
Trials of Love: The Romantic Goddess

First Volume: The Vampire Tycoon's Double Personality Sweetheart Warning: This novel features mature content. From heaven... to hell, in the blink of an eye! Every relationship has its own perks, trials, hardships, and twists! However, what if a Goddess interferes and makes two people who were never even supposed to meet cross paths together? And what if, she puts those trials, obstacles, hardships, and twists in their path herself? Will it ruin their love eventually? Or will it make them fall even harder? Or will it lead to their eventual death and eternal separation? With the ultimate dream of one day becoming the top superstar... I wanted to be the best at my current job and become a very famous model before proceeding beyond that toward my true dream...! However, both my job and my dreams... betrayed me! I foolishly loved him dearly, my dearest... I foolishly loved her, my family, despite all the hardships she put in my path all the time. However... he betrayed me... she also betrayed me... moreover... they did it... together! Left with no job, no dreams, no hopes, no family, no love... what should I do? IN ANOTHER WORLD... "Nooooo, Kaaaaaay!!!" She screamed while charging at the falling corpse just two meters ahead of her. Unable to save him, after crying true tears of blood, unwilling to live in a world where he doesn't exist in, she stabbed herself in the heart as she died in his embrace in happiness! Poor girl, if only I, the Goddess, hadn't put you two on each other's path, none of these would've happened! Sigh, let me make it up to you. Let me take you to... another parallel world where your true love... still exists! Let me also show her to you... the other... you! She… who is the opposite of you! Soon, in another world, lightning struck as two souls came to inhabit a single body! Two bodies, three souls, never meant to cross paths! But now, with the help of the Goddess herself and the merciless trials she sends their way... Let the Trials of Love hence, begin! Overseen by the Goddess herself… A Trial that might eventually come to involve... the Goddess herself! - - - - - - - The flow of first volume's story begins at 'CHAPTER 7'. - - - - - - - Support Author -> Patreon.com/MadReader Discord server-> Discord.gg/NWmsCMM

MadReader · Urban
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38 Chs

Let's Go!

It was like a bomb was exploding just beside her, looking at the sky, she saw a bolt of red lightning coming her way...

And that was the last thing she saw before passing out!


One day later, the earth was covered in daylight, still, no one had passed from this alley, not even a thief had tried to steal from her or do immoral things to her, if others heard this, they would definitely say this was truly a miracle!

Since this alley was known for the gathering place of a very dangerous gang every night!

However, since I'm involved… you know who's responsible for this little miracle… right?

Finally, at this moment, Mina slowly opened her fluttering eyelashes.

At first, she thought she was in her own bed and now she was waking up, but seeing the blue sky directly in her line of sight, she started looking around in confusion as she mumbled, "What happened? Why am I here?"

'Sorry, you're waking up now, Mina… but this too had to be done too…' I thought apologetically while looking at Mina's face who had no idea that I was directly looking at her face at this moment.

After a while of being lost, she finally started remembering the things that happened last night, she remembered how two very significant people in her life had betrayed her together, she remembered how Annu was kissing Morana under the showering rain very passionately while she was staring at them feeling like she was in hell.

Her heart was still feeling very painful like a needle was piercing through her heart as she clearly remembered everything that happened yesterday once again.

She had thought it all was just a bad dream, but seeing where she was and remembering the last place she had been before passing out, Mina was sure yesterday was no bad dream.

Wanting to stop thinking about it, she tried to remembering something else, and so… soon, she recalled that she hadn't returned home last night and her uncle must've been definitely worried, so taking her phone out, she was about to call her uncle, when she realized the time from her phone.

Jumping up in shock, Mina began running out of the alley, and after she was out, she stopped the first taxi she could and going in, she told the taxi driver the address of her work.

And while she was on her way, she didn't forget to call her uncle.

So taking her phone out again, she called her uncle Huxley after checking the miss calls.

After Huxley picked up, before he could talk, Mina explained, "Uncle, sorry I was busy modeling for someone the whole night and couldn't even check my phone, now I'm going to work directly again."

