
Treat Her Right

TREAT HER RIGHT A AUGUST ALSINA FANFICTION " I felt something and vowed that if I ever got a girl I would treat her right and never be bad or dirty to her or hurt her, ever. I vowed it and had all the confidence in the world that I would keep the vow." Unknown Madison a beautiful but highly insecure girl who tries to please everyone but her self, she felt like she was worthless half the time, with her failing pass relationships she decided to give up on love and just sulk away in her pain and that's exactly what she was doing until she met Kylan let see if they would work out or avoid the feelings they both have for each other. Will Kylan Treat Her Right or, will these two best friends try love and try to keep their friendship, like the others will he try to love her or will he hurt her in the process of trying to love her.

Life_With_Keiona · Celebrities
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The concert was live, Jace and I were backstage chilling out while August perform, Next time I won't be able to make it so when Jace come to the next concert he won't have to be back stage babysitting me.

"I dont want nobody but you kissing on my tattoos" Jace sang along with august while I videod us on snapchat,I wanted to send the girls but I couldnt because they will figure out that the man is on his Europe tour and I did not want to be followed by anybody I still wish to remain anonymous ny life was finally gathering itself.

"Oh my Father, child you need to get this man before I walk right up on that stage and eat him up" Jace screamed taking a shot he was a mess and I was happy that he eas so happy back stage although he badly wanted to be in the crowd with the fan girls.

"This one is to a special lady that I met on this tour, she is very beautiful I cannot bring her out here tonight or anytime soon but she is a special friend I dedicate this one to her and my ladies don't get jealous it's not like that" August said chuckling in the microphone is voice boom through the whole areana while Jace got up twerking.

Never have I ever seen this feminine side of Jace, I knew he was bisexual probrably straight up gay but he dress like a man all the same and kept his cool most of the time so seeing this side of him made me proud.

"Come on child shake and wake that child a little" Jace said taking his jacket over he was now in a dress shoes, and a working suit type of outfit his buttons where only done at the bottom and he was racking the burberry suit with his suede black shoes, I dont know who dress like this for a concert but he was in everybody's neck.

"You can't treat me like you treat them.Yes I am the crème de la crème,Yes I am from one to ten, ten.You fronting in them streets, keep saying we just friends." Jace sang loudly while I stood up rapping it slowly I was wear a cami dress and was afraid to fall so I cautioned my self while we tried to get turnt.

"Okay Jace i have to sit down now I'm tired and I'm starving" I said sitting on the couch, there where various food behind us but I didn't want any of that by the way I wanted to go home to sleep I didn't want to be back here when his other backstage fan came along.

"Jace I'm ready to leave but I want you to have fun"I said gathering my Items.

"August will be back here in fifteen minutes for a break you have to let him know that we are leaving,I will go with you of course I can always attend another concert I get free tickets.

"August we have to leave now I'm tired and sleepy"I said as he enter backstage I didnt even give him the time to exhale.

"Okay I'll have my security take ypu to the back and you guyd show him your vehicle I don't trust Jace to drive so my security will drive your vehicle and take it back here then I'll being it after the show"August said grabbing random fruits from the table.

Jace and I followed behind Ken while he took us outside we showed him the car and handed him the key as we both opened the door getting the back I relax a bit, as the cool air from the Air conditioner blasted through the car, Ken must be hot .

"Thank you Ken boy and be sure to drive back safely don't scratch that bitch you here me" Jace shouted out of now where and Ken was already driving off we got the door and got in sitting down.

Tonight was awesome but for now I'm going to bed.

I walked to my room leaving Jace in the couch he night leave when august come back or he can find the basement or the guest room.

I didn't care at the moment he knew he is welcome and can do whatever.