
Tribulation of Mysteries

This is a translation I have been doing of Wen Chao Gong's Tribulation of Mysteries novel (author of Warlock of Magus World) following Alan Sothos, a reincarnated noble in a feudal society and his search for power and immortality

mdm6627162 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

The Scarlet Moon

"Master... No response!?"

Olivia knew that the spirit of delusion only occasionally responded to devotees, but in such a critical situation, could it be the same?

Her heart sank: "Is this... a god?"

At this moment, the words describing the deity from a previous believer suddenly surfaced in her mind: 'The gods are without desire, without love or hate, overlooking the mortal realm, uncaring of the fate of ants...'

"We are all just ants... For those great beings, the life and death of ants mean nothing... Perhaps... those previous responses were just manifestations of a certain personality mask of that dreadful being, merely a virtual persona, a facade..."

"My lord... Are you punishing me?"

Lin looked at the scene with a smile on her face: "No matter how you treat me, I will still believe in you..."

Countless flesh and blood enveloped her, resembling the embryo of a life being nurtured. Veins spread quickly across Lin's face, covering most of it like a mask, leaving only one eye exposed, which was steadily shrinking...

At this moment, Olivia suddenly felt that a terrifying presence... had arrived!

A tear flowed from Lin's single eye.


Alan Sothos watched this scene, not knowing what to say: "I just logged off to eat, and now my fanatic is in mortal danger?"

He stared at the flesh on Lin, knowing that the situation had reached an extremely dangerous point.

"Fortunately, Olivia has already performed the ritual..."

Alan quickly connected with the ritual, his mysterious energy surged forth like a tide, pouring into Lin.

"How could Lin get so severely contaminated?"

Upon establishing the connection, Alan felt a chill in his heart.

The contamination and flesh mutation on Lin were horrifyingly severe. Moreover, it seemed that every inch of her flesh was filled with another strong and frenzied will!

"Is it the Flesh Mother Tree?"

Alan's mysterious energy began to continuously extinguish these wills, and the flesh mask on Lin's face halted its spread.

However, Alan was extremely solemn, feeling a hint of terror!

As the contamination was eradicated, he could feel that the frenzied will was starting to rage.

Outside the window, in the sky, the crimson moon became even more scarlet, seemingly turning into a mad and sinister eye, hanging high in the sky, overlooking the mortal world...

"Scarlet Moon, Terrifying Great Mother, Fertile Flesh Mother Tree!"

A revered title suddenly floated in Alan's mind.

He even saw that countless cysts were forming on the surface of the flesh ball in front of him, seemingly filled with countless embryos, even attracting surrounding spirits...

'If I went inside, would I be born again, thus obtaining a true corporeal form in this world? No...'

Alan snapped back to his senses, his consciousness trembling slightly: "I've been slightly influenced by the contamination... Even if reborn, I would likely fall under the control of the Scarlet Moon, a fate worse than death!"

"Be gone!"

Having previously used only one mysterious unit, he now roared in anger, pouring out his reserves.

Two mysterious units...

Three mysterious units...

Ten mysterious units!

Finally, the massive flesh ball split open, revealing Lin's figure within, with countless flesh retracting.

Lin seemed to see a blurry humanoid figure, with a warm large hand stroking her head: "Leave!"


A mass of flesh detached from her body, crawling on the ground like a mollusk, eventually consuming a chair and actively forming...

One branch after another sprouted from the chair, growing roots, producing a crimson staff.

It was entirely crimson, knotted with branches and tentacles, the head of the staff split into forks, numerous tiny branches forming a crown, resembling a sinister wooden dragon head.

"Do not gaze at the moon again."

Alan told Lin.

If an ordinary evil believer were merely irradiated by the power of the terrifying source on their path, then Lin, with her exceptionally suited constitution, was polluted by a bit of that power. This time, it was even more severe; she had directly entered the terrifying entity's view!

She was now under the attention of the source of her path! In a cult worshiping the Scarlet Moon, she would instantly be ordained as a saint.

However, based on her subsequent performance, she was a standard defector and facing further attention would inevitably end badly.

"Thank you for your salvation!"

Lin's head was throbbing with pain. Alan had only expelled the contamination within her but hadn't sealed her knowledge.

She knelt on the ground, sincerely thanking him.

"Be mindful of the dangerous knowledge in your mind!"

Alan reminded her once more.

An entity at the end of a one's path is the source of mystery, even embodying mystery itself. They represent the highest esoteric knowledge!

Ordinary cults could only piece together trivial information from their ravings.

Lin, however, had gazed straight at the 'Scarlet Moon', possibly holding high-level mystical knowledge surpassing even the high priest!

Alan, of course, wouldn't miss such an opportunity.

He glanced at Olivia, also helping her expel a bit of the hidden contamination left by the Scarlet Moon, finally ending the ritual's response.


Olivia heaved a heavy sigh, glaring at Lin: "What dangerous thing did you do, Lin?!"

Lin awkwardly chuckled, tugging Olivia's hand: "Olivia-sister, I won't dare anymore."

"There won't be a next time. If our master hadn't responded to the prayer, you, me, and everyone in this building would be dead!"

Olivia replied irritably.

"I will never do it again..."

Lin, still shaken, answered, understanding that her days of exploiting opportunities were over.

The Scarlet Moon had remembered her, and who knows, next time it might bring divine punishment directly!

"Sigh... this time was really... how are you?"

Olivia sighed.

"Apart from a bit of a headache, I'm fine..." Lin closed her eyes, a flood of forbidden and terrifying knowledge surged in her mind.

How to advance after becoming a 'Bloodseer' was the least of it.

There was also knowledge on how to construct a blood pool, using the blood of maidens to draw spiritual essence, and even knowledge on how to retain youth forever...

As well as how to use flesh and bones, combined with rituals and sacrifices, to create powerful and terrifying strange objects.

Even... some more brutal and eerie sacrificial rites...

Olivia's gaze swept over and landed on a blood-red staff, prompting another sigh: "This is the first time I've seen the formation of a 'strange object'..."

Lin opened her eyes: "Olivia sister, you say... it's a 'strange object'?"

"Not just a 'strange object', it might even be an extremely terrifying one, after all... it comes directly from... a true god!"

Olivia sighed again, not knowing why, but her gaze was unconsciously drawn to the staff. The scarlet lines were as perfect as an artwork, and the forked curves were mesmerizing...