
Traversing World's with Jin Mori's Strength

( I don't own the other character's or the worlds that the MC travels to except himself, and other OC's ) Follow Jin Katsuo, a battle-obsessed boy, as he travels to many different places all for a good fight. Using his favourite Martial Art's he's seen through his favourite web-toon. ( I try to do 2 chapters a day, if I can't due to a reason I'll make one that is long

PoorKarma · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 7: Debt and Exclusion(Updated)

After Jin kicked Nomu and he fainted dust covered the area, with Jin on the floor and blood and left-over carnage, the heroes were able to finally penetrate through the wall surrounding the battle.

The heroes rushed over Jin and saw the kid he saved on-top of his body trying to wake him up," m-mr he-hero wak-wake up", he said as he began to cry. The surrounding heroes took the kid and tried to find his family which they were successful with.

Jin was taken to the hospital and has been in a coma ever since.


In his mind, Jin looked around his dark surroundings....seemingly lost, before he tried to find some kind of exit. He walked and observed the never-ending the darkness.

<1 hour later>

After 1 whole hour of walking, he laid on the floor, not knowing what to do. He put his hands up and looked at them before he sighed....


He sounded, before he closed his eyes, adrift in the darkness...while his eyes were closed, he saw a bright light, he raised his arms towards it, and woke up, from his never-ending nightmare....

<2 Days later>

It's been 2 days, his classmates all visited him but it was awkward because he was quirk-less, Jin didn't mind this much as he was going to show that not all quirk-less were weak.

<2 weeks later>

Jin is fully healed all because of his physical prowess, but he still was wary about his injuries, and decided to train more to fasten his recovery.


In the hospital whenever nobody visited and the nurses weren't around he trained, he can feel his power slowly rising but isn't confident of fighting someone like Saitama just yet.

As he was about to enter the school ,with a smile on his face, aware that it was almost time for the school festival, he was stopped by a white mouse wearing a suit with a scar over his standing underneath Jin.

Nezu: " Hello Jin, have you been well".

Jin: " Yeah...do you want something", he asked confused why the principal was here.

Nezu: "That's good...why are you here", he said with a confused expression.

Jin: "I go school here...what do you mean?", he asked confused.

Nezu: " No you don't", he said before he pulled out a white paper and read," For the destruction of our stadium, fighting without a hero license, destruction of multiple houses and endangering a child no more the age of 8, you are hereby excluded from U.A High School", he said with a serious expression

Jin:"WHAT!", he said simply in disbelief from what he just heard.....

<In the Principal's room>

Jin: "You've gotta be kidding me... if i didn't act who would've saved that boy? Who would've helped the others while they escaped?", he questioned

Nezu: " That's not your job, if your careful you might die!", he shouted

Jin: " You hypocrite! Every hero might die some-day... or is this about something else? It's because I don't have a quirk right?".

Nezu stays silent, implying Jin is right, Jin stands up to exit, but before he does he says," If the heroes run and hide, who will stay and fight? Quirks don't matter!", before he slams the door, causing it to break leaving the Principal before some teachers came out to talk with him.

Jin was walking and was currently pissed, he swore if that little mouse bothered him again, he'd punch him. The matter was still on his mind when he when he went to his class, 1-A.

As soon as he entered Midoriya greeted him, Bakugou grunted and Todoroki just stared at him before Aizawa said," Welcome back Jin, hurry up and sit down".

'So he doesn't know huh?' Jin thought when he went to grab his bag from his locker and said, " Sensei Im expelled how can i sit down?", he questioned.

As soon as he said this everyone exploded, and asked him, "WHY!", to which he replied, "Ask that little mouse", with an un-bothered face when he was actually seething.

Even Aizawa was surprised which showed he didn't know.

Jin then walked away ignoring the rest of their questions before closing the door.

He stood there before he went to the corridor window and looked up to the sky before he jumped out creating a small crater on his landing..

He arrived at his cabin and went to sleep, contemplating what he should do before.

BOOM! A man with blond hair and big muscles was at the broken doorway and said, " Kid Im gonna kill you this time", he said before he charged at Jin.

Jin who saw Muscular after so long got excited and jumped at him too, as Jin's kick collided with Muscular's punch , the mountain they were standing on sunk deeper into the ground.

Jin rushed at him and delivered a two horizontal kicks at his neck and his head in quick succession, stumbling Muscular,<Recoilless Goryeo>

Jin Katsuo laughed, "Hahahaha", as his smile grew as they clashed, before he raised his leg, creating an ominous atmosphere.... the wind itself , concentrated towards Jin's feet creating the mirage of a blue dragon, before the pressure, charged at Muscular, slamming him into the ground.....


<Jin Mo-Ri Original: Blue Dragon's Kick>


Before long , Jin was standing over his body and said, "That's revenge for last time", before he walked away leaving a mangled Muscular as Jin went to the shop's as he was hungry.

"That's what I needed", he said with a smile before stretching off to the shops...

While he was walking, he stared at the sky, day-dreaming about fighting someone really strong....