
My New Family

"Hakkar wanna play dukkur na crids lacha ne?" A young girl said to me.

"Bah (No)." I respond with no hesitation.

"Hehehe Hakkar Suk wata hori bata hehe."

'Why are you snickering? Don't tell me she thinks I said ye-'

As I was thinking about her answer, she proceed to pick me up, and bring me over to a corner where an identical-looking child was playing.

'Why does she always think I say yes? This happens every single day, and the only reason I've learned 'wanna play' is because she says it so often.

It's been 3 months since I've been reincarnated into this child's body, and as the days passed by, one thing dawned on me. Being a baby is pure torture!

Let me elaborate, besides the occasional play time throughout the day, the only thing I can do is eat, sleep, and crap my pants.

After experiencing crapping myself for the first time, I couldn't stop crying from the shame and embarrassment I was feeling. Although... that experience pales in comparison to when I had to eat for the first time... I'll never be the same man I was before.

Other than the continuous shame and embarrassment I feel every day, living the life of a baby has it's perks. The main one being that I don't have any responsibility's, making my life carefree and easy.

"Hakkar, furon to Papa," A large man said as he stood in the middle of the 'doorway'.

"Bah (No)." I responded

'Although I only understand a few words I can guess he's calling me over. The only problem is... I don't feel like going, so he can just stand there like an idiot.'

After I looked away from him, he took it into his own hands to pick me up and place me in his massive gorilla arms.

'Why? Why can't any of you understand that when I say 'bah' I don't want anything to do with what you're asking of me?'

*Sigh* I guess since I have nowhere else to go I should explain what my new family is like.

I guess I'll start with the massive behemoth that's currently holding me. His name is Zakkar, and he is what I would consider my 'new' father. He's like a muscle tower that's sole purpose is to make people feel small. If I had to guess, he's probably 6'6 and weighs around 280 pounds of pure muscle. Unfortunately, all that muscle and height didn't make him good-looking, since he's about as generic as it gets. Short brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, and a face that always looks pissed off.

After holding me for a couple of minutes, he handed me to the large woman from my first day. She's my 'new' mother, and her real name is Yu. Unlike the massive brute over there, she is the complete opposite. She's small, weak, and the most caring woman I've ever met. The only thing they have in common was their tanned skin, but since she's spent the past 3 months inside she's starting to lose her color. My new mother is also my greatest hope, although she isn't an unreal beauty, she still has her charms, and that's what I'm banking on. If I find out I look like that barbarian... I won't be able to live with myself.

"Mama, ka Hakkar jorun?" The little girl from before said while she ran over to me with the other kid.

As my mother started talking to them, I looked at the 2 kids and smiled. I've never had siblings before, and clearly, I wasn't missing out. It's not all bad though, at least I won't be left alone again.

These 2 are Shakkar, my older brother, and Rei, my older sister. The 2 of them are twins, and even though their opposite genders, they look the exact same. If I had to guess, they're probably around the age of 3 to 4. They both resemble my mother in every aspect, including Shakkar. Both have medium-length black hair, green eyes, and tanned skin. I hate to say it, but since Shakkar looks so much like Mother and Rei I thought he was a girl for the longest time. More power to him though, since he'll eventually figure out that some women actually prefer that.


'I'm getting tired, oh wait I still have to get...'


'Cursed baby body, I still wasn't done with my explanations yet.'

Now where was I, oh yeah, I was going to talk about myself. This'll be a quick one since the only thing I know about myself is the fact that my name is Hakkar. Other than that, since there are no mirrors, and I can't just ask someone for my appearance, all I know is that I'm not tanned like the rest of my family.

I'm not sure where I ended up when it comes to the 7 continents, but the fact that they live in huts, and don't have common products doesn't particularly fill me with joy. Couldn't I have just been born as a millionaire's son and lived it out on the beaches of Hawaii?

Another thing I want to touch on, is the fact that they don't have the principle of basic hygiene. I don't think they've taken a single bath since I've been here, and I know damn well I haven't taken a bath either. The smell in this tiny hut, when it gets extremely hot outside, is absolutely brutal. You take one whiff and I swear it's the most toe-curling smell you'll know.

I would have continued ranting about how this place is the absolute worst when it comes to basic human needs, but I was cut off by a conversation.

"Zakkar, kamu na fusha Hakkar rek Bo?" My Mother spoke sternly to my Father.

"Yes!" He responded in a low tone.

They continued to talk back and forth about stuff I couldn't understand, but since I needed to eventually learn this new language I decided to keep listening.

When the conversation ended Father left the hut, and Mother stomped around the house. I'm not sure what just happened, but it seems I've just witnessed a lovers quarrel between my parents.

As I was getting ready to crawl away, my sister picked me up and held me close to her chest trying to comfort me.

"Jur na kurta Hakkar." she said.

"Waaaa ba ba burbble ba phsss (BATH! Oh my god, please help a brother out)."

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