
Treasure island reawakens

Treasure island reawakens Synopsis A young orphan joins a gang of pirates and forms a relationship with a cook and pirate while stopping a evil teenage pirate from killing her

katiehopcraft13 · Movies
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18 Chs

Chapter 9 going to the pirates base

Kate woke up. Kate went downstairs. Kate s said morning lass. Kate said morning sis. Kate s said how did you sleep. Kate said yes i did. Kate s said we got invited to a party. Kate said we did. Kate s said we got invited to kates party. Kate said okay. Kate h came in. Kate h said we got trouble. Kate s said what trouble. Kate h said hunter is after Kate and wants to kill her. Kate s said he does. Kate h said yeah he does. Kate said not if I kill him first. Kate s said what are you going to do lass. Kate said I'm going to kill hunter for wounding you. Kate s said good girl lass. Kate said we should infiltrate their base. Kate s said we need your fathers help. John s came in. John s said hello lass. Kate said hello dad. John s said I heard that hunter is out of jail. Kate s said yes he is dad that's why I'm going to kill him. John s said we should go to the island where their base is. Kate said good idea. John s said you're acting like a real pirate. Kate said yeah I am. John s said will you drive the ship Kate. Kate said yes captain. Kate drove the ship to the base. Kate John s kate s kate h arrived at the base. Kate said we here. Kate s said I can see some pirates on the island. Kate h said what should we do. Kate said I deal with them. Kate s said stay safe Kate. Kate said okay. Kate went to the base and hid behind some bushes the 1st pirate said did you find the treasure. The 2nd pirate said no I didn't. Hunter walked out of the base. Hunter said what are you two idiots doing did you find the treasure. The 2nd pirate said no we didn't captain. Hunter said I want you to find the treasure as I have a issue of my own. The 2nd pirate said you're after Kate are you captain. Hunter said yeah I am lad. The 2nd pirate said did you hear something. Hunter said yeah I did find out what that noise is. The 2nd pirate said okay. The 2nd pirate revealed himself it was Damon. Damon said I'll find out where that noise is coming from. Kate went behind Damon and grabbed him. Hunter said well if this isn't a surprise what are you doing here lass. Kate said I could ask you the same thing hunter. Hunter grabbed Kate and took her to his base

End of chapter 9