs

9-3 愚蠢的女士 A foolish woman

With the height of the man in front, she had to look up at him. With the feeling that she was so low, she suddenly jumped and stood on a rock in a clear stream.

"I want all the black stones here. I'll find a way to pick it up. But if you force me to go now... Perhaps you have to catch me..."

She provoked the Divine Yǔchén once more. But it wouldn't work. The eyes that were as beautiful as red orbs of blood were now turning cold. like when they first met each other on this river.

"I probably have nothing to discuss with you. Let's play with water and stones at your leisure. Whenever you want to go home, depend on you. But if you find a place to sleep in the middle of the forest, be careful..."

When he was done speaking, the Demon god simply turned and walked away from her.

Ābèi stared at black robes. Embroidered as a serpent pattern with gold thread on his broad back, she stood firm with her gloomy eyes. When Divine Yǔchén had no attachment to her, she was no longer cherished; she's now a heartbreaking lady. even if she didn't ask him to be jealous of her in the first place.

She always loved freedom. as much as her breath, she did not know the cause of this pain in her left chest.

"Why don't you care about me anymore, Lord? are you going to throw away this beautiful treasure of yours? Am I not beautiful in your eyes, or what?"

She muttered, looking down at the beautiful emerald water. She pursed her lips tightly. But suddenly, the pitch-black boulder that she so desperately wanted had sunk into the ground before her eyes. where she didn't get the chance to pick it up and caress it.

The fire tiger is a beast with instincts superior to those of deities and humans. It's shouting.

"Ābèi! You must get out of there!"

At that moment, the earth shook violently. The damp grass split into two sides. Water divides the line between the two and becomes a steep stream in a hole, a large cloud of steam swirled. Suddenly, a black serpent leapt toward the woman in the middle of the river. Curled up in a tight circle around her until no part of her body could be seen.

Three of them fell into a gap in the river, where the entire mass of water turned into razor-sharp ice. as if a swarm of blades formed a storm of fury. Everything in the vicinity is ready to be slaughtered and ground into powder.

Yǔchén felt that he had fallen to the bottom of the emerald water. When the storm subsides, thus freeing the shackled women and beasts, they look around the dim, damp cave. There are stalactites gathered together like frost.

"I'm the first to shout out to warn you. Instead, you cast a shield spell to protect Lord Yǔchén."

"I just pulled you into my arms."

"Ohh... you pulled me down to die with you. It's going to be better if you let me find a way to survive on the ground. How stupid are you, Ābèi?"

The little beast in her arms scolded her. Ābèi raised her head to look at the blocked water. While the Demon god in the black robe was completely soaked, his arms and neck were ice-cut to the point of bleeding.

Ābèi realized that she had made a big mistake. She slapped her hand to cast the golden light, the protective magic of the Tiān Long Sect. Enter the deity, who is standing on the ground. instead of building a shield for herself

"You must not do this again. I am a powerful Demon god. I can take care of myself."

"I did it instinctively. Not even a slight consciousness, I can't promise you."

"You must treat yourself well. especially your pretty face. Your soft skin I'll throw your head out to sleep in the middle of the forest if it has even a few scars."

"I can't do it, I won't promise, I'm willing to sleep in the middle of the forest..."

Ābèi was even more worried about the Yǔchén Deity than herself. She didn't know why. Until meeting the red eyes that stared at her throat, A warm palm lifted up to touch the long wound on her neck. He healed her wounds gently. She decided to speak out.

"I don't know what I am. But I have some feelings for you. I don't want you to get hurt at all. I will be uncomfortable. In addition, when Lord Yǔchén ignores me... My heart hurts so much..."

"It was only a temporary feeling. One day you will forget me. Delete everything from your memory. Because humans, deities, and demons all meet to leave."

Divine Yǔchén comprehends the truth. Try to stay away from these types of feelings. It wasn't because he was afraid of being alone. But he lived alone for many thousands of years, unlike her.

Ābèi was a human female, only eighteen years old.

It was considered that she had gone far beyond her responsibility. She was smarter than anyone.

"Thank you for treating my wounds. I apologize to you. I don't think my playmaking turned into a big deal."

"You always cause trouble. I believe you're really good at these things. Whenever you return to my house, I will imprison you and this beast."

Divine Yǔchén had returned to scold her. So, she came back with a smile.

"I think your scales are blades like I've heard rumors. So you don't even have a scratch. Does it hurt?"

"I can shed scales three times a year. to be a weapon of self-defense for demons. There were only two scales left now because the foolish woman was playing with those stones. Did you know that you guys almost turned into fish food?"

The calm waters turned into sharp blades. If those white clouds of smoke are touched, she may turn to dust. became food for the fish, like Lord Yǔchén said.

Ābèi looked down at the ground dejectedly. Accepting the treatment and reprimand from Divine Yǔchén

Yes, because she only caused trouble. she hurt him. Her heart was also pained by his wounds.