
Tribulation of Mysteries

This is a translation I have been doing of Wen Chao Gong's Tribulation of Mysteries novel (author of Warlock of Magus World) following Alan Sothos, a reincarnated noble in a feudal society and his search for power and immortality

mdm6627162 · Fantasy
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60 Chs



Adonis's human-skin mouth opened wider and wider, falling away to reveal Olivia's figure.

"Ah, heretic!"

A nearby Child of the Flame exclaimed in surprise, but before he could act, his expression suddenly became cold. One hand plunged into his own chest and pulled out a beating heart engulfed in black flames.


The heart exploded with a bang, sending shockwaves in all directions, dissipating mostly around the altar.


Countless pieces of glass shattered, sending fragments flying everywhere!

"This Child of the Flame has gone mad, fighting us to the death!"

Olivia dodged clumsily, looking at the High Priest.

It was obvious that this happened when the Child of the Flame informed the High Priest, becoming contaminated.

If the Child of the Flame is like this, the High Priest's condition is even worse!

"This is my Lord's sanctuary. The sacrifices consumed by black flames are angels serving my Lord!"

The High Priest declared, as black flames ignited around him.

Some semi-transparent spirits walked slowly forward in the flames, seemingly unaffected by the fire's heat.

If Lin were here, she might recognize many of them.

Shu, Soren... All those sacrifices were here!

And they had all been turned into controllable undead!

"How dare you profane the spirits of the dead!"

Olivia shouted angrily, and without knowing when, a revolver appeared in her hand. She pulled the trigger forcefully.


The High Priest's head exploded, but in his shadow, the head remained intact.

His hunched body exploded into countless flesh bombs, while the black shadow continued writhing. From it leapt a human head with a dog's body below the neck.

However, the dog's body was now covered with countless tumors, making one's scalp tingle.

"The Flesh Staff's corruption is truly severe... If we didn't have our Lord's protection, we might..."

Olivia shivered inside.

The nature of this world seemed to lead to madness.

Even someone like the High Priest couldn't escape!


Flesh bombs landed in front of her, blocked by a giant white cocoon.

On the other side, Lin seemed to have recovered from the previous mental impact, gripping the Flesh Staff in her hand. Whether it was the explosions of previous cultists or the flesh bombs, they had left terrifying injuries on her, yet she was healing rapidly: "I want you dead!"

She wielded the Flesh Staff, the surrounding darkness animated, counterattacking and suppressing the spirits.

The undead with expressionless faces were swallowed by the darkness one by one.

The activation of the Flesh Staff not only worked on flesh-and-blood life forms.

Even the black beast the High Priest had turned into, its tumors exploded one by one, spreading flesh tendrils seeking to restrain the High Priest.

Originally, the life the High Priest transformed into was composed entirely of fire and darkness, not greatly suppressed by the Flesh Staff.

But ever since being hit and corrupted last time, it was different.

The High Priest's spirit of 'darkness' was now mixed with the spirit of 'red'.

Even here, it couldn't suppress or separate the two...

And now, Lin had completely ignited it!

The black beast's attempt to jump into the shadows slowed significantly.

In the void, countless threads had unknowingly appeared, entangling it.

"Blasphemers, the Black Sun will not spare you."

At the final moment, the High Priest's head seemed to regain some sanity and shouted loudly, "My Lord... Black Sun... Please turn your gaze here, I offer all of this to you!"

"Too late."

Lin's entire body started bleeding, turning her skin red, but her speed increased dramatically.

She seemed to teleport in front of the High Priest, her staff's tip becoming extremely sharp, stabbing into the High Priest's body.


The High Priest's dog-like body swiftly withered, and before his head turned to white bone, he uttered his last word.

"Let's get out of here!"

Olivia screamed, feeling an intense danger.

It did not come directly from the High Priest, but from that altar, from the sun wheel above it!


Outside the Chapel, in the sky.

That black sun seemed to be attracted by something, and its pitch-black corona suddenly began to violently pulsate.

Above Black Sun Town, all the Black Sun Cultists trembled, feeling a direct glance from the sky.

That was the embodiment of 'Darkness,' the true gaze of the Black Sun!

Chaotic, maddening, yet extremely powerful!


First, a cultist turned into a torch amidst screams.

Then the second, the third...

All the believers were fuel for the Black Sun!


Lin quickly retreated, watching the High Priest's body burn fiercely.

Within the pitch-black flames, it was as if there was a giant vertical eye staring directly at her!

"This is... the Black Sun!"

Just one glance, and Lin and Olivia nearly melted.

At this life-and-death moment, they quickly prayed, "Wandering Spirit of Illusion, neutral existence, silent observer... Please bestow your grace upon us, save us!"


"The Black Sun descends?"

"No, it's just a glance, just a gaze..."

Alan Sothos watched Lin's revenge unfold the entire time, then sighed, mysterious power surging, pouring into the two women through an established connection in the void.

"This Black Sun gives me the same feeling as the Scarlet Moon, both are devoid of reason..."

He remarked sarcastically.

If the Black Sun truly descended, or an avatar descended, he would be somewhat afraid.

However, to this extent, it was just like the previous time Lin was contaminated. Weighing the pros and cons, Alan decided it was still manageable.


Inside the Chapel.

Unlimited light appeared before Lin's eyes, countless light orbs forming a gigantic door.


Like all-encompassing salvation, it surged down from the void, extinguishing the pitch-black flames.


On the altar, the symbol of the Black Sun cracked, automatically turning to ashes.

"Huff... Thank our Lord for the protection."

Olivia took a deep breath and looked at the ashes of the High Priest, "Something's left behind..."

She walked over and found in the ashes, a pure white stone.

"A spiritual crystal?"

Olivia stretched out her finger to touch it, and instantly felt a bone-chilling cold at her fingertip, seeing extinguished flames before her eyes, "So, after the fire burns out, only the ice that freezes everything remains?"

"Quick, find something to hold it, we need to leave."

The two women quickly ran out of the Chapel, looking at the numerous torches and piles of ashes, they ran even faster.


In Black Sun Town, all the cultists burned and burned...

After an unknown amount of time, atop a pile of ashes, one by one, small 'beasts of black darkness' emerged.

This was the Black Sun's gift!

If any life could survive the fate of being burnt out as fuel, it would become a true 'beast of black darkness'!