
Tri Alfa Moon Legacy

Tiffany_Flores · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Being second born isnt easy theres still that small lack of power between us but one thing is unwavering, Jayd . We are her protectors her older brothers her rocks. with us three who needs a mate we ha e eachother that's all well ever need, or so i thought. I never imagined I'd bow down to whatever ot was harbored inside her that day. The natural fear... the smell of blood ... seeing that dismembered body laying before my innocent precious Jayd. it's all a hayseed from borth till now I'll try to sort it out proper for you all.

AGE6 Jayd" oww s...stop it it hurts" she called out as she was shoved down to the ground the sound ofnthe packs children laughing and calling her a runt was ringing through the pup yard. jordan ran up and shoved the boy who had pushed and kicked his baby sister his final piece of his being. jayce joined in as they caught off one by one each kid who hurt their baby sister. now jordan hated confrontation but when it came to his baby sister it his older twin he turned cold as ice and deadly as the forest itself during the stormy season. which seemed to match his deep forest green eyes.

AGE11 A large growl rang out as he pinned the pup who was tantalizing and using Jayd as a play thing. Jordan caused the pup to wet itself as jayce snuggled up beside their sister licking her tears from her face. they bothed helped her up babying her all the way home his jet black fur consumed the left side of her tiny figure. he would never let her get hurt again.


Jordan" Jayce did you have to break that look you made her angry again" he shook his head and began cleaning up the tiny room and the broken glass. before he knew it both he and Jayce sat up at the smell of blood. The Fear than rang through their mind links as they soon approached a scene that should be from a horror film scorched in their minds.