
Traversing the Anime Multiverse with a System

The Main Character Soren was *Cough Cough* in a car when an accident happened, he was then killed and brought in front of God. God gave him 3 wishes, his wishes had some restrictions but he wished for a System that in connected to every Anime in the Multiverse and now he travels getting stronger to become a God himself, This is my first one of these type of Novels and I do not own any of the Anime or materials used except my Character, I only made this to improve writing skills. Thank You News! Please Read before reading!!* If you found this fiction lacking in quality or want to see something done differently, I'm remaking this fanfic to add more to the story, as well as visit other worlds and anime, I'm taking suggestions of worlds to visit, so instead of going the same exact route with a dialogue change, I want to visit worlds like Demon Slayer, or Reincarnated as a Smile, or MCU, