
Chapter 6: Revelations and Shockwaves(Updated)

Yami was watching with interest as Jin fought with the Nomu that he prepared especially for him, he felt the need to watch Jin suffer for his arrogance, but didn't want to continuously disrupt him.

He watched on as Jin was growing while fighting, slowly but surely, his power was rising...


In the stadium Jin was fighting the Nomu before he felt something growing inside him.... he couldn't explain it....it was like a bottomless pit slowly being filled, he was distracted from the fight for no more than 5 seconds, but the Nomu saw this and took the opportunity to rocket Jin outside, through the ceiling and on-to a neighbouring house.

PTUI! Jin sounded as he spat the blood from mouth and looked up shocked for a moment before he heard....


"Hello Jin, It's me Yami, i have been watching you since the day we met and i have got too say you do give me a right laugh HAHAHA, I intentionally made the Nomu stronger for you to have a challenge and I can already sense your getting stronger....hehehehe~, no need to thank me.. , anyway bye", Yami said with laughter and a hint of sarcasm towards the end.

Jin wasn't that surprised at the revelation but couldn't think about it more, as the Nomu was coming closer, he got up from the house and got into his stance when suddenly... a blur materialized right in-front of him sending a right hook followed quickly with a knee.

Jin was dazed but powered through as he was being beaten severely , absorbing the smile he still had the audacity to smile which made the Nomu attack more viciously.

The unexpected soon came when Nomu sent a destructive punch, breaking his rib-cage before Jin was catapulted through one particular house, in-side a boy was sleeping and woke up to the noise, he ran over to Jin to see if he was alright.... right before the Nomu was about to appear he saw the kid and told him to run.

However, when the Nomu stood boldly through the hole in the wall, the kid couldn't move. Knowing he was in danger, he decided to fight with Nomu with everything he had, regardless of his injury....

His mind cleared up as he stared at the Nomu," Hey kid-- get out of here, i'll handle this guy....", Jin said with heavy breathing in between. "M-mr im sca-scared", the little boy said with tears in his eyes.

The Nomu laughed as he could see the fear in the little boy, he wanted to devour him and shifted his attention to him. This pissed off Jin as he thought, 'I'll make you regret ever thinking about doing anything to this kid'.

Jin sprung into action as the Nomu was walking closer to the boy, he knew that to give him enough damage... he'd need to pull out all of his techniques without focusing too much on his injury...

He materialized right in-front of the Nomu and sent an upward kick with all his power directed from his feet to the Nomu's head.....

<Renewal Taekwondo : Baek-Rok>


The Nomu was sent up in the air for a couple of seconds, stunned by the impact of the kick. Without wasting such an opportunity, Jin followed through with three kicks: one to the left, right and the middle.


<Renewal Taekwondo : 3rd Stance Hwechook>

Jin continued to attack the Nomu and sent it flying into the road, the Nomu was enraged and attacked with full power. As it was getting closer, Jin suddenly leaped up into the air doing a backflip kick right into the Nomu's skull,<Renewal Taekwondo : Nigawa Kick>...


However, The Nomu felt it like it was nothing and charged at Jin, unbeknownst to the Nomu that he was moving slower than normal.

The Nomu charged with a, "ROARR!", and shook the houses making some come crashing down, the house with the boy wasn't expended as he leaped out the house, standing right behind Jin.


During this whole fight, It didn't go un-noticed by heroes but they couldn't help Jin as an invisible wall was placed around the surroundings, only encasing the section Jin, the Nomu and the child were in.

Different News Teams came in helicopters and zoomed in to see what was happening, the rest of the students were sent back home for their safety, when they got home and turned on the TV, Jin was there fighting the Nomu.

Even the villains laughed at Jin as they thought he would die, because his power dropped by a large margin in the middle of the fight.

<Back to Jin>

Jin observed the Nomu and was waiting for an opening, he dealt a-lot of damage to the Nomu's nerve all joints that he couldn't heal, while he was looking at the Nomu, the sudden sound behind darted his attention as he noticed the same kid was there, "Hey kid didn't i tell you to get out of here", he said with worry.

"I-I cant there's some kind of wa-wall around the area so i came back to my house to hide when it collapsed", he said with some stuttering in his voice.

Jin began to feel worried for him and lost his focus for just a second.... but that was all the Nomu needed, even with it's nerves and jointed damaged, it still was fast and packed a punch which made Jin feel excited but worried at the same time because the kid was still here.

The Nomu darted to punch Jin but he blocked it with his arms in-front of him in the shape of an X. He was sent crashing into one of the houses while the Nomu walked to the kid ,"hahaha", it lightly chuckled noticing the fear the boy had, as it opened it's mouth to seemingly devour the kid.

Jin saw this and screamed, "NOOO!", and charged in-front of the Nomu's attack. The Nomu was about to eat the kid when Jin came kicking his jaw and breaking it in the process. As if he knew this was going to happen, the Nomu waited for the right time to catapult Jin into the sky while creating a hole in his stomach.

"ARGHHH!", Jin screamed but held the pain as he went towards Nomu, to protect the kid he had to use one of his strongest attack or combination to destroy him.

And he knew which one to use, a technique he trained in because he wanted to use it, a kick that could end the Nomu's life if enough pressure was applied.

While he was thinking of what attack he should use as he came back down.


Heroes and civilians watched in horror as Jin received a punch which created a hole in his stomach and his blood to pour.

They all wished for him to win, but when they heard he was just a student at U.A in his first year.... they thought there was no way. His fellow classmates also watched on as he tried to protect the kid: some screamed for him to win, some cried, some wanted to believe he would win.

As they civilians watched on, the news channel received shocking news, they stated, "BREAKING NEWS! It appears that the boy fighting is just a first year in U.A. High School by the name of JIN KATSUO.... It appears that he is risking his life for that little boy which is very honourable....wait is what you told me true", he said as he listened to the person on the other end of his earpiece, "IT SEEMS THAT JIN KATSUO IS QUIRK-LESS", as soon as this news came out, many were shocked.

Heroes:" t-There's no way.... he's fighting better than most of us and he's QUIRK-LESS".

Civilians:" He did good...", they all thought, as they believed there would be no way he would win. Some wanted to leave as they didn't want to see him and the child die.

Jin's classmates:" W-WHAT!! JIN'S QUIRKLESS", some exchanged together as they went to their friends house.

All this caused quite a-lot of shock, especially for the viliains.

Kurogiri:' He caused all that trouble for Muscular at the age of four.... and is fighting toe to toe with our current best Nomu and they say he's QUIRKLESS', Kurogiri thought and questioned the news teams sanity before looking at the others.

Some didn't care as they thought it was another day, some were curious about his power, some wanted him dead(specifically Muscular).


Jin appeared by the kid and sent him further away from Nomu, Jin held his left hand on the wound on his stomach and breathed heavily before focusing everything on his leg.

As the Nomu watched on he laughed," HAHAHA~", in a sadistic way as he 'knew' Jin's time was almost over, however, that all changed as Jin beckoned the Nomu to come, "Why are you laughing! Let's play~", he said lowly with a smile coupled with sweat and blood rolling down his face making him seem ominous.

The Nomu, not caring, charged, but was slower than compared to before because of his injured nerves and joints, "RAA!", he roared, before Jin raised his leg with a lot of power behind it, he didn't waste any movement, and gave everything into this attack. It was powerful enough to cut through wide area of ground and split the sky, even though it is stopped midway on the Nomu's head, his head expanded, before it exploded, leaving a dead Nomu and an unconscious Jin on the floor...

<Renewal Taekwondo : Recoilless Kick>

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