
Tribulation of Mysteries

This is a translation I have been doing of Wen Chao Gong's Tribulation of Mysteries novel (author of Warlock of Magus World) following Alan Sothos, a reincarnated noble in a feudal society and his search for power and immortality

mdm6627162 · Fantasy
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60 Chs


"Sorry, Knight Iman, I will have someone send the compensation for burning your forest and mobilizing the militia later..."

Since it was a large-scale operation, Knight Iman also arrived at the end.

Alan rode forward slightly apologetically.

The vegetation, animals, fish, and even the residents of a territory...all belong to the local lord, even the goods of passing merchants that fall to the ground are the lord's property.

Therefore, any damage incurred must be compensated.

"Baron, you are too polite. You were also considering the safety of my subordinates."

Knight Iman laughed, but deep in his heart, he was rather dismissive.

According to his experience, the so-called bandit group was just a bunch of hungry people, perhaps with some rudimentary weapons; they dared to kill, but that was all.

Sending out a team of soldiers should be enough to eradicate them!

Creating such a big fuss is completely being overly cautious.

There was even a hint of cowardice.

But these words only muttered in his heart, nothing revealed on his face.


Soon, flames engulfed the small hill, and when there was nothing left to burn, it extinguished itself.

Half a day later, the temperature had dropped, and Eight Fingers volunteered to clean up the battlefield.

Knight Iman dismounted, clearly showing some interest.

Alan accompanied him indifferently, the ground around them charred and still warm.

It wasn't long before they came across a large corpse.

"It's been inspected; it should be from the Wild Wolf."

Eight Fingers spoke with a mix of excitement and fear: "And these..."

Knight Iman looked at several finely crafted weapons, leather armor... his expression gradually changed. Finally, when he saw the remnants of three crossbows, his face could no longer hide a bitter smile.

Crossbows are military supplies, strictly controlled military supplies, something a wandering Wild Wolf bandit would never have.

Just thinking about this dark undercurrent was hair-raising.

He suddenly regretted coming to take a look.

"It seems this Wild Wolf group is indeed well-equipped... I need to write to my father and investigate properly."

Alan said solemnly, casting a glance at Iman beside him.

Letting him come was to witness this, and at this moment, he could be considered an ally, adding some strength.

Knight Iman smiled bitterly; there was no other option but to say: "I will co-sign as a witness..."

"In that case, I'll leave the rest of the cleanup to you, Knight Iman. I'm a bit tired and need to go back and get some good sleep."

Alan laughed.

In reality, it's because recently in the dream world, Lin also started causing trouble, so he had to follow and watch, just in case.

After all, with the existence of the 'Light of Redemption' cult, he could continuously obtain sacrifices and occasionally gain extraordinary power in this world.


Sotos Territory.

Irene's Villa.

A raven flew over and landed on the window.

Irene took out a note, and after just one glance, her expression changed slightly, and she took it to the study.

In the study, Colin and Ferlic sat facing each other, apparently for some time.

"News from Black Stone Territory!"

Irene handed the letter to Colin, quickly exited the study, and closed the door behind her.


Sure enough, the next moment, there was the sound of something being thrown in the study.

"Didn't you say your men would definitely succeed? How could this happen?"

Colin lost his composure, grabbing Ferlic by the collar and asked hoarsely.

"This was unavoidable. Didn't you see? Your brother gathered hundreds of people... What could I do?"

Ferlic freed himself, tidied his collar, and continued calmly: "Now... you should think about how to cover this up. After all, those military supplies were given to me by you."

"You... you did this on purpose, didn't you?"

Colin roared, "Clearly, we could have transported them outside. The military equipment of the Kagash Kingdom is far superior to that of the Green Forest. Why did you insist on me providing the weapons?"

"Sir, you misunderstand me... Although the Kagash Kingdom has military equipment, the checkpoints in the Green Forest scrutinize all material transport..."

Ferlic spread his hands: "To utilize the Wild Wolf Bandit Group was already the greatest support from the kingdom's intelligence network..."

In reality, transporting military supplies wasn't particularly difficult, but Ferlic wasn't there to help Colin secure his title.

Seeing a conflict, or even a direct battle, between him and Alan would be the happiest outcome.

Colin's momentum faltered, and he slumped back into his chair, defeated: "So... what should we do?"

"Is there any chance we can cover this up?"

"No way!" Colin shook his head, "Once my father checks the warehouse, he will surely find out..."

"What if you go and confess to the Earl now? What will happen?" Ferlic continued to ask.

"I don't know..."

Colin's eyes were blank, but he shivered.

He hoped his father would suppress the matter for his sake, but felt it was unlikely.

If there was truly a punishment, the outcome would be too difficult to predict.

"Lord Colin, you still have one more chance!" Ferlic's eyes suddenly darkened: "Your brother is too excellent. At this rate, your father will eventually waver. It's better if you... act early!"

"What did you say?"

Colin suddenly stood up, almost drawing his sword to kill Ferlic.

But he ultimately did not, and shouted, "Get out!"

Ferlic showed no fear and calmly left.

As he exited, he exchanged a glance with Ilean.

A smile spread across Ilean's face, and she nodded.

Moments later, Ilean walked into the study and saw Colin drinking heavily.

"Dear... I have good news for you."

A maternal smile appeared on Ilean's face as she placed Colin's hand on her lower abdomen, "I'm pregnant!"

"A child? My child?"

Colin, suddenly wide-awake, was moved.

He leaned down, placing his head against Ilean's belly, as if he could hear the child's heartbeat.

It was an act he had never done with Silvia.

Not long after, Colin suddenly felt tears dripping onto his face.

He looked up and saw Ilean's face covered in tears.

"Why are you crying?"

Colin couldn't help but ask.

"I'm scared..." Ilean tenderly nestled against Colin: "And Lady Silvia... she won't tolerate me."

"Forget about her. She's just a harlot! That bastard isn't even my son. I wish I could strangle him!"

Colin's face turned hideous with determination: "Trust me, Ilean... everything will get better."

At this moment, Ilean's pregnancy, combined with the existence of Shaya, became the final straw that broke Colin's resolve.