
Traversing the Anime Multiverse with a System

The Main Character Soren was *Cough Cough* in a car when an accident happened, he was then killed and brought in front of God. God gave him 3 wishes, his wishes had some restrictions but he wished for a System that in connected to every Anime in the Multiverse and now he travels getting stronger to become a God himself, This is my first one of these type of Novels and I do not own any of the Anime or materials used except my Character, I only made this to improve writing skills. Thank You News! Please Read before reading!!* If you found this fiction lacking in quality or want to see something done differently, I'm remaking this fanfic to add more to the story, as well as visit other worlds and anime, I'm taking suggestions of worlds to visit, so instead of going the same exact route with a dialogue change, I want to visit worlds like Demon Slayer, or Reincarnated as a Smile, or MCU, or DC, or any other worlds you feel are interesting and will add a sense of freshness to this already finished and outdated fiction. I'm doing this to make a better fiction as well as to try and get more inspiration to create new fictions, so come with me on this journey one more time, as I hope to make it longer and more encompassing, as well as add more detail as I am noticing while going through the early chapters I rushed quite a lot of the story just to get to parts I enjoyed while watching the Anime's. Give me your thoughts, I might even go to the Rick and Morty universe to grab some of Rick's tech and blow some shit up. Also, I don't want to limit the Harem this time, but I also don't want to just catch em all to have a bunch of onaholes, I want to build proper character relationships, so look forward to more than just r18 scenes with the women being silent and out of the picture the rest of the time.

southgamez · Anime & Comics
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222 Chs

Chapter 26: Final Battle Starts

The big red ant monster was still stuck in the air when Soren used his aura covered hand to chop down at him.

[W-wai-wait n-noo-]: red monster

Before the monster could finish his sentence Soren cut him in half. The sudden attack didn't leave the monster time to transform himself into his stronger version, but the monster still would have died, it just would have taken a few seconds longer.

After Soren got up from his downward slash that he gave the red monster he looked around to see the plaza as an empty lot.

[I guess there is nobody else here right now… but to be safe let's use my Observation Haki, and scope the whole area]: soren

Soren sent his Observation Haki out and covered the whole castle and plaza, after he retracted it he could see something on the edge of their life and about to die.

[I wonder if it's an Ant, or someone the Ants have not killed yet]: soren

When Soren went to check it out, he was met with a body of dead humans. Under all the corpses there was something struggling to get out, Soren walked up to the corpses to remove them from the source of the struggling. When the corpses were moved a loud screaming came from the source of the once struggling, now cowering in fear being.


[Calm down, I killed all the Ants that were around this area… Tell me, how did you survive?]: soren

After a while while the being that appeared to be a little girl slowly started to open her eyes because he was not dead yet. And as she looked at Soren and heard that all the monsters were dead she began to calm down.

[Are you calm now?... if so good. Now, tell me, how is it that you survived being killed by those monsters?]: soren

After a bit of silence the little girl spoke up.

[...M-my b-brother and I-I were walking home when a green monster with a hat looking thing on his head started killing all of our villages people, when they seen us we started to run but… they caught up to us and killed my brother, right before they could kill me one of his friends said that we would taste better fresh. I thought that meant they were going to eat us, but after I was caught, me and a few remaining villagers were taken by that 4 armed guy and were thrown into here with all these bodies]: little girl

[So what happen to the others that came with you?]: soren

[They were eaten by that red monster with 4 arms]: little girl

[Hm… So I guess he was being a pig and wanted them for himself, and would probably say that the people killed themselves when Meruem returned]: soren

[Y-you killed that monster?]: little girl

[Yes… now let's get you out of here, is there any place you want to go? I will take you there and then I will kill the rest of these ants]: soren

[No… I would like to die like the rest of my village… would you please kill me Mister]: little girl

[...How about you help me return the favor for saving you]: soren

[And what would that be?]: little girl

[you seem to be around 10 or 11 right?]: soren

[... You don't want me to…*Face Blush*]: little girl

[No!... On my way here I saved a newborn and need a parent to raise it. I can't do it because I have to go fight these monsters… My request for saving you is, become it's parent until I return]: soren

[But I know nothing about parenting, and I have no money to support myself, let alone a baby and myself]: little girl

[I will provide all the money needed and a place for you to stay, all you have to do is raise it, if in case you have questions. There are people there who could help you]: soren

[Th-then I will raise your baby]: little girl

[...That sounds so wrong. Please don't say that again]: soren

[Okay!... I will raise this child until you return… but, where am I going to raise it?]: little girl

[I will take you to the Hunter Association and there is a place that I own in the building that will now be your home]: soren

[How will I get there? It will take at least 2 years to walk there]: little girl

[That's where I come in… Nimbus!]: soren

As Soren called the Flying Nimbus down. A yellowish cloud came down right next to us.

[Wow!... wait, what can we do with this cloud?]: little girl

[It is the fastest thing in this world… We can reach the Hunter Association in less than an hour. So jump on and I will take you and the baby]: soren

[Baby?]: little girl

As the Little Girl looks at the cloud she sees a baby wrapped up in a piece of torn clothing. Looking at the clothing and Soren's clothes she could see that he used his clothing to make a blanket for the baby.

Soren grabbed baby Kite and put him in his arms before jumping on the cloud. In his mind he told Sakura to make the cloud accept the little girl as well to ride on it.

[Jump on!... also, what is your name?]: soren

[My name is Nitasha… What is yours Mister]: nitasha

[Mister? I am only 13 years old… and as for the name, you can call me Ren. now jump on and let's go]: soren

As Nitasha jumps on the cloud I hand her baby Kite and tell the Nimbus to fly towards the Hunter Association at its fastest speed.

[Be careful Nitasha this will be a fast ride]: soren

Nimbus took off and they flew towards the Association and got there in less than an hour.

[My room is 1265, when you get there call for some assistance, and settle into the room… I will be going now, here is my card to get into the room, use it carefully]: soren

Soren handed Nitasha the Hunters License and flew off back to the battle, once he arrived Sakura spoke.


[Well I will be leaving this world soon and I won't need it for the next world, would I?]: soren


[What the fuck! I need to get it back!... but after I defeat Meruem and become the Apex of this world]: soren

When Soren got back to the battlefield he could sense that an Intense battle was unfolding, in one direction he could see Netero and Zeno fighting with Meruem. Once Zeno separated Meruem from his winged guard he left the fight. On the other side, Soren could feel intense aura coming from a familiar presence.

[Gon… you didn't listen, and now you are paying the consequences. And how did this all unravel so quickly in that hour I had been gone?]: soren

With this the final battle is about to start and soon end with Soren saving everyone.

Should I let Gon destroy his Nen fighting Pitu, or save his power by Killing her myself? I also will most likely save Netero before he ends the Ant Arc

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