
Traversing World's with Jin Mori's Strength

( I don't own the other character's or the worlds that the MC travels to except himself, and other OC's ) Follow Jin Katsuo, a battle-obsessed boy, as he travels to many different places all for a good fight. Using his favourite Martial Art's he's seen through his favourite web-toon. ( I try to do 2 chapters a day, if I can't due to a reason I'll make one that is long

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Chapter 20 : Dragon?

A few months have gone by just like that. Jin's disappearance baffled the Magic Council as they wanted to find out what happened. Makarov didn't know Jin for more than a couple of days but still mourned for him. Mainly because he believes anyone who's part of the guild is his family.

As the months rolled by, it was finally time for the S-Class Mage Promotion Test. Makarov was gonna include Jin this year, based on him singlehandedly defeating the Thunder God Tribe...but obviously could not.

While they were on the boat to Tenrou Island... In a mountain, an Ice Sculpture was breaking away at a rate not possible. Jin was spreading his aura and forcing himself to move in the ice, as the ice slowly started to crack.


There was now a whole crack down the middle, and it was spreading everywhere.


Jin punched the remaining wall of ice away when his left arm was revealed, completely getting rid of the ice.


"Where's that damn demon? and what was that spell?", he said a-loud before looking around his surroundings. He was deep in the mountain him and the demon were fighting on, he looked up at the fragile ceiling and decided to burst through it.


Bursting through the ceiling and the rest of the mountain, he reached the sky and looked at Sun. "Guess I should head back huh~", Jin said before he began making his way to the Guild.


When he opened the door to the guild and saw there was hardly anyone he asked," Hey guys~ where is everyone?". When they heard someone say that, they looked over only to see Jin," Jin! Where have you been? Everyone's been worried", they all said.

"Sorry Sorry~", he answered. Before he asked where everyone was again.

"They went to Tenrou for the S-Class Promotion Test", someone answered. But they all looked to where Jin was only to see he was gone.


When Jin heard that they were on Tenrou Island, he dashed as fast as he could towards the Island, hoping he could make it in time to fight Acnologia.


On Tenrou Island, everyone felt something ominous approaching... they felt something coming, something dark. Gildarts, 'the strongest in the guild', knew exactly what it was, as he personally experienced the creatures anger, " No, it can't be what I think it is", he thought.

He was right, as a black dragon with blue markings appeared, shocking everyone present.

Natsu looked at it, and with expectation ," Hey Black Dragon do you know where Igneel is!", he asked, but was stopped by Gildarts who urged him not to provoke Acnologia.

He told everyone that they could die, much to their dismay, as they'd never seen anything like Acnologia. While trying to escape, they were stopped as their path was blocked, causing some of them to freak out even more, as they were ordered to escape.

Wendy tried to talk to him, but Acnologia didn't want to as he viewed humans as insects, nothing more than garbage.

In his last efforts, Makarov tried holding Acnologia, the members all wanted to help him, but he ordered them to stay safe. Makarov pushed Acnologia as hard as he could, but Acnologia sheer strength over-powered Makarov easily.

As he saw his life flash between his eyes, Makarov prayed for the guild members, as he smiled at Acnologia right before....

Natsu came running, crying, as he wanted to save his master, prompting everyone in the guild to attack Acnologia.


Jin was moving as fast as he could, as he leapt through the sky using the ground as a push force. He was getting closer and closer and soon saw the island.


The guild members threw everything they could at Acnologia, but nothing worked, as he even smiled. Before he launched him-self in the air, preparing to wipe out the whole Island.

Most of the members cried, while others hoped to use their most powerful defensive magic, protecting themselves in the process. They all held hands, and looked at their impending doom with a smile, as they charged up a defensive spell.

Acnologia charged up a, <Dragon's Roar>, and looked upon the Fairy Tale Member's as if they were ants.

The members saw the beam coming closer and closer but then....a figure appeared right above them as he looked at the beam laughing before saying," Sorry I was late guys~", Jin said, still looking at the <Dragon's Roar> before his red eyes turned black... his white hair waved in the air as he raised his leg, focusing all his energy on a single point, "Renewal Taekwondo...Recoilless Kick~".


The clash between the two techniques caused the land on the sea bed to rise, splitting sky...

"JIN!!!", Makarov screamed when he saw Jin's leg was bleeding but looked up to see Acnologia was also bleeding.

"Old Man~, that lizard's mine....get everyone out of here", Jin said as he looked seriously at Acnologia.

The others were still in shock that he competed with 'The Black Dragon' in terms of power and drew based on the damage between the two.

Gildarts: "KID ARE YOU CRAZY, THAT'S A DRAGON!", he shouted.

Jin then thought about Kaido and smiled before saying," I've fought one before~ Don't worry, there nothing but lizards" Jin proclaimed, angering Acnologia.

This was made apparent as he roared," ROOOOARR!!", " Are you angry~, the other one I fought is probably stronger than you anyway, hehehe", he chuckled at the end which made Acnologia have enough as he charged downwards.

"Listen you guys, I promise I'll win alright~, now get out of here", he said before he cracked his neck.


The other's were in disbelief as they asked Makarov who he was, but Laxus answered for him and said, "He's the one that beat us in the festival singlehandedly", with a calm expression signifying he didn't mind.

Natsu: "I remember now! He was the one asleep during the festival then got up and wiped you guys out!".

Lucy: "But how come we haven't seen him?".

Makarov: "He went missing on a mission to investigate some kind of group".

After reaching the boat, and treating the wounded, they all looked over to see how Jin was doing.


As soon as the others went, Jin looked seriously at Acnologia and said, " So you gonna talk Mr Lizard~".

Acnologia: ".....".

"I heard you don't talk to humans because you think they're insects~", as soon as Jin said that he vanished....but appeared directly in-front of Acnologia before sending a barrage of punches,<Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Torrential Strike>, and continued by creating 3 after images doing a combination kick on his body; attacking his brain, torso and claws/legs all with Haki.

<Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Nakyoung + Haki>

Acnologia was shocked by his strength, and was disgusted when he saw Jin's smile, as if he was enjoying breaking every part of his body.

Angered at his limit, he shouted," I'LL KILL YOU!", before he got out of his Dragon Form at will, as he took the form of a human which is that of a rather muscular young man with long, dark blue coloured hair. He carried a sharp gaze towards Jin, with his dark-skin and the same light blue markings he has when he is a Dragon, he looked menacingly at Jin.

"So you can speak huh~, guess I should be honoured. Mr Lizard , hehehe", he chuckled, mocking Acnologia.

Acnologia raised his hand, creating thousands of destructive stars, before he smiled at Jin, throwing them all at him,<Eternal Flare>.

Jin could see the destructive damage they possessed, but still didn't run as he got in his stance before he released hundreds of high-speed punches, as he sighed:


<Renewal Taekwondo: Mach Punch>

Steam came out of Jin's mouth, as if he reached his boiling point, his mind was clouded with only thoughts of fighting as he charged at Acnologia. Jin watched as Acnologia coated magic in his fists, before sending dozens of punches at him. In response to this, Jin side-stepped to the left, leaving an after-image on his right, confusing Acnologia, before he used<Bo-Bup>, to instantly appear behind Acnologia delivering a kick to his face using Haki ,while his back was turned,<Renewal Taekwondo : Rising Back Kick + Haki>

After stabilising himself Acnologia gathered all his magic into his hand, creating a large ball of energy, before he released it at Jin. To combat this, Jin simply dodged it, before he appeared on Acnologia's left, creating 3 after Images, all striking him in the with Haki,<Renewal : 3rd Stance Hwechook >, he didn't show mercy though, and bashed his knee into his face after he jumped towards his torso,<Ssam-Su : Knee Kick>, he didn't stop and kicked the back of his knee using his right leg, throwing him off balance,<Ssam-Su Taekkyeon : Inward Trip>, while he was falling, with all his body weight + Haki, he bashed his knee into his face again, <Ssam-Su : Nirvana>, as they hit the floor, he delivered punches at all Acnologia's joints and nerves, causing him immense pain,<Torrential Strike>.

After that successful attack, Jin stood up from Acnologia, as he walked towards the guild members on the ship as he waved.


The Guild Members saw most of what happened, and saw Jin's strange techniques as he 'bullied' Acnologia. They all wondered how he got that strong and looked at Makarov instinctively , "You want to know how he got that strong right~, well I don't know...all he's told me is that he fought in a war", when they heard that, they wondered where Jin came from and thought about what he must've gone through.

And so they decided to go back to the island to pick him up...


Jin looked at the ship turning round and sighed as he sat down and waited for them to come, he closed his eyes, but just in case, used Observation Haki around him.


Acnologia laid on the ground and couldn't believe he lost to a human, but he was happy he actually found a challenger he could actually fight with, "HAHAHAHAHA!!", he laughed not noticing his body changing as it became half-dragon half-human, as his power rapidly soared to new heights.

He released his aura everywhere, and continued laughing, as he charged to where Jin was.


Jin was sitting down on the floor, as he looked at the distant ship get closer and closer, until it stopped. He looked at all the Guild Mates shocked, before he darted his eyes, seeing a new and improved, much more stronger than before, Acnologia.

Jin looked all over his body, before he immediately got into his stance but he was flung by a punch through the forest, as he was sent crashing into the ocean. He looked at the approaching Acnologia who was smiling from ear to ear. His strength reached a new realm because of Jin, as he pressured him giving him no chance to focus.

The two fought at the bottom of the sea-bed as they still delivered blows on blows.

Jin smiled as his heart pumped wildly looking at Acnologia posing a threat to his life. After dodging a strike to his face, Jin dived under as he delivered an 180° sweep kick at Acnologia's legs.<Renewal : Lowest Hwechook>.

Acnologia jumped and dodged the sweep before he aimed a kick at Jin, who was currently still under him, Jin rotated his body to the left after immediately springing up-wards, seemingly avoiding the kick, before striking Acnologia in the face with an upwards kick,<Recoilless Samra + Haki>.

Acnologia wasn't gonna let him do that again and raised his own leg before strengthening it , as the two kicks, BOOOOOM!! The sea level was rising because of their strikes. All of this was done under-water, were the pressure is much higher, but the two smiled.

Acnologia looked at the person in-front of him, not as a human, but as a monster, as even he was enjoying the fight.

After clashing one more and reaching main-land, the two looked at each-other seriously, before Jin went in his stance and stated, "Round Two~?", to which Acnologia replied, "Of course~".....