
treasure hunting in Pokemon


dewon07 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

chapter 17

here is red treasure chest is placed. i think some canon points like ash seeing first ho-oh, or rescue serena or maybe other other points getting treasure chest is high probability than other areas.

i store it in storage and move with them to viridian city with misty bicycle. afterall it can still repaired almost a little below cost than cost of bicycle.

outskirts of viridian city

just as we reach by entrance of city, we got stopped by officer jenny from distance . as she moving on her bike.

" stop right there. who are people take out your identity." maybe from distance and angle , she can't recognise us.

still we take out our pokedex about to give her.

" i am sorry , brother in law. i don't recognised you . you see, these days I can't get rest enough. there are pokemon thieves moving around these city. so security is increased. cause of this we can't have enough rest." Jenny apologize to us , after seeing us. she recognised me afterall, some of parties i participated are of joey and jenny family every year. so most of them knew about me.

" it's ok , jenny . afterall it's yours duty. also you have to pay attention to your health. ok i have to do something. if you have time you can come to pokemon centre or hotel here." max try to left. afterall some girls he knew are like hungry wolf. but if they are really wants to join , i am also not a saint.

jenny also knew i am trying to slip away. but didn't refused her to not come for us. this is also give her a hope. after knowing more than 9 years. even we met some time in a years. we still have a friendly relationship. not at level of boyfriend and girlfriend.

" okay , if i have time i come to see you. " jenny agreed to come . if she has any work or time while we are in viridian city.

just as we are about to go to pokemon centre. jenny call back again.

" wait, max i have present that should be given to you. i will give you at pokemon centre."

nodding in reply , i go towards my destination.

" hey, max why officer jenny calling you brother in law. if you don't want to answer it's fine. " misty curious about this . although jenny is good hearted person. she still is domineering in personality. but infront of us she behaves like next door sister.

" it's nothing special. you see i have some marriage contract in jenny families. so it is easy for us to get along." i reply nonchalantly

hearing it surprise her , afterall who married in jenny and joey families are always elite in society not to mention their own strength and financial background. she looked at kaira joey also thinking if i have marriage contacted with joey families too.

" so, joey family too?" misty asked in her curiously.

" yes , not only jenny and joey . there are also other people. this girls including too. "

misty hearing it although didn't much surprised her. afterall in major families more than one wife is normal. but hearing there are other are more, it surprise her. cause this is already big enough.

silently we move towards pokemon centre.

but just as we about to reach there. an explosion sounded. infront of us whole pokemon centre got ruined. seeing it in real life it's surprise me. although it also happens in show but even in real life. i can't put my words.

but nothing major injury happen. just some minor injuries. nurse joey is quite good. she evacuated people before blast happen.

also jenny came soon with an egg. after seeing building is ruined . she opened her mouth.

after some inquiry, she got her answere. it's turn out because of group of Pikachu electricity . it also got into generator , and got overcharged. this reason of blast.

although its different from show , but final is same.

" max , your mother inform us to give you this pokeball, she forgot to give it to you before your journey." " also max here is an egg that's present from you from our jenny family. this egg is from our best arcanine in family. she pregnant it with for whole 3 yrs. so elite lvl pokemon is definitely."

saying that joey give me pokeball that she promised me to give years ago. and jenny give me growlith egg.

" well, how about all of us go for dinner. afterall it's already night. and pokemon centre is ruined. "

jenny and joy didn't question. afterall they are already tired and hungry.

we all move to 5 star hotel and get our own rooms.

next day,

i and girls bid farewell to joy and Jenny . and just as we are about to go to viridian forest where we met ash in our way.

" ash, what are waiting here for? " leaf ask curiositly afterall ash run before us.

" well, can we travel to pewter city together. afterall we are going to same destination." ash asked in embarrassment . afterall viridian forest is quite big. if you lost in viridian forest you may encounter with powerful pokemon. if you don't know route , you may go deep inside it. you will come out without a scratch difficult to say.

" it's okay. who make you my idiot cousin till pewter city." daisy give me pleaded look. afterall I don't want to travel with male companion. if you have to chose between male and female companion . most of people know which to choose.

" ok, since it is ash . it's fine." i sighed . afterall who make weak resistance against my girls.

" also misty do you want to travel with us." i ask misty, cause misty may follow ash cause of her bicycle like canon.

" this.. let me think about it. till pewter city." misty

" it's ok."

just as we enter in viridian forest. ash started to look around. not knowing how dangerous it is.

" well do you guys want to find any pokemon. i will help you." because my range is quite big. and girls decided travel with me. so it's better to help them a little.