Huxley, who was about to say something, calmed down as he uttered, "I see, uncle was worried, don't forget to notify me when you need to work all night so I wouldn't worry… also, don't work overtime too much, your health is more important."

Listening to his uncle's words made Mina's broken heart feel a little warm again, but remembering last night and what her daughter had done, that warmness immediately dissipated, giving its place to an icy coldness as she voiced, "Alright uncle, sorry again."

After hanging up, Mina began deliberating over everything that happened yesterday, first she once again unconsciously thought of that betrayal which freshened the wound that hadn't even scabbed yet, then, trying to think of something else, she remembered how a bolt of red lightning was coming her way from the sky yesterday before she had passed out.

She didn't know if she had passed out because the lightning had hit her or because it hit somewhere else and she just passed out because of the shock.

'Well, it must've hit somewhere else… since I don't believe I would be still breathing if it had truly struck me.' Mina thought to herself.

As she was continuing her thoughts, she realized the taxi had stopped and the driver was telling her that they were at their destination already, so paying the taxi driver, she rushed to the company in a hurry.

"Why are you so late! It's true you're only an unimportant part-time worker that the company doesn't care about, but that doesn't mean you can come whenever you feel like!" In front of all of the staffs who were looking very weirdly at Mina, Miss Livia yelled at her loudly, but this was something she had to do or else the other staffs would say she was taking it too easy on Mina and that she was being partial, then all the blame would befall her, Livia.

Bending from the waist Mina apologized, "I'm sorry, Miss Livia."

"Sigh, don't let it happen again, here, this is your today's job." Seeing her apologize, miss Livia knew there was no point in continuing this, so without any further dilly-dallying, she passed Mina the address of where she had to go today.

Wait, whaaat? You're not going to be firing her??? I made her wake up so late so you would fire her! And now… you're actually acting like you're angry and then forgive her easily? Goddamnit!

It seems I gotta think of another way… hmm.

"Thank you, Miss Livia." After thanking her, Mina walked away wanting to leave, but as she was leaving, Thana came to her and looking at her clothes which were somehow dirty, she couldn't stop herself from asking, "What happened to you? Why are you so dirty?"

Finally realizing why those staffs were looking so weirdly at her, Mina stated, "...I fell on the way because I was in a hurry."

Hearing this, I couldn't help but think in disdain, 'Yeah, right! Like that would make you so dirty!'

"Be careful Mina, it's true coming to work on time is important, but you shouldn't harm yourself just because of that, what if an accident happened because you were in a hurry?..." Thana began making a speech about how dangerous it was to hurry to work without paying any attention to the surroundings.

'An accident? Hmm… that actually might be helpful later on…' I pondered to myself.

Seeing Thana in a frenzy just because she seemed to be worried about her made Mina's heart feel a little warmer as a pleased smile sat her face, "Hehe, okay Thana, sorry I made you worried."

"Now I gotta hurry, talk to you later, bye bye." Then, after saying goodbye, she walked to the elevator.

After that, she left to the address she was given, to be their model for the whole day, but arriving at the address, she saw that it was another home website shop.

Aiiii… there is no future for you here… just get fired already so I could

But as she truly loved being a model, she started posing energetically as different pictures were taken.

However, internally, she wasn't as energetic as she appeared outside, because last night's scene kept repeating itself in her mind, bothering her the entire day, making her heart beat in pain almost throughout the whole day.

Sigh… just get fired already so I can finally start this test... let me start the Trials of Love already! Why is the situation twisting in the wrong direction since the very beginning…

'To hell with this… let me use a bit of my omniscience to think of an immediate solution for her to be fired.' As this thought passed through my head, I began to increase the level of my omniscience bit by bit before finally, a solution revealed itself to me…

Huh… so I have to use her, huh… moreover, I gotta travel in time once again…

As I had already decided though... without any kind of hesitation, I opened up a black hole as I entered inside… however, this time with the difference being that… I'm taking you with me too! Hehe… Let's go!

Enjoy the continuous unstoppable ten updates xD

Since I'm sure you already know... I'm participating in the Writing Prompt! so don't forget to vote if you like the story! Thank you!

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