
Chapter - 1 'Rebirth'

Wei Shen is a man of many talents, but he never let his skills go to his head. He had a quiet confidence about him, a cool and collected demeanor that made him seem unflappable even in the most dangerous situations.

At first glance, Wei might seem like just another handsome, well-built guy. He had dark hair that he keeps short and neat and piercing brown eyes that seem to miss nothing. But behind that unassuming exterior lies a fierce determination and an iron will.

Wei is an Undercover SDU officer, which means that he is a member of a specialized police unit that deals with high-risk situations.

He is trained to handle all kinds of weapons, from guns to knives to his own two fists. He is also a skilled martial artist, having trained to handle trained in a variety of styles from a young age.

In addition to his combat skills, Wei is also an excellent driver. He can handle any vehicle with ease, from sports cars to motorcycles to trucks. He has a natural sense of timing and an almost supernatural ability to predict the movement of others drivers.

But perhaps Wei's most dangerous talent is his skill as an assassin. He has been trained to kill without hesitation, and he has honed his abilities over years of practice. He is a master of stealth, able to move silently and quickly without being detected.

He can take out a target from a distance with a sniper rifle, or get up close and personal with a blade.

Wei's job is to infiltrate the Sun On Yee, a powerful Triad organization that operates in Hong Kong. It's a dangerous assignment, but Wei is more than up to the task.

He has a deep understanding of the criminal underworld, and he knows how to blend in with the right people.

As Wei delves deeper into the world of the Triads, he finds himself becoming more and more immersed in their culture. He makes friends and enemies alike, and he sees things that he never would have imagined before.

Wei's first mission to establish his cover in Hong Kong is to take part in a drug deal with Naz.

Naz is a Hong Kong Indian Triad associate with 18K. Shen needs to gain Naz's trust to get closer to the Sun On Yee, and this is the first step.

A drug deal is set to go down at a rundown warehouse on the outskirts of the city.

Wei arrives together with Naz to scope out the location and make sure everything is in place. He's nervous, but he knows he has to stay calm and focused if he's going to pull this off.

Four Finger Wu arrives a few minutes later, and Wei approaches him with a duffel bag full of drugs.

The three men exchange pleasantries, but Wei can sense that Four Finger Wu is wary. He knows that he needs to act quickly to gain his trust.

Wu came here intending to buy drugs from Naz and his new partner Wei Shen.

Wei and Naz stand in the dimly lit warehouse, surrounded by boxes of fish.

"How much do you want for this?" asks Four Finger Wu, eyeing the bags of drugs with interest.

Wei steps forward, holding up a small baggie. "This is the good stuff. We want $50,000 for it."

Four Finger Wu raises an eyebrow. "That's steep. You know we can get it cheaper from other sources."

Naz steps with a sly smile on his face. "But can you trust other sources? You know me, Wu. You know I always deliver the best."

Wu looks at Naz for a moment, sizing him up. Finally, he nods. "Okay, we'll take it. But you better not be playing with me."

Wei and Naz exchange a knowing look as they hand over the drugs in exchange for the cash.

As Wei and Naz are finalizing the drug deal with Four Finger Wu, a sudden noise startles them. They turn to see a security guard approaching them, his hand on his gun.

Before Wei or Naz can react, Wu is on the move. In a flash, he draws a knife and plunges it into the guard's chest.

Wei and Naz stare in shock as Wu wipes the blood off his knife and sheaths it. "No witnesses," he says, his voice cold and ruthless.

Wei looks on with a cool detachment. He's seen enough violence in his line of work to not be easily moved by it.

Naz, on the other hand, seems unfazed. "We need to go," he says, grabbing the bags of cash and drugs. "The police will be here soon."

Wei and Naz rush out of the warehouse, leaving Wu behind. They burst out with bags of cash and drugs in tow.

But their escape is short-lived as they hear police sirens blaring in the distance. They know that they have to move fast if they want to avoid getting caught.

As they exit the fish market, the sounds of the chase grow louder. Cops are hot on their heels, shouting for them to stop.

"Run, Wei! Run!" Naz shouted, dodging through the crowded market, narrowly avoiding stalls and people as they go.

Wei's training as a Martial Artist kicks in as he quickly takes down any cop who gets too close.

Naz is no slouch either, expertly maneuvering his body through the narrow houses and rooftops.

But as they jumped from a rooftop billboard, they come face to face with cops aiming at them.

Naz was appended first, as he tried to run away. Wei and Naz exchange a glance, and at that moment, they know that they're trapped.

But he was not about to give up without a fight.

With a sudden burst of speed, Wei charges forward, taking down the first cop in his path.

Jumping past him, he grabbed the ledge of another building. Dashing from one room to another Wei arrived at the balcony of the house.

Chasing him from behind were the cops, and in front of him was the police roadblock with even more cops aiming at him.

With nowhere to run, Wei took a deep breath and allowed himself to be arrested.




Wei is panting heavily as he is being dragged by the police officers to the station. His mind races, wondering how he can get out of this situation and continue his mission to take down the Sun On Yee.

As he sits in his cell, he hears the sound of someone calling his name. it takes him a moment to place the voice, but then he realizes it's his old friend Jackie Ma.

"Jackie?" Wei says, surprised.

"Shit, it is you!" Jackie says, grinning.

Wei can hardly believe his luck. Jackie is a member of the Water Street Gang, he grew up with Wei in Old Prosperity, one of the few groups in Hong Kong that could potentially help him enter and take down the Sun On Yee from the inside.

"Listen, Wei, I heard what happened," Jackie says, his tone serious. "But don't worry, I got your back. I'll introduce you to Winston. He is the real deal. Trust me."

Wei nods, feeling a glimmer of hope. He knows that the Water Street Gang could be the key to his success. "Thanks, Jackie. I owe you one."

"No problem, Wei. That's what friends are for." Jackie says, patting Wei on the back.

Wei is escorted by a group of police officers to a new cell where he is handcuffed to a chair. The cell is sparse, with only a table and a few chairs in it.

Wei feels a sense of unease as he wonders what's next for him.

Suddenly, the door opens, and in walks Police Superintendent Thomas Pendrew, the man in charge of Wei's mission to take down the Sun On Yee. Wei braces himself, knowing that Pendrew holds his future in his hands.

"It seems that the evidence against you has failed to appear. How do you explain that?" Pendrew says, taking a seat across from him, hinting at Inspector Raymond Mak to shut off the surveillance camera. "You must be a very dangerous man, Wei Shen."

Wei faced Pendrew with a cold expression till the camera was shut off.

"That is exactly what we want people to think," Pendrew said after the camera was shut off. "I trust that my men weren't too rough on you, officer."

"You might ask them the same question, sir. Those guys are out of shape." Raymond walked past Wei, uncuffing him in the process. "It paid off though. I made contact with Jackie Ma. I'm in."

"Good work. Use him to get close to Winston Chu. Do whatever it takes." Pendrew continued, signaling toward Raymond. "Raymond here will be your handler. You'll report everything through him."

Raymond walks forward, explaining to Wei. "Our intel suggests that Winston is looking for muscle. You need to find a way to make him trust you."

"I've done this before," Wei spoke out.

"Not in Hong Kong. American gangs, even Asian ones, don't compare to the triads here. The Sun On Yee is the most powerful gang-" Raymond started increasing his voice as he tried to explain to Wei.

"Look, Raymond- Your name's Raymond, right?" Wei questioned him.

"Yes," Raymond answered calmly.

"I grew up with these guys. I know who they are. What they are." Wei said, looking at Raymond. "All the intel reports in the world won't give you that."

"We want the Red Poles. The lieutenants like Winston. All of them. And most of all, the Dragonhead." Raymond said.

"Candidly, Wei, previous attempts to get close to him haven't… panned out. Pendrew said, his voice having some dejection as he spoke it out. "We don't have much to go on. That's why you're here. I'm hoping that you bring something more to our investigation."

"I understand, sir. Look, the sooner I'm on the street, the sooner I can start." Wei said, getting up and started walking out of the interrogation cell.

"Raymond will be in touch," Pendrew spoke out. "Oh, and Wei? Good luck out there."

Wei steps out of the precinct into the bustling streets of Hong Kong. It's been fifteen years since he left, and the city has changed so much.

The neon lights, the sounds, and the smells, all flood his senses, overwhelming him with memories and emotions.

He takes a deep breath and starts walking, letting his feet carry him where they will.

He doesn't have a destination in mind, he just needs to clear his head and figure out his next move.

As he walks, he sees familiar sights and landmarks. He passes by the noodle shop where he used to eat with his family, the park where he played as a kid, and the temple where he used to go with his grandmother.

Wei's mind drifts back to his childhood and the people he left behind when he fled to America with his family. He wonders what they're doing now and if they ever think about him.

As he continues walking, Wei's thoughts turn to his mission to take down the Sun On Yee. He knows it won't be easy, but he's determined to see it through. He's come too far to back down now.

Wei takes a deep breath and squares his shoulders, feeling a newfound sense of purpose. He's back in Hong Kong, and he's going to make things right. No matter what it takes.

This is the Reboot of my Triad Wars: Blood and Betrayal book. It was not to my liking as I had just started to write long stories. If you liked the other book, I am sure you will like this too.

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