
treasure hunting in Pokemon


dewon07 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

chapter 9

her parents fighting in gym double pokemon gym battle.

although they are good trainers. may be good couples but as parents , i am sorry they are scumbs.

we waited for end of their session.

mamako let us stay outside , while she talks with Sabrina's parents.

" will mom and dad be alright" sabrina

"" ofcourse, its alright. madam is very good at convenience ""

" it should be alright" sonia

after our repeatly conversation. let her nervousness calm down. we start to talk normally.

" thank you for your help" sabrina.

" it's alright "

soon mamako and Sabrina's parents came out. although they look normal but you see fear in their eyes.

" little sabrina , i talked to your parents. they agreed to it RIGHT?"

they both nodded.

sabrina seeing them nodded become happy .

" well , since they are agreed . why don't go with us."

sabrina run to her fastly likely fear of later we reject her.

soon she come with bag of clothes.

after we took her to pallet town ,

in manga , Pallet Town is famous for being the hometown of many great Trainers, including Professor Oak. In fact, most of times Trainer who has ever won the Indigo Plateau Pokémon League tournament has come from Pallet Town.

so you can see importance of this town.

Pallet Town is depicted as have dirt trails and wide, open, grassy fields . Professor Oak's Laboratory stands out in Pallet Town for its wind turbine, the three windows of the inner balcony, and for the four windows of the second floor.

you can clearly see professor oak's laboratory from outside of pallet town . it's present on a small hill. behind it has large field for trainer's and wild pokemons.

it has quiteness. for people who like quite places will love it. soon we moves to reach to professor oak' laboratory.

mamako ring bell on on it.

door open by a middle age man behind him is two kids .

" miss mamako welcome. i got a call from dad that you are comming. we prepared guest house near our house. oh, i forgot introduce myself. i name blue oak , son of Samuel oak. and this kids are my children gary oak and daisy oak. why don't you both greet them."

soon greetings blue oak led us guest house.

guests room looks good. but not like our home. we decided to take rest.

at near 7'o clock door suddenly knocked. ram open the door.

" yes?" ram

" Hello , my name is daisy oak . my father and grandfather invited you guys for dinner."

" i will inform madam and master." ram. under training of head maid or mother ram started serious maid antics .

" okay , i will wait"

ram comes to inform us about dinner. mamako accepted it. we go to oak's house under leadership of daisy oak.

at oak's house , blue oak introduce his wife to us. some time later, Samuel oak came .

Samuel oak is good person , you can say that. but one thing is confirmed he work for team rocket for mewtwo project. just to see can artificially Pokemon can be created. later, he got shame on himself for this thinking so he stopped working with team rocket. of course team rocket leader z Giovanni didn't stopped him, one because he and samuel have some similar characteristics, two he already informed him why he wants to join and lastly main at that time samuel strength is stronger than him , but now it will be difficult to say.

oak family also have firm and stronger hold than fujiwara family. he and blue both are ex champion. Samuel oak is famous and renowned scientist. his family work in material buisness and control some minor buisness. still there capital power much stronger than fujiwara only loses to dragon, joy and jenny family in kanto. they have one of voice in aliance.

so you can he have strong capital.

Samuel oak started talking to me about how i got idea of eevee evolutions. we talk a little.

we pay goodbye to oak's family and return.

next day

today is start of pokecamp.

we all got ready for ourselves and go to outside of town where we meet professor oak. he picked us up on bus.

pokemon camp its main motive is more social with wild pokemons and how to treat them. let us experience life in wild, how to act when you encounter pokemon. sometimes let us make curry ourselves, make our camps in group, let us play with wild baby pokemon.

after 8 hrs of bus trip , we reach our destination. bus got parked. it's first time in this life i got on bus. its not novel experience.

after moving on luxury cars. looks like i got addicted.

it's already evening .

professor oak, make a group of 10 children and 1 adult to supervise on them.

there are 50 children under 10. in our group

there is me, ram, rem, sonia, sabrina, gary oak, daisy oak, ash Ketchum who introduced himself , leaf , and two random boys.

" ok we will choose leader who got most voted , will be leader. and distribut work".

and i got win by majority. i got 6 votes, gary oak got 2, ash Ketchum also got 2.

" so by majority i wins, so i gotta be leader, is there any problems"

" it's not fair , you have many people , so of course, you will get most voted" gary

" yeah it's not fair ." ash

" what are you talking about , even your sister voted me, "

gary look at his sister , as if he got betrayed. of daisy isn't pleased .

" what with your eyes, i know if i voted you, you will put all work on others while rest for yourself."

gary of course roll his eyes. and ash started laughing at him

" okay, so now there isn't problem, so now daisy, gary , and ash look for woods and water , while you both boys, sabrina and rem start making tent . while me , leaf and ram start cooking."

we didn't bring gas for cooking and water . so naturally we have to look for woods and water.

mamako looking at us with lovely eyes. because it's first time for me start cooking.

" mom, is that okay" me

" its okay you did good job." mamako

while ash and gary started their dog fight, started competition for who will get more woods. daisy look like got headache.

other also started making five camps.

while me , ram and leaf started cooking. mamako is looking at us, while some time pay attention to others.

" okay , now you both wash vegetables and asist me in cooking."

leaf nodded but ram look hesitate

" but master alex, you didn't cook before."

leaf got shocked, before hearing it she thinks i have some experience in cooking. now, she also hesitation.

" you don't needed to worry, i watched cooking show and read Cooking style and books. sometimes i also watched my kitchen chief when she makes food"

of course, i sometimes pay attention to this , other wise how can i explain in future.

leaf got relieved hearing it. but ram and mamako still hesitate. most important thing is i don't have experience of it.

" don't worry i can do it. okay stop wasting time, both of you start washing vegetables like potatoes, carrots , onion, after peeling them."

after a hour everything is ready. now what left is cooking.

" today i let you see my cooking . "

6 people ash, gary ,, sabrina , daisy, and other two kids Started curious , while other 4 mamako, ram, rem and sonia who knows for months and years knows i never touched cooking classes. all i just some time pay attention to it. mamako said that she will asist me. i got no problem.

all my things are placed and ready, today i will let them see what is true cooking skill of god level.