
Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

Chapter excerpt: Charlton knew what was running in her head and in truth he wanted to mock her. ’You truly are a whore, aren’t you?’ he wanted to say. However, he was not planning to make this a one-time thing and he had more in store for her. So instead, he leaned forward as he started kissing her tears away. "Serena, I love you so much, do you know that? So please, don’t give me that look." Serena’s tears did not stop but what was the use. They were already like this and no matter how much she denies it, that she even let something like this happen… there’s only one conclusion. She still loved Charlton. Or at least she was that greedy for his love. She could not push him away so she could only raise her arms and envelope him in her embrace. "We’re going to burn in hell for this…." She whispered. Charlton burrowed his head on the juncture of her neck. He licked and kissed that part, careful not to leave a mark as they still will be meeting with the others later. He smirked when he felt her tremble. Why was she so easy? Regardless, he was enjoying what she can offer before he ruins her himself. "All the more reason to get as much heaven as we can now." He said, then he started moving. -- A year after his father’s death, grand duke Charlton Daniel finally responds to the summon of his uncle, the king, to return to the capital. Of course, his reason for compliance was not due to his subservience to the crown. Four years ago, his life has been turned upside down. His lover betrayed him for his cousin, the crown prince. His father was sent to prison because of a crime with dubious evidence. While he, himself, was sent to exile with a mission to capture the revolutionists. All of which, he took in strides because of his steadfast belief in humanity and justice. However, time changes everyone. Four years may seem short, but to some, it’s enough to change their perceptions and priorities. Once a pacifist at heart, Charlton is now going to return to the royal capital with a personal vendetta. -- To the public eye, Serena William, nee Maxwell, was living the perfect life. She was beautiful, rich, happily married, and has the unwavering support of her maternal family. Oh, and did I mention that she was also the crown princess and the most loved personage? Yes, that she was. Kind, generous, and approachable. She was a woman who was completely unlike any other. No one in the royal family was as well loved by the masses as she was. At least, that’s how her life was perceived to be. Behind closed doors, life was not as glamoured up as it was in the tabloids. Her first pregnancy ended up in stillbirth, while the next two ended up in miscarriages. Was this her retribution? She could not help but ask herself. This led to her guilt and self-blame which further developed her insecurity, and even inferiority complex. Aside from what she was undergoing herself, it doesn’t help that the queen mother kept on rubbing salt to injury by implying that she should let her lady-in-waiting, the queen’s first choice for crown princess, take over. Crown prince Geoffrey William was Serena’s saving grace, her knight in the shining armor, the man who sticked with her through thick and thin. Would she ever be willing to make way for another woman for his own good? Then worse, comes her old flame who seems to still be enamored with her. What lengths would she be willing to take to keep the pandora’s box shut? However, there are no secrets that time does not reveal. What will she do when she later finds out what her greatest champion did to her? -- Hearts will break, heads will roll. All is fair in love and war. This novel is not for the faint hearted. — This novel is the sequel to the first titled, ‘Making the second male lead fall in love with me, the Villainess’, and is set four (4) years after the royal wedding. (But you don’t need to read the first to understand this one, sequence is not important)

champilyn · History
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157 Chs

Chapter 20: Leaving for Torton I

Geoffrey William, the crown prince of Windsor and the acting minister of the ministry of social welfare, handed his gloves and cloak to Fergus, the butler of Kensington house. Then, he glanced briefly on the empty hallway before quietly asking, "Has Serena arrived?"

Fergus, blessed with a greater sense of his own worth, unbent slightly before answering, "Your highness, the missus just arrived a while ago. Shall I inform her that you're here?"

Geoffrey shook his head. "No need." He was only confirming because before heading home, he passed by the palace to check if Serena was still there. He hoped they could share a ride home together, wanting to spend more time with her before he leaves for Torton.

That morning during their meeting at the house of lords, he was given the task of leading the relief effort to Torton and Ferpen. Although he did not want to because the annual season was about to take place, which meant he could not accompany Serena nor could she join him, he has no choice but to accept.

The catastrophe caused by the construction of the underwater railway tunnel connecting Torton and Ferpen was truly in a magnitude like no other. Although the accident already happened a week ago, those responsible still haven't completely excavated the caved areas, nor have they come up with the official toll for the number of confirmed dead or as listed missing persons. But just to give an idea on the numbers, there were about 15,000 people working on the tunnel when the accident happened, and to date, only 2826 were confirmed and recovered dead bodies, while 5391 were injured personnel.

The seemingly slow response to the tragic event coupled with the smaller accidents on other infrastructure projects from last year created a domino effect which caused the masses to clamor. Every day since the tragedy occurred, the house of lords and the ministries have been flooded with complaints and petitions.

Thus, when his name has been suggested earlier, everyone looked at him like he was the only salvation left.

Geoffrey knew that it was a hot potato, and it could be a trap. If he were to make a mistake on the mission, it could damage his reputation. Meanwhile, his time away might somehow weaken his position in the capital.

However, at the same time, he understood why it had to be him. The mission was not simply to provide aid, but also to appease those that have been affected. He was not being conceited, but he knew his own worth. Even if it was his father, the king, were the one to go there, it might not be enough.

In either case, he wanted to investigate what happened and help the victims to somehow get through their tough situation. Thus, in the end, he agreed to take on the mission and tomorrow, he would be leaving for Torton.

His only concern was Serena. It would be the first time that they would be spending at least three to six months apart since they got married and he worried that his mother would get too much. Although he already advised Serena not to mind his mother's words because he never and will never share the same opinion, she would still sometimes take her words to heart.

That reminded him that the reason Serena went to the palace today was because of his mother's invite. So, he asked Fergus, "How was she?"

Fergus seeing the concern in his master's eyes could only answer in a subdued voice, "Her highness is in the drawing room."

Geoffrey sighed thinking that his mother must have said unpleasant things to Serena again. Sometimes, he just wished that he could simply stop them from communicating or completely stop his mother from prying in his married life. However, that was not even possible because of damned propriety and their royal image.

Anyhow, Geoffrey nodded to acknowledge Fergus words. Then, he turned and walked across the hallway towards the drawing room.

When he reached the large double doors leading to their combined drawing and music room, he raised his right hand to knock but stopped. Recognizing its soft and mellow tune, he realized that Serena must have started to play the piano. Curious but not wanting to disturb her, he gently turned the doorknob and quietly let himself in.


After leaving the palace, Serena could not help but think of queen Loretta's words. She knew that they were all true and she was the one who was being stubborn. However, how could she give Geoffrey up?

Even when she said yes regarding Annalys, she was already thinking of ways to prevent that from happening. In fact, she already had the solution for quite some time, but she has always been reluctant to do it. For how could she use her brother, Leonard, just to buy time for herself?

Should she just let it happen? She knew that even if she wins this battle, there were many more ahead because her opponent was not really Annalys or her mother-in-law, but time.

Arriving home, Serena sighed before exiting the car, a 24/40 HP benz landaulet model. After acknowledging the cursory welcoming from the servants for her return, she walked straight to the drawing room as usual.

With everything happening to her, although she always maintains a strong front to others, in her lonesome company, she was truly melancholic.

Serena sat in front of the grand piano. Gently, she lifted the maple fallboard before caressing the ivory keys. She smiled as she tapped the keys creating some melodies.

Of everything that happened in her life, her love for music has remained constant. It was her outlet and at times, it helps her get through some of the stressful happenings in her life.

Thinking of Geoffrey and her predicament, her smile turned sad. Again, she asked herself, would she ever be willing to let go?

Tears began to blur her vision.

Answering her own question, she shook her head. No.

She closed her eyes let her tears fall before wiping them dry. Then she took a deep breath to compose herself.

Letting her feelings pour, she let her fingers glide the keys of the piano. She was so focused that she did not even notice that someone has entered the room.

Then, she began to sing.

"I have always been a dreamer

Followed visions of my own

I was born to belong

To the lines of a song

And make them my home

I believe in happy endings

Though I've only known a few

For as rare as they are

Like a bright falling star

I found one in you


All the world can seem so friendless

And the road ahead so endless

And the dream so far away


When I'm almost to surrender

Then I stop and I remember

I have you to save my day

Often my imagination

Has me reaching out too far

When I fell you were there

With your hand in the air

You knew from the start


After all you've done to save me

Through the love you freely gave me

Every step along the way


People ask what keeps me going

And in truth, it comes from knowing

I have you to save my day


Feeling helpless when I held you

Wishing words would come to tell you

I have you to save my day"



I just wanted to share this chapter sooner so yeah haha. The title of the song used is ‘i have you’ by the carpenters. I listen to the piano version but i cant find a cover with a female singer that makes me feel like it’s serena’s version. Hope you are enjoying this novel so far. I know it’s a little slow but i really have to reintroduce the characters somewhat. It’s been 4 years remember and a lot has happened. Thanks and do comment in the comment section to say hi! Let me know you’re with me.

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