
Tribulation of Mysteries

This is a translation I have been doing of Wen Chao Gong's Tribulation of Mysteries novel (author of Warlock of Magus World) following Alan Sothos, a reincarnated noble in a feudal society and his search for power and immortality

mdm6627162 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

The Gift

The scorching summer arrived suddenly.

After a downpour, Alan looked at the dark red potion in his hand, feeling slightly dazed: 'Finally... it worked...'

After numerous failures, he had finally managed to create a potion. With slow usage and regular exercise, it should help strengthen the body.

'In terms of effect, it's probably similar to some potions from my previous life...'

'And... it can't break the limits of human capability.'

'What have I achieved after spending so much time and effort?'

Alan felt a slight sense of frustration.

He realized that his hair had grown to his shoulders without him noticing.

Thinking for a moment, he pulled out a dagger and gave himself a simple haircut, then called Daili for a thorough bath.

'Summon the scholar!'

After bathing and tidying up, Alan, feeling completely refreshed and energetic, called for the territory scholar, Albert.

'My scholar, what major events have occurred in the territory recently?'

Alan asked casually.

'Blessed by Grandmother Green, everything in the territory is peaceful, but there are some bad rumors in the prison, and some fear that you punish too harshly...'

Albert's plump face showed a bit of anxiety.

'It's necessary.'

Alan didn't offer any explanation. Should he say that it's to get enough test subjects, so severe punishment is a must?

'But rest assured, such things will become less frequent in the future.'

Thinking for a moment and seeing Albert's graying hair, he added a few comforting words.

'Your mercy shines like the stars!'

Albert quickly bowed: 'Besides, it's almost your birthday, and there are gifts from Sothos Fort...'

Alan was momentarily stunned. He was born in summer, on a stormy night, but as he grew older, he barely celebrated his birthday and almost ignored it.

Unexpectedly, after becoming a lord, it was taken seriously again.

He had to admit, it was a bit ironic.

'So... do you think I should return to the fort and hold a banquet?' Alan asked casually.

'According to the Green Forest people's customs, when family members become independent, they no longer maintain close ties with their original family...' Albert wiped the cold sweat from his face.

For some reason, he always felt that his master's imposing presence was almost comparable to that of the Count of Green Forest.

'However... this is your first birthday since being knighted, perhaps returning to the fort is not a bad choice.'

He tactfully suggested: 'Besides, Lady Silvia is due soon, and you need to prepare a gift.'

'That's true...'

Alan nodded and suddenly smiled: 'I should indeed visit the castle. Just in time, the first batch of spring wheat has matured and can be a gift.'


Several days later.

A convoy slowly arrived at the town outside Sothos Fort.

At the forefront was a carriage, followed by many carts carrying bags of wheat, emitting an alluring fresh fragrance.

At the castle gate, the carriage stopped, and Alan jumped off, stretching lazily.

He had taken a nap on the carriage, using his dream-entry ability of Danger Sense.

With each occurrence of lucid dreaming these days, his dream consciousness hadn't awakened other abilities, but the Danger Sense seemed to have enhanced.

His intuition was becoming sharper, indeed leaning towards 'dream divination'.

'Am I being too paranoid?'

Casually sending a guard to notify, Alan looked at the massive wooden gate of the castle and thought to himself.

It wasn't long before the castle gate opened with a roar, and Theodore, in a wolf fur coat, personally greeted him: 'Our wanderer finally knows to return home?'


Alan bowed first and then pointed to the carts behind him: 'I brought the latest harvest from the territory, hoping you like this gift.'

'This spring wheat...'

Theodore approached and pulled out a dagger, casually cutting open a bag, feeling the full vitality of the wheat. He was moved: 'This is... a top-grade variety. What's the yield per acre?'

As a lord, he also placed great importance on farming.

'Roughly around 1,500 pounds...'

Alan answered with a smile. This couldn't be hidden, anyway. Not to mention his subjects boasting daily, just a casual visit from a passerby to the fields could give a general estimate.


He immediately heard Theodore gasp: 'That much? Then your territory can earn 1,000 narls at once...'

Green Forest didn't have its own currency; narl was a currency unit from the Kagash Kingdom.

'Actually not that much, as I split it 50-50 with the farmers, plus some must be reserved and can't all be sold to merchants... So, earning 200 narls is good enough.'

Alan shook his head.

'50-50? You are too kind...' Theodore instinctively frowned: 'This doesn't align with your previous strict laws.'

'I believe that mercy and severity are like the two wheels of a carriage. Without either, it can't effectively make the citizens submit...'

Alan said: 'On one hand, I provide them with full bellies. On the other, I implement strict laws to ensure they don't dare to defy my rules.'

In reality, it was all nonsense. He was just finding an excuse for getting test subjects.

As for the land rent, taking 50% was already scary...

Theodore wanted to say something but eventually sighed: 'Well, it's up to you, it's your territory after all. Follow me in!'

He led Alan into the grand castle: 'You're just in time. Blessed by the Ancestor, Silvia has just given birth to a baby boy. We're going to have two celebrations in a row. I think... we can hold a tournament to celebrate.'

The Green Forest culture was full of barbaric and primitive elements.

For example, during grand celebrations, they liked gladiatorial contests to add excitement.

Later, influenced by the civilization of the Kagash Kingdom, it turned into more rule-based tournaments.

Often the victor would receive generous rewards. It's said in the Kagash Kingdom, the champion could be knighted, and even granted land.

But in Green Forest, that was impossible. At most, one would get the title of a warrior along with a hefty sum of money.

Alan strolled into the hall and immediately saw Lady Sonia, Sean, and Ginny coming out to greet him. Lady Sonia now had a very amiable attitude, smiling kindly at Alan.

'Where's Colin?'

Theodore looked around, somewhat dissatisfied.

'Young master is in the birthing room...'

The old scholar bowed: 'Lady Silvia's post-birth condition is not good, she might... she might soon be called by the gods...'