
Treacherous Heart

She absolutely despises their very existence She cannot stand these species called “MEN” Because for her they only want one thing “ I strongly dislike men to my very core, they are all the same, they are predators and they only ever want one thing”.……………………. But deep deep down does Aurora really think that or is it just a naive innocence Or maybe just a facade?……….. Get ready to lose yourself in this heart wrenching story of Jason and Aurora because once he finds her, he’s never going to let go, he will unwind every single layer until she is bare under his gaze “Or so he thought”………… —————————————————- Excerpt: “where is the…………” Auroras voice trailed off seeing Jason stand there looking at her as if he was going to attack her any minute. it was as if she was the prey and he the predator. “you know there is something you have not said yet.” “what do you mean?” Auroras stern voice resonated in the room. “say it” Jason stood infront of the door, whilst he stared at her with an unwavering gaze. The door shut and locked behind him. “say what?, what do you want me to say?” “You know very well Rora, don’t make me come there otherwise you will not like what happens next.” oh she knew what he was talking about, she knew very well. “I don’t know what you are talking about, stop talking to me.” He took some steps closer to her. she quickly made her way towards the door. but try as she might the door was jammed. “Looks like I have a little wild animal loose in the castle who loves to run and play hide and seek.” She turned towards him. “Actually your right because when the predator is that hideous is it not obvious that the innocent animal would want to hide.” she smirked an evil one at him.

RAVENR · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Are you ready?

"King Phyllis there are some important guests who would like to speak to you"spoke butler Bailey, Phyllis nodded in understanding "I need to speak to some important guests, I will see you both downstairs" Cara nodded and she turned to her son whilst Phyllis walked out of the room.

" I have decided I will be staying here for the month with you also are you ready for the ball" the duke looked at his mother "I have had the rooms arranged and your belongings have been set in your room mother, yes I am ready"

His mother looked at him in the eyes and he knew what was coming "well there will be plenty of women and girls at the ball today" Cara deliberately played with her son "who knows you will finally find one to settle down with, I will finally be able to see my little baby grandchildren running around the hallways" he smirked "mother I have been so busy in this city and I only had time to concentrate on my work I don't know, though you could be right"

Cara looked at him with a smile "I will be downstairs son don't be too long" with that Cara closed the room door on her way out. The duke turned and looked at himself one last time in the mirror but before he could actually leave an idea popped up in his mind. The duke quietly came out of his room, he walked down the halls that were brightly lit he was focusing on everyone before he would make the grand entry he wanted to roam around without being noticed and what better way than to blend in with nothingness he noticed the food on the table, guests all laughing,speaking, exchanging pleasantries some young humans were already getting a bit curious.

As he continued walking he slowed down in his steps when he heard some girls speaking there were four of them to be precise, he could also smell a faint scent of gypsophila flowers coming from that direction.

His attention was caught "I know you all love me and care about me but I only came here since my friends and aunt insisted you all know how I strongly dislike these men so please I wish you all good luck with your findings but keep me out otherwise this dinner dance ball will turn into a massacre ball"

"Interesting indeed" thought the duke he was just about to walk around the bend when "duke,duke" Gerald the butler called for him and he had to move away it was his time to show up and deliver his speech.