
Treasure island reawakens

Treasure island reawakens Synopsis A young orphan joins a gang of pirates and forms a relationship with a cook and pirate while stopping a evil teenage pirate from killing her

katiehopcraft13 · Movies
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18 Chs

Chapter two meeting John silver

Kate and Kate silver arrived. A young pirate walked out. The young pirate said hey Kate who's your friend. Kate said Kate this is captain Amelia. Captain Amelia said hello Kate. Kate said hello captain Amelia. Kate silver said Kate wants to join our gang. Captain Amelia said awesome would you like to take her to work with our cook. Kate said sure captain. Kate went with Kate. Kate said we here. The cook said did you bring Kate. Kate silver said yes i did sir. The cook came out of his cabin. The cook said you must be Kate my name is John silver. Kate said nice to meet you John silver. Kate said I'll let you two get acquainted.

End of chapter 2