
Tribulation of Mysteries

This is a translation I have been doing of Wen Chao Gong's Tribulation of Mysteries novel (author of Warlock of Magus World) following Alan Sothos, a reincarnated noble in a feudal society and his search for power and immortality

mdm6627162 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

The Strange Object

"Huff huff... The ability to liquify into blood, immune to physical attacks, truly troublesome."

Mass sat next to Lin, panting heavily: "But as a 'Child of Flames,' I not only command real flames, but also possess flames that can burn through spiritual entities..."

"This time, I must thank the high priest for granting me the 'strange object'!"

Mass picked up the black stone, his face suddenly showing some fear and dread.

Using the strange object requires a price!

He used the high-level ability of a 'Seeker of Darkness,' which required a sacrifice of flesh rich in dark spirituality!

"Luckily, these two fools died; their flesh is enough to satisfy the 'Devouring Light Stone's' requirement!"

Mass muttered to himself as he saw the patterns on the stone morph into a mouth full of sharp teeth. He promptly dragged the corpse of the cultist pierced by a blade over the stone.

Crunch, crunch!

The gruesome chewing sound echoed; the cultist's corpse visibly diminished and vanished...

"Not enough..."

Mass quickly retreated and brought over the headless corpse.

He couldn't call on Lem and others guarding the back door, as showing them how he treated their comrades wouldn't be wise.

He transported two corpses and watched the 'Devouring Light Stone' consume the flesh completely, reverting to its original appearance. He let out a long breath and prepared to retrieve the strange item.

At that moment, he suddenly yawned: "Something's wrong... There are so many particles in the air... Blue, green, red, black..."

Mass's thoughts grew more and more muddled. Then he bit his tongue sharply, instinctively trying to activate the strange item.

But it was too late.

In the void, some invisible threads had encircled his neck and strangled him swiftly.


Mass's headless corpse fell to the ground, the stone slipping from his hand and rolling some distance away, yet remaining motionless.

Thud thud!

Footsteps echoed as Olivia approached, picking up the 'Devouring Light Stone' and checking Lin's condition: "Fortunately, you're alright..."

She pulled a small metal bottle from her bosom and poured some potion into Lin's mouth.


Lin struggled to wake up: "What about that 'Child of Flames'?"

"He's dead. The two cultists guarding the back door have also been dealt with by me... Barnard is watching them. One, named Calvin, cooperated quite well and confessed Mass had a strange item, so I came to support you."

Olivia said.

Lin saw the corpses nearby and fell silent: "Do you plan to recruit members of the [Black Sun]?"

"Yes, our lord might be able to awaken their free will, as long as they haven't been deeply poisoned..."

Olivia searched Mass's body again, retrieving several spiritual materials and a black tome.

"The 'Sayings of the Sun Seeker'?"

She softly read the name of the tome, flipped through a few pages, then closed her eyes: "Some of the occult knowledge in here is useful. After learning it, we can offer it to our lord… Hmm, be cautious while reading; it comes with mild mental pollution..."

Lin glanced at Mass's corpse, gritting her teeth: "I want to offer his spirituality to our lord!"


In Blackstone Manor.

Alan placed his hand over the burning candle, silently sensing the change in temperature... A warm sensation spread in his palm, hot but not scorching, and there was no pain or burn.

After a moment, he withdrew his hand, carefully observing his jade-like palm, finding not a single scar.

"So this is the power of dark spirituality?"

Alan murmured: "It doesn't seem to have much use, other than allowing me to escape unharmed during a fire..."

After successfully thwarting the team of 'Children of Flames,' Olivia and Lin returned to the department store branch and offered the spirituality of the 'Child of Flames' and the contents of that dark secret tome to him.

If Olivia hadn't stopped her, Lin might have offered the 'Devouring Light Stone' to Alan as well.

However, Alan had decided then and there that even if they deemed it necessary to offer, he wouldn't accept.

After all, whether spirituality or knowledge, they were intangible.

Compared to tangible items, they would undoubtedly produce different effects, a field he hadn't yet ventured into.

"I wonder if these so-called 'strange objects' or 'bizarre items' can break through the barriers of the world..."

Alan murmured.

According to Olivia, 'strange objects' were a fusion of spirituality and real objects, often possessing many inexplicable abilities.

Most of their sources originated from the successful or failed sacrificial rites of cults and secret organizations.

Another part came from the deaths of powerful beings...

One could say their creation involved a lot of coincidences, making manufacturing very difficult.

More critically, they were extremely dangerous!

Even carrying them would result in continuous, albeit mild, pollution and corrosion!

Not to mention, every time they were used, 'strange objects' would bring about extremely severe negative effects, necessitating various means to mitigate them.

Otherwise, they would inevitably backlash against the user!

"However, a great price comes with great power... That 'Devouring Light Stone' is equivalent to half a 'Seeker of Darkness'... The Black Sun Cult lost so many people and an important item; surely, they will continue their pursuit?"

Alan felt a bit helpless.

As a deity of the Light of Redemption faith, it was impossible for him to personally instruct the two women on how to resist and hide.

Lin, evidently, bore a deep grudge against the Black Sun Cult. Upon hearing of their enemies' arrival, she immediately sought revenge under the pretext of clearing the deity's domain, leaving Alan somewhat helpless.

"Even with Olivia joining, it might not be enough to hold her back... Not to mention, Lin has learned about Ike's death..."

In fact, Alan had long suspected that Ike wouldn't meet a good end.

However, this news would inevitably provoke Lin.

"We'll just have to let her seek revenge later... In her current state, going now would be suicide..."

Alan rubbed his temples.

"Baron, Scholar Albert requests an audience!"

At this moment, Daili walked in again and asked for permission.

"It seems there's more to discuss..."

Alan waved his hand, and Daili quickly left. Not long after, the plump Albert came in, bowed, and greeted, "Baron, regarding the matter of Knight Iman, the ravens from Sothos Fort have replied. The Count approves of your actions and has issued orders to the Green Forest lords to arrest those on the list..."

"That's expected, and then..." Alan looked at the lingering Albert and asked with a smile.

"There's also an unconfirmed report. The Count is considering appointing you as the godfather of Shaya."