
Treacherous Heart

She absolutely despises their very existence She cannot stand these species called “MEN” Because for her they only want one thing “ I strongly dislike men to my very core, they are all the same, they are predators and they only ever want one thing”.……………………. But deep deep down does Aurora really think that or is it just a naive innocence Or maybe just a facade?……….. Get ready to lose yourself in this heart wrenching story of Jason and Aurora because once he finds her, he’s never going to let go, he will unwind every single layer until she is bare under his gaze “Or so he thought”………… —————————————————- Excerpt: “where is the…………” Auroras voice trailed off seeing Jason stand there looking at her as if he was going to attack her any minute. it was as if she was the prey and he the predator. “you know there is something you have not said yet.” “what do you mean?” Auroras stern voice resonated in the room. “say it” Jason stood infront of the door, whilst he stared at her with an unwavering gaze. The door shut and locked behind him. “say what?, what do you want me to say?” “You know very well Rora, don’t make me come there otherwise you will not like what happens next.” oh she knew what he was talking about, she knew very well. “I don’t know what you are talking about, stop talking to me.” He took some steps closer to her. she quickly made her way towards the door. but try as she might the door was jammed. “Looks like I have a little wild animal loose in the castle who loves to run and play hide and seek.” She turned towards him. “Actually your right because when the predator is that hideous is it not obvious that the innocent animal would want to hide.” she smirked an evil one at him.

RAVENR · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Aurora prt 2

Josephine was looking at her youthful niece with a gaze filled with love and hope, well it was more correct to say her young daughter, she reminisced about the past...…..

You could hear loud agonising sobs coming from the deep dark corner of a room in a big home that belonged to non other than Josephine, all she could do was be strong not just for herself but for her dearest niece. This was the first time she has seen her niece cry like this, she had always seen Aurora smile, quiet and distant but giggling but this, this was something different this was like someone was stabbing Josephine in the heart a million times over and over and she couldn't even scream to let out the inexplicable affliction that was being caused.

Josephine entered the room, walking over to Aurora, she instantly sat on the ground cradling Aurora in her arms, Aurora instantly Clung onto her aunt so tight in fear as if her aunt was the next one to leave her. "Aunt why....did mother have to leave me, why?" "Was him doing that deed to me not enough?" Aurora was stuttering as she tried to speak this had Josephine's pleading tear drops fall all the more Josephine looked down in hesitation taken aback at what the drifting off Aurora was saying. Josephine thought she was taking about her mother so she calmly spoke "She has become one of the big stars now so you needn't cry dear, Josephine was trying to calm her down by stroking her back and hair constantly "she has gone to the almighty that called her so she will always be with you no matter where you are, looking down upon you."

With Josephine's gentle yet calm rocking Aurora eventually fell asleep. Josephine remembered how her younger sister fell ILL and no one thought that it would lead to her leaving this world. That's when Josephine looked down upon the child and thought once and for all that she will raise this 13 year old as her own no matter what is takes she will raise this daughter of hers with finality and she won't neglect this opportunity at all. She was going to do this for her sister and her daughter and most of all herself.

As for Auroras dad, had never been seen the minute Aurora had turned 12 they all thought he must of stayed at work due to being extremely busy as this often happened, suddenly he just never returned home. But one morning Auroras mother received a strange call saying that her husband was found near a shore dead. Well that was what Aurora was told anyways but...….

With time going by Aurora lived with her Aunt Josephine she had some fun times with her aunt. Whilst Aurora was growing up Josephine took care of her taking her out to places, letting her pursue her hobbies and interests however Josephine could tell, no she knew that something was not right when it came to her daughter. Aurora continued getting her education which she successfully finished by the age of 18. Eventually Josephine had to travel for her business so she would leave the home with Aurora.