
Tribulation of Mysteries

This is a translation I have been doing of Wen Chao Gong's Tribulation of Mysteries novel (author of Warlock of Magus World) following Alan Sothos, a reincarnated noble in a feudal society and his search for power and immortality

mdm6627162 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Tourney and Banquent

On the hastily constructed dueling arena...

Two Green Forest warriors collided fiercely, fighting with primitive weapons...

Neither was armored, revealing their developed muscles, menacing scars, and various tattoos...

It wasn't exactly accurate to call them tattoos. Alan knew that ancient 'Green Forest warriors' liked using green or blue dyes to paint their bodies and faces with simple patterns...

To this day, this custom still persisted in the Green Forest...

Though he didn't find the green and blue faces intimidating, it was said to effectively scare off enemies...

Once, these 'Green Savages' were the nightmare of the northern lords of the Kagash Kingdom...

Bang! As Alan was lost in thought, a bearded warrior on the arena knocked down his opponent with a stone axe, roaring at the crowd below and showcasing his muscles...


On the high platform, Theodore raised his hand and announced loudly: "The victor of this competition is Morkdo from the Wasteland!"

Bored, Alan glanced around. On the high platform, with the best view, were Lady Sonia with Ginny, Sean, and even Colin...

This tournament was originally held to celebrate the birth of a new heir...

Notably, Silvia had survived and, according to Ginny, was recovering well, without any signs of postpartum infections; it seemed the allicin had some effect...

Actually, at that time, Alan wasn't entirely confident either...it could be said that she was just lucky this time...


A grand banquet was held in the castle...

A golden roast pig was placed at the center of the long table, with an apple in its mouth, surrounded by a variety of sumptuous dishes...

Alan held a glass of wine, slightly disliking the noisy atmosphere of the banquet...

You have to know, nobles at this time were very wild and open, and banquets were also a great place to socialize...

Some men and women who met for the first time couldn't wait to flirt passionately, even agreeing to meet later in the garden or the servants' quarters...

Overall, it was a chaotic scene...

Hmm, there were even those who wanted to 'hunt' Alan, with knights' daughters and even wives coming to fawn over him, which he found quite bothersome...

"Haha, my child, you're still as shy as ever and can't adapt to such occasions..."

Theodore laughed heartily as he walked over, and people automatically made way, clearly knowing the Count wanted to chat with his second son...

"You should learn from Colin; he's very adaptable..."

Starting with a woman would quickly warm up a conversation among men...

However, using this opener made Alan feel a sense of politeness and importance...

He smiled slightly: "Colin is an excellent heir. If he were a bit more humble...Father, is there something you need?"

This direct approach made Theodore frown slightly, then he said: "You're seventeen now; you should consider marriage. According to Kagash custom, a Count can bestow a lower noble title. Maybe you should be given a title too, though it won't come with land; it sounds better..."

In the Kagash Kingdom, barons and viscounts weren't officially titled nobles, not even with a knight's authority...

To have such authority, one needed to at least be a Count, who was considered a true ruler and an entry to the great nobility...

Of course, if a baron or viscount wanted to divide their territory and be titled, the paperwork sent up would be approved...

If they had a suzerain Count, the Count handled the approval...

If not, it went directly to the king...

Typically, great nobles wouldn't refuse, as it weakened the lesser nobles...

However, in the Green Forest, the situation was different...

The land was vast and sparsely populated; many knights' territories were large enough to make their counterparts within the kingdom jealous...

For example, Alan's territory could be further developed and was the size of a barony in the kingdom, just less populated...

Theodore too preferred calling himself a lord rather than a baron...

So, Alan knew this wasn't Theodore's main point...

'It feels like Theodore has become more political since ruling the Green Forest?'

He internally joked and said, "If I can receive your title, it would be an honor, but I haven't found a lady I truly like..."

"That's unfortunate, but perhaps you could consider a 'Sheep Girl' from the Kagash Kingdom?" Theodore suggested...

The lords of the Kagash Kingdom were often mocked for being weak and unskilled in battle, earning the nickname 'Sheep People,' and their daughters were 'Sheep Girls'...

"A political marriage?"

Alan laughed: "If you want to fully integrate into Kagash, it's a good idea..."

"I'm considering it. Ferlic suggested it...but something feels off, like there's a trap."

Theodore said...

In the past, Alan's marriage would be decided without his input, just informed...

But now he was also a vassal, requiring discussion...

Alan found it amusing but played along...

Finally, Theodore casually asked: "I heard your territory uses a new cultivation method and something called fertilizer, which can double the yield? Your paper invention is already a hit in the kingdom, with merchants scrambling for it..."

'So that's what this is about?'

Alan nodded inwardly, maintaining a calm expression: "Just a small improvement. If you wish, Father, I can discuss it with your agricultural officer..."

Theodore's expression turned serious: "How could I covet my son's possessions?"

But with Alan's persuasion, he gradually eased...

Later, back in his room, Alan chuckled: "Is this a common trait among feudal lords? Always wanting to grab all the good stuff for themselves?"

"But I got what I wanted too."

In tonight's negotiations, he and Theodore reached a 'political deal.' In exchange for agricultural techniques, he gained complete autonomy over his marriage...

Theodore hinted that as long as he didn't marry a farm girl, he could choose or delay the marriage...

This relieved Alan; he didn't want an arranged marriage like Colin...

Watching the door crack, he suddenly smiled: "Tia, come in!"

(End of Chapter)