
Tribute of the Serpent -Volume 1- [EN] eBook on Kindle / Mebmarket

Tribute of the Serpent 蛇神之致敬 Vol. 1 Translation: Gen-B iReader / Webnovel — eBook version at Amazon Kindle, Mebmarket.com This book was released on Friday, March 3, 2023. Price: $2.99 USD In the spring of the lunar month, cycles occur every twelve years. It’s the year that humans will be closest to the world of the gods. Lóng-nián's bride has been chosen this time by the order of a noble city lord, Lóng yī jìn First and foremost—must be a virgin. Secondly, no family members are descended from demons, and lastly, there must be a woman with a red birthmark somewhere on her body in the shape of a ‘python’ 'Ā bèi' 阿贝 strongly disagreed with the offering of sacrifices to deities. She would never agree! She had only turned eighteen a few days ago. She never had a life of her own before. There were twelve brave women on board before her. No one survived. it doesn’t make any sense at all. She’s afraid that she’ll take her life for nothing! "Let’s go... now is your time. You will live among deities. for the honor of your country and your parents. You are a woman with a brave heart. For your sacrifice today, you should be proud. I won’t forget you... Ābèi" "You definitely won’t forget me. Lord, I know that this path is not for a deity's bride at all. I'm going to feed the snake." --------------------------- The story of a woman's sacrifice who became the demon god Treasure in the celestial world. --------------------------- “However, please understand that I have no idea what you are other than a treasure. Not my woman at all.” “I think I will be your most favored treasure. more than any, so you cherish me to this extent. Otherwise, I would have misidentified you as a strange, therefore, your actions are always contradicting each other.” “You should rest more than you should tease me, Ābèi; I’m not your friend.” She’s smiling! laughing at Divine Yǔchén with her hoarse voice like no one had dared to do it before. Her eyes were slender, like a sly fox. ‘Demon fox’ No matter which family they were from, they all had the same personality as she does now. Ābèi made a fool of her eyes. But it brought a surprisingly warm feeling to his heart. Deity Yǔchén couldn’t take his gaze away from those big, round eyes. as bright as the flowers blooming in his beautiful garden, in the form of a serpent, his neck towering in front of her. “Yes, that’s right... It’s my great merit to become your favorite treasure, Lord Yǔchén.” --------------------------- Ābèi thought that she should put a little more effort into it. Perhaps he will be more interested in her. She wished to possess love in the form of a deity. She heard people say that their love was pure. Devoid of jealousy and sensuality, there is only affection and good will. They only hope for their partners’ happiness. "I think you have some plans. I think you are going to seduce me." “Did it work?” She smiled. Her lips were red against the black robe, making her beautiful skin and white cheeks stand out even more. A stern voice said, “It didn’t work.” "Is God lying too?" "No... God doesn’t lie." ------------------------------- Original Chinese Fantasy Novel from 梦府 Mèng fǔ FB Fanpage Author: @Mengfu.APK translation: Gen-B [Author] iReader , Webnovel , — eBook Version at Amazon.kindle , Mebmarket.com

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45 Chs

12-1 是真的 It’s true...



It's true...

"...your mother raised you, and also bear her womb. She was in pain, as if her body was about to shatter when giving birth. All of them were extremely difficult tasks. She never even uttered a single word of complaint. She is braver than me, the Heavenly Dragon..."

Dragon Father had never spoken ill of Fèi yì in front of his son. He appears to be depressed. repent of his mistakes, especially now that he has to face his son after not seeing each other for hundreds of years.

Two divine men sat and chatted on a red pine chair carved with dragon motifs. Sip tea from a clean, white earthenware cup.

Father wears a blue robe embroidered with gold thread dragon patterns—exquisite work. There are accessories on the bun for a slightly formal look. shining gold sash, the dragon's father was not dressed as if he had lived in the celestial realm as a divine man; he simply dressed more attractively every day. while his son was dressed in pitch black. Embroidered in a serpent pattern with gold thread.

Hào Rán moved his hand to slap the shoulder of the tall man by his side to comfort him

"However, thou shalt not enjoy merriment. Burn everything like your mother. if there is no reason, don't cause others to suffer often."

"Father, please forgive me. I'll be cautious the next day. I won't use demonic energy again."

"I didn't stop you from using it. You just have to know how to control it. This power is your life, Yǔchén. You must learn to live with it. in order to take advantage."

"I don't see any use in the power of destruction."

"A divine or demonic power has power within itself. You have not yet discovered the truth about Yin power. The Force of Darkness and Destruction so you don't find it useful."

Yǔchén listened to his father's teachings with a serious expression. and so true. He was unable to reach the truth of Yin. He had never seen the power of destruction as useful.

The handsome face looked outside, next to the dragon-engraved door. The clear sky was brighter than The River's deitys. The surrounding area was covered with mist.

The dragon father's residence is above the ground. Floating in earth's heaven, this realm was between the secret realm and the heavenly realm.

Divine Yǔchén still misses her... who's within his reach...

One beautiful woman, like the goddess in the Heavenly world, one demonic beast was looking at the colorful flowers and grass. Unlike the mortal world, this strange group of flying birds also had talking eagles. The many treasures in the Dragon Father's House were amazing to Ābèi who had never step her feet in. She looked fresh and bright. Interested in knowing everything, even a red wooden house surrounded by golden streams interspersed with emerald colors. A group of fish swims beneath this house. She was running around with her Fire Tiger.

In contrast to the Demon god Man...

even if he could reclaim her. She agreed to come back and live under his mandate again. A gloomy feeling clung to Divine Yǔchén's heart at every moment.


The first meeting felt intimate, like have known each other for a long time.

His feelings for her began the first time he met those eyes on the emerald waters. A woman stepped on her large palms. with the courageous look in her eyes

Discovering the truth this time solved many questions, but...

'Ābèi... Now I am a Demon god who is not suitable for love. What am I supposed to do...'

"I'm wondering... For what purpose would you arrest her? If she wants to go, let her go. You should give her freedom."

Father's words jolted him out of his reverie. Divine Yǔchén took his gazes way off the woman on his sight.

"Ābèi... She's so beautiful. She had no way of escaping the dangers of the divine realm. Where is she going to eat and sleep? Where else would she hide if not my place? Even a drop of rain on her body would make her feel uncomfortable. Also, the devils and many divine men Even before meeting her, they all had their intentions, while she's naive. She is unfamiliar with the male."

"My residence is empty. Do I take good care of her? You have a different job and more responsibilities than me, who was released from all of Deity's work. I am definitely a godman that can be trusted."

"No, I'm afraid she's acting unattractive. You might be criticized by the deities... Father..."

"I am a secluded divine man. After being free with The Deity job for a long time I didn't care about anyone. I live in this house quite comfortably. There is nothing to worry about. You see... even the flowers in my house are colorful. The seed was brought to me by the Heavenly King himself. Ābèi will be happy if she stays in my house."

The tea cup in his hand, which was placed on the saucer, appeared to be covered in a cloud of black smoke. Divine Yǔchén had just released a lot of demonic energy in his snake body. provoked by his father's words. It took an effort to calm down by not saying a single word in response. However, the expression of anger was so tight that his hands trembled, his teeth clenched, and he made the Dragon Father laugh.

"Haha... my son, do you think I don't know... I know what you're thinking. But do you know? She was just a Demon god's treasure. A human tribute does not live as long as us."

the father's words about things that he did not know before humiliating the owner of the Demon god's sacrifice. What the Dragon God had said was unreliable to him.

"How is it possible, father? What did you say?"

"She has breath, spirit, not common property. In after a while, her celestial body would turn into ashes. just like your mother's tribute."

Divine Yǔchén shook his head. How could that be possible? He slammed his teacup on the mother-of-pearl table and turned to repeat, "Father... I'm half-demon, but you're the true God. I have always been with my mother. Despite numerous human sacrifices, I have not discovered any treasures..."

"Listen to me, Yǔchén, you must listen to Father." in a deeper voice. Hào Rán didn't want to tell his son about this. But it's his duty to take responsibility.

It's true...