
Tribute of the Serpent -Volume 1- [EN] eBook on Kindle / Mebmarket

Tribute of the Serpent 蛇神之致敬 Vol. 1 Translation: Gen-B iReader / Webnovel — eBook version at Amazon Kindle, Mebmarket.com This book was released on Friday, March 3, 2023. Price: $2.99 USD In the spring of the lunar month, cycles occur every twelve years. It’s the year that humans will be closest to the world of the gods. Lóng-nián's bride has been chosen this time by the order of a noble city lord, Lóng yī jìn First and foremost—must be a virgin. Secondly, no family members are descended from demons, and lastly, there must be a woman with a red birthmark somewhere on her body in the shape of a ‘python’ 'Ā bèi' 阿贝 strongly disagreed with the offering of sacrifices to deities. She would never agree! She had only turned eighteen a few days ago. She never had a life of her own before. There were twelve brave women on board before her. No one survived. it doesn’t make any sense at all. She’s afraid that she’ll take her life for nothing! "Let’s go... now is your time. You will live among deities. for the honor of your country and your parents. You are a woman with a brave heart. For your sacrifice today, you should be proud. I won’t forget you... Ābèi" "You definitely won’t forget me. Lord, I know that this path is not for a deity's bride at all. I'm going to feed the snake." --------------------------- The story of a woman's sacrifice who became the demon god Treasure in the celestial world. --------------------------- “However, please understand that I have no idea what you are other than a treasure. Not my woman at all.” “I think I will be your most favored treasure. more than any, so you cherish me to this extent. Otherwise, I would have misidentified you as a strange, therefore, your actions are always contradicting each other.” “You should rest more than you should tease me, Ābèi; I’m not your friend.” She’s smiling! laughing at Divine Yǔchén with her hoarse voice like no one had dared to do it before. Her eyes were slender, like a sly fox. ‘Demon fox’ No matter which family they were from, they all had the same personality as she does now. Ābèi made a fool of her eyes. But it brought a surprisingly warm feeling to his heart. Deity Yǔchén couldn’t take his gaze away from those big, round eyes. as bright as the flowers blooming in his beautiful garden, in the form of a serpent, his neck towering in front of her. “Yes, that’s right... It’s my great merit to become your favorite treasure, Lord Yǔchén.” --------------------------- Ābèi thought that she should put a little more effort into it. Perhaps he will be more interested in her. She wished to possess love in the form of a deity. She heard people say that their love was pure. Devoid of jealousy and sensuality, there is only affection and good will. They only hope for their partners’ happiness. "I think you have some plans. I think you are going to seduce me." “Did it work?” She smiled. Her lips were red against the black robe, making her beautiful skin and white cheeks stand out even more. A stern voice said, “It didn’t work.” "Is God lying too?" "No... God doesn’t lie." ------------------------------- Original Chinese Fantasy Novel from 梦府 Mèng fǔ FB Fanpage Author: @Mengfu.APK translation: Gen-B [Author] iReader , Webnovel , — eBook Version at Amazon.kindle , Mebmarket.com

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45 Chs

14-1 发誓 Oath

Dragon Father was very serious about training. After receiving an important message from the Heavenly King about his son and a woman, Deity Yǔchén needed to be cultivated both physically and mentally. to be able to access the celestial world's spells. All of that belonged to Lord Hào Rán, who had never acted as a father.

"You must learn to control the power of Yin. If you can consciously control it, the elder prophecy's fate will never come true. This is my great duty. As I am your father... I've abandoned you all this time, Yǔchén."

Ābèi tried to listen to the two of them talk while sitting on a red pine chair inside the house. not too far from the courtyard. After that, she looked up at the black python and the azure dragon rising up in the sky. The surrounding area was surrounded by a protective shield.

a semicircular golden-yellow weight. It's the work of the divine men in the house joining forces together. in order not to let the flora be affected by the maneuvers or damage outside the territory. Those ten deities were more male than two females. They were all dressed in white robes woven with dragon patterns.

A divine man in this house told her that Deity Yǔchén might have to stay with his father for a while. He had worked hard the day before to bring her a beautiful black robe, and some not-so-colorful clothes were placed in her room.

"The demon serpent is best at releasing its power in the original body of a demon."

Fire Tiger spoke in a different voice. It crouched next to a red pine chair.

Lián lián had grown into a medium-sized beast. It didn't have a long childhood.

Ābèi thus spent the majority of its time inquiring about various stories with Lián lián, who was more knowledgeable about the divine worlds. while watching both the Dragon God and the Demon god leap through the sky, even though the sky fluctuates Precipitation fell from time to time until a cold mist spread all around. She herself also exhaled white smoke.

It's very admirable...

Deity Yǔchén never indomitable in the face of obstacles. Even though the red eyes returned to see her, until his father yelled, in an angry voice, 'What are you looking at?' 'Where are you looking, Lord Yǔchén!'

even though he couldn't concentrate because he was worried about her. If the Demon god unleashed fire from his Trinity eyes, even with the dragon's father, the god men in the residence would be forced to protect the fallen trees.

After a while, both parties returned to the form of a divine man. They cast immortal spells at each other as if they weren't father and son. As if they despise each other...

They're not even being careful not to burden anyone in the house.

And then the gods and the goddesses began to sit and wait for the two to complete their battles.

"Tianxian, Dixian, Guixian, Baxian...[1] I've read a lot of divine books. Now I can sit and watch the deities fighting in the heavenly world with my own eyes. See... how fortunate I am" Ābèi said, turning to the Fire Tiger. she remembered one thing. "You said Lord Yǔchén grew up with his mother? Why is he so bad at using Yin power?"

"My mother didn't tell me much about Mrs. Fèi yì. I only know who's her son when she says..." Lián lián said after a brief moment of silence, hesitatingly, "Speaking of Millennium Jade."

"All right, your mother wants a Millennium Jade for Mrs. Fèi yì, not for you. Did you sit and listen to your mother's conversation with Fèi yì?"


Ābèi was able to be predictable. because the Fire Tiger seldom mentions its mother. She thought that Tiger Mother had lied to The River's Deity about Bai Xia's poison, but it wasn't a lie. and probably want to do something with Millennium Jade. Just accidentally put a child in the bag. When Deity Yǔchén offered a condition for a golden lotus instead of a Millennium Jade So he said he couldn't wait and still lost quite a bit of face.

She might have been completely wrong.

Ābèi looked down at the blue flames once more. Soothe it with gentle eyes.

"It's okay, Lián lián... However, you still have me. Those past things let's just forget about them. You don't have to think about anything you don't want to think about."

Flame Tiger was constantly comforted by Ābèi. It met her pair of bright eyes with a feeling of gratitude. It doesn't want to betray her anymore.

"I can tell you, Ābèi. My mother sent me a message while leaving me to spy on you. So I informed them that you were unaware of the Millennium Jade. It wasn't with Lord Yǔchén too. Personally, I ate and slept. I was very happy. Ābèi turned me into a lazy demon."

"Hmm... I understand you. You must have your reasons. I thank you for telling me this matter."

Ābèi smiled, believing that she had conquered Lián lián's heart, and yes, her kindness could conquer both demons and beasts.

"Humans, deities, and demons all have their own yin and yang energy. There is a negative dark side as opposed to a bright side. No matter which side, it can be useful. when a balance could be achieved like Ābèi's Yin-Yang bracelet. I heard it used to be a yang bracelet..."

The Dragon Father lowered his gaze to the precious object on her slender wrist. He probably doesn't see it very often. as she was completely clothed, completely covering the back of her hand.

Divine Hào Rán sometimes consulted with Lord Jí gòng besides cultivating his son, therefore knowing why Ābèi was injured. He also crossed worlds to inform the Heavenly King that his cultivation was progressing well. Deity Yǔchén can control demonic energy.

"Living together without being married is not appropriate. We hold traditions. Even though I didn't attend any ceremonies with your mother, you shouldn't do like me."

[1] Tian xian天仙] Immortals, Bāxiān 八仙, the Eight Immortals