
Tribulation of Mysteries

This is a translation I have been doing of Wen Chao Gong's Tribulation of Mysteries novel (author of Warlock of Magus World) following Alan Sothos, a reincarnated noble in a feudal society and his search for power and immortality

mdm6627162 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Night Raid

Time rewinds a bit.

Roan Davis gazed at the camp in Widow's Bay, a grim expression on his face. 'Damn it, how could it be so coincidental?'

As a member of the Davis Family, he was well-versed in the family's strategy.

The main force was to hold off the Sothos Family's main army, while a small troop would proceed down the river, catching them off guard. In just one day, Sothos Fort could be captured, sealing the fate of the Sothos Family with an internal and external pincer attack.

Who would have expected that there would be a team blocking the only route?

The terrain of Widow's Bay was too disadvantageous. Once a water barrier and camp were set, it would be nearly impossible to break through with just a few hundred men in a short time!

Fortunately, according to the scouts' information, only a small team was stationed at Widow's Bay, with not many people and lacking combat strength.

'These dozens of people camping and defending will be hard to take head-on. We must launch a surprise attack.'

Roan looked at his team and felt a bit more confident. After all, he had a true knight following him!

'Uncle Sariba, we'll count on you.'

He looked at the knight beside him, who was fully armored and muscular, and spoke softly.

'Don't worry!'

Sariba revealed a bloodthirsty smile. 'Night actions can easily cause confusion, but as long as I get in, the situation is settled!'

Group emotions are the hardest to calm, especially with nighttime fears. Once an attack starts, the enemy might panic and the camp could collapse.

Alan didn't immediately shout 'enemy attack,' considering this.

He also knew that his militiamen were essentially farmers who would easily fall into chaos if startled, leading to complete failure.

But now, the squad leaders were waking the men one by one. The militiamen took up their weapons, their expressions tense but not chaotic.

'There's an enemy night raid. Let them get close before attacking!'

Alan picked up a bow and arrow and instructed in a low voice.

Ancient people rarely ate meat, so they generally suffered from night blindness, making night raids difficult.

Why are night raid war stories famous? Simply because they are rare!

But as a meat-eating noble, he didn't have this problem. Under the moonlight, he quickly determined the enemy's scale.

'There are less than a hundred of them. We have the stronghold, the advantageous terrain, and it's nighttime. Most enemies are blind and need to hold the person in front to move…'

He slowly drew his bow and aimed at two leaders.

He skipped over the armored one, aiming at the other young man next to him.

'Almost there, just a bit more…'

Roan's excitement was palpable. Taking this camp would make him the greatest contributor to the family's conquest of the Green Forest!

He might even be knighted!

Roan rushed into the camp unhindered, slashing open a tent with his sword, but there was no one inside.

His expression changed instantly, his hair standing on end!

At this moment, torches lit up from all directions.

A row of militiamen with weapons took advantageous positions, looking at him as if he were a dead man.

'This is bad!'

Roan shouted, seeing a young man on high ground release his arrow.


An arrow shot through, piercing his thigh and sending Roan crashing to the ground with a scream.

'Close the camp gate, attack!'

Alan watched coldly and gave the command.

They had the advantageous terrain, high ground, and a fence. Even fifty men could withstand a few hundred!

The enemy's surprise attack was discovered, effectively trapping themselves. Closing the gate and splitting their forces to defeat them was now inevitable!


Several hunters among the militiamen also drew their bows. Although they weren't as accurate as Alan, they still hit the enemies, causing more chaos.

'Damn it, did we fall into an ambush?'

Sariba's eyes widened as he looked at his bewildered men.

They were panicking and retreating towards the narrow camp gate, even stepping over each other or turning swords against comrades, solely focused on escape!

At this point, even though they were more trained than the militiamen, it was of no use.

'We can't retreat. Retreating would make us fall into the ambush!'

Sariba, worthy of being a knight, quickly figured everything out. He swung his greatsword, cutting down an approaching militiaman, and roared, 'Charge with me!'

Clang! Clang!

Various attacks landed on his armor, leaving only shallow marks. The big man wielded his greatsword like a whirlwind, almost breaking through the encirclement and charging directly at Alan!

Grimm blocked his path but was struck down in one blow.

Seeing this, Alan had no choice but to drop his bow and pick up his Cross Sword. 'This plan has flaws…'

His subordinates were performing terribly, nearly scattering despite having the upper hand, even failing to close the gate in time.

'But it's not all bad. With a slim chance of escape, the enemy won't fight to the death, preventing this from becoming a desperate struggle,'

Alan muttered, charging forward with his Cross Sword, its blade tracing an arc.

Sariba moved to the left, bringing his greatsword down fiercely.

Alan raised his Cross Sword, the two swords clashing in the air with a harsh screech.

Luckily, his sword didn't break like a thinner rapier might have.

Alan's eyes remained calm, fighting Sariba as if practicing swordsmanship.

His steps were agile, dodging swiftly, avoiding direct clashes. These were habits from using a rapier.

After several missed swings of his greatsword, Sariba's breathing grew heavier.

'An opportunity!'

Alan sidestepped, reaching Sariba's back.

Armor provided high defense but hindered movement and consumed energy.

Sariba's speed was notably reduced now. Alan seized the chance, driving his sword into the knee joint, drawing a stream of blood.

Sariba screamed, falling to one knee.

'A knight…'

Alan panted lightly but remained alert. He disarmed Sariba and thrust his sword through the helmet's visor.

Blood gushed from the helmet, and Sariba's large body collapsed.

'Sariba the knight is dead!'

'Wild Bear Sariba the Savage is dead!'

The Davis Family soldiers, seeing this, felt their faith crumble, surrendering or fleeing faster.


At this moment, Eight Fingers finally secured the camp gate, seizing full control…

(Chapter End)