
First Steps

Mule and Nam Mu stood up and hurried behind Jin. Li Jie had started following Jin the moment the other had stood up. “Master Jin! Wait! Please tell me how you knew that it was me?“ Jin ignored Li Jie. He walked swiftly to his office and opened the door. He waited until everybody was inside before closing the door. He turned to the others “Everybody sit down.” Jin pointed at the chairs. The others sat down. “Master J…” He stopped Li Jie from asking more. “Before I give answers to most of your questions. I need to know if you are sure about what you’re going to ask.” Li Jie and Nam Mu looked confused at his words. “I... I don’t understand.” Jin lifted his brows, without a word. Li Jie didn't know what Jin had meant, so he ignored the weird question. “My father... Is he looking for me?” Jin was just looking at Li Jie without giving an answer.

Li Jie became impatient. “I really need to know.” Jin shrugged. “From what I have heard is that your father is indeed looking for you.” Li Jie smiled but the words that followed whipped that away. “He does want you back home but not because he is worried about you. You’ve messed up his plans. You were supposed to marry Miss Hoa Bo… if I’m not mistaken.” Li Jie pulled a face. “Ugh... How can he not give up on that? But how do you know all this?” Jin gave Li Jie a smirk. “There are a few secrets that I don't know. People love to talk. You know that as well. Should I continue?” Li Jie took a deep breath and nodded. “Since you ran away. Your father is forced to promise her to your older brother.” Li Jie burst out laughing, cutting off Jin's words. “Service him right. He wants to follow in my father’s footsteps. He'll do anything to be in father's good book.”

Jin shook his head. “That might be the reason but when it comes to entering the palace, you are the best choice. You know it and your father and brother know it." Li Jie couldn't help but have a smug look on his face. "Like I said, it was a promise. When you return he can always change it.” Li Jie's face and shoulders fell. “So if I don’t return I’ll be free.” Jin shook his head again. “You’ll never be free as long as you're Wei. You have a lot of options. You could marry someone else, You could prove Hoa Bo is a bad match. There are many things you can do to nullify the wedding.” Li Jie didn’t like any of them. “I… I'm not ready to marry anybody. I just want to be free.”

Jin looked at Li Jie. “Now I ask again; are you sure about what you are going to ask?” Li Jie's eyes grew big. He couldn’t believe that Ping had known from the beginning what he was going to ask. So that was what Jin was talking about. He scratched his head. He had months to think about what he was going to ask. “Is… Is there a way for me to free myself from the marriage and all the obligations?” Jin pressed his lips together. Li Jie was really adamant. He needed to rethink his plans. Jin was a little upset. He hadn't expected for Li Jie to be this stubborn. “You should know that you’ll bring the wrath of your father down on you.” Li Jie nodded. “Won’t be the first time.” Jin cursed in his head. He had hoped that that would make Li Jie change his mind but it seems that Li Jie was really sick and tired of being a Wei.

“Alright, I’ll talk to your father. I’ll make sure that you won't get reprimanded but it won’t be for free.” Li Jie nodded. “As expected. What do you want from me.” ”Before I tell you what I want. I need you to swear to me that what I’m about to tell you will stay between us. If you fail to do this, you’ll be sent back to your father.” Li Jie was wondering what he was about to hear. “I swear.” Jin looked at Li Jie before tapping the armrest three times. Unbeknown to only Nam Mu, Li Jie's eyes glazed over and his body rocked from left to right. After a few seconds he blinked looking confused. “What…” Jin gave him a reassuring smile. “I’ll keep your word on that. Now let me tell you what is going on. Nam Mu is not really a young master…” Jin explained Nam Mu's history and what Ping had planned for him. Li Jie's eyes grew big.

“Heavens! That is amazing! What if he gets caught?” Jin waved his words away. “His master is planning on freeing him on his 18th birthday. So it’s not really a problem. Ping wrote that Nam Mu’s birthday is a month after the test. That is too late.” Nam Mu looked baffled. Since they never celebrate his birthday, he didn’t know when he was born. “We just need him to be accepted into the examination.” Li Jie didn’t understand. “He can just wait till next year. Why go to these lengths to have him take the examination.” Ping smiled mysteriously. “Nam Mu is destined for great things.” Li Jie and Nam Mu gave Jin a perplexed look. “ You'll find out soon." Nam Mu had questions but Li Jie had already opened his mouth. "Alright… I’ll help Nam Mu become a young master.” Jin gave Li Jie a big smile. “I trust you’ll do a great job.”

Mule clapped his hands. “Let’s make a plan as to how to get Master Nam Mu ready within three months.” Jin stood up. “I’ll leave you guys to it. I’ll go to your father.” "Master Jin?" Nam Mu wanted to ask him a question about the statement he had just made. But Jin shook his head. He stood up and walked towards the door before stopping. “Now is not the time." He had taken a step before turning around again. "I nearly forgot. You and Li Jie will be housed at the Willow pavilion. Mule will show you where it is.” Jin walked out and left them to come up with a plan. Jin left the compound and hailed a rickshaw. Thirty minutes later he arrived at the Wei mansion. It wasn’t a grand building but it looked majestic. “I’m here to see Prime minister Wei.” The guard didn’t look up. “Master Wei is not here.” “If you don’t want a beating, you better let the prime minister know that merchant Jin is here to see him.” The guard finally looked up with big eyes. “Sorry, sir. I’ll go straight away.” The guard ran to the house.

Two minutes later the guard came back. “Master Wei is waiting for you. Please come with me.” They walked to the building. “I… Could you… What just happened… Just could you not tell master Wei about what just happened?” “Your disregard for people is going to be your downfall. I hope this will be a lesson for you.” The guard bowed. “I’m forever grateful.” Jin shook his head. He knew that the guard would be making a mistake soon. The guard opened the door, to reveal Wei Ao Bang reading a book. “Master Wei, Master Jin to see you.” Wei Ao Bang looked up in surprise. He was sure Jin wasn't here to have a pleasant talk. He dreaded hearing what Jin had said. With a heavy heart he stood up to great Jin “Glad to see you. Lan fetch us some tea.” Jin lifted his hand up. “No need, I won't stay long.” Ao Bang brow lifted. “May I know why you’ve come?” Jin leaned back. “I will go straight to the matter at hand.

Li Jie is staying in my guild…” Ao Bang jumped up ready to call his private guards. “Sit down! I’m not finished.” Ao Bang slowly sat down. Lan, who was yet to be dismissed, was shocked by what had just happened. He knew that Master Jin was a prominent man but he was shocked to see his master take orders from him. Jin turned to guard. “Could you leave us alone?” Lan wanted to say something but the look on Jin’s face made him close his mouth. Lan looked at Ao Bang for confirmation. Lan was disappointed when he saw Ao Bang dismiss him with a nod. Lan bowed only to his master and left the room. He wanted to know what they were saying but when he put his ear to the door he couldn’t hear a thing.

“I have a proposal for you... I'll make Li Jie follow in your footsteps. That is what you want, right?” Ao Bang eyes grew big. Jin's hand went up again. “I'm not finished... You won't like this but in return you need to let Li Jie go and also cancel his marriage with Hoa Bo.” Ao Bang nearly turned furios. He wanted to explain why he couldn't do it. It had taken him nearly a year for Master Haung Long Zhen to agree to the marriage.

Jin's words made Ao Bang swallow his protest and fury. “Miss Hoa Bo and Li Jie are not compatible. You did good by promising her to Ao Ban. Ao Ban is much better suited for Miss Hoa Bo. If you push the union between Hoa bo and Li Jie, your family will be the one who would suffer. It will be catastrophic.” Ao Bang’s eyes grew big. “But the matchmaker…” “The matchmaker you used is fake. She will be found out soon.” Ao Bang mouth fell open. He had heard many stories about Jin’s accurate predictions. One of the stories that left a great impact on Ao Bang was of a gentry man that had asked Jin about his upcoming marriage to a wealthy woman. Jin had warned the man not to get married to the woman. But instead of being grateful, got angry and ignored Jin's warning. He married the woman anyway. A year later he had lost not only his business but he was sold into slavery to pay of his creditors, while his wife didn't suffer any of the man's misfortune.

She went back to her wealthy family and married a different man. It took the man many years to pay back his debt and become a commoner again. After hearing the story, Ao Bang had nightmares for weeks. His greatest fear was losing everything he had built. He had vowed that if he ever crossed paths with Jin, that he would heed his words and follow them without questions. That’s the reason why he was being pasif even after Jin yelled at him. “So… Ao Ban is better suited…” Jin nodded. “They are a perfect match. Her Yin will balance his Yang. She will help him achieve all his and your dreams.” For the first time Ao Bang showed a smile. “There is just one thing I want from you.” Jin stared at Ao Bang. “I need you to swear that you’ll not get involved with Li Jie.” Ao Bang was silent for a few seconds.

“I… I swear.” Jin stared into Ao Bang’s eyes before tapping on the wooden floor three times. Ao Ban's eyes glazed over and his body rocked from left to right. After a second he blinked looking confused. “What just…” Jin stood up. “I’ll keep your word on that.” He stood up. “Have a goodnight and I’ll let you know when Li Jie has passed.” He didn’t wait for Ao Ban to say goodbye and just left. When he opened the door. Ao Ban was shocked to see Lan fall flat on his face. Lan jumped up. “Sorry!" Jin looked at the man in disgust, while Ao Bang bit his tongue so he didn't curse at Lan. "I’ll bring master Jin back to the gate.” Jin shook his head.