
Treat Her Right

TREAT HER RIGHT A AUGUST ALSINA FANFICTION " I felt something and vowed that if I ever got a girl I would treat her right and never be bad or dirty to her or hurt her, ever. I vowed it and had all the confidence in the world that I would keep the vow." Unknown Madison a beautiful but highly insecure girl who tries to please everyone but her self, she felt like she was worthless half the time, with her failing pass relationships she decided to give up on love and just sulk away in her pain and that's exactly what she was doing until she met Kylan let see if they would work out or avoid the feelings they both have for each other. Will Kylan Treat Her Right or, will these two best friends try love and try to keep their friendship, like the others will he try to love her or will he hurt her in the process of trying to love her.

Life_With_Keiona · Celebrities
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Treat Her Right 84

5 months later

I just got done packing for the moving truck and they were supposed to pick them up today I sat around and packed my suitcase with the necessities that I needed, I made sure to carry Kylan's ashes with me in my suitcase.

I looked around and made sure that the place was in okay shape and that I wasn't leaving anything before going to get something from the fridge, for about three months now I've been planning for this move but I never acted on it.

It felt like I was leaving my whole family behind and that's not what I wanted but I'm starting to show and I don't want to be down here anymore, only my mother knew that I was pregnant and she is still waiting to tell my brother when he learns how to shut his mouth.

I'm now twenty and have had two more years in medical school with a transfer to another university I'll finish up my courses and get in the field.

I still had my online store and my walk-in store, I can run the online section while I'm in a different country with the hopes of keona holding it down for the walk-in store.

She lost her job at the restaurant and still works for Jamie but the past month, she's been helping me out with the store so I hired her as my full-time manager although I was handing the store to her on a platter.

Johanna had her babies but I haven't been around much since she dropped communication and has been staying to herself not even she knew I was pregnant and she won't because she can't be trusted, this is the last part of Kylan I had and I'm making sure that I bring this baby on this earth but not in this country where his life was taken from him by a couple doctors and enemies, not even his mother knew about the pregnancy.

Jade has also been contacting me with updates of her pregnancy but I'm not sure I can handle her newborn and my own that just seems unreasonable this is my first child I deserve to love it and spend as much time with it I don't have the time to be taking care of my newborn and someone else owns.

The situation was unfortunate but I had to focus on myself and sit out on this one may be her brother will step up and take the baby since Jamie already had Malade.

My flight was set for this evening and the moving truck is just mow reaching to collect my stuff in total it was two moving trucks since I already bought a furnished house in the country I will now reside in only taking clothes and the necessity needed.

I left most of Kylan's stuff in the house and carried some of them with me since the house is mine I can always come back for what I want.

I gave the guys their space to move the boxes and things while I sat down scrolling through some information about the country in which I'll be residing, I have been there before but only for short trips and vacation.

It was getting closer to my airport time and my mother was already here and comforting me she was going to drop me off at the airport and wait until I get on my plane.

"It's not selfish Madison it's called self-care and caution is not like your ten planes away it's just an eight-hour plane ride and your brother or anyone will not hate you I'll send Raj out there as soon as you want," My mother said

I nodded I was afraid of moving and leaving everything and everyone behind but that's what I had to do so here goes progress.

"England, here I come" I whispered to myself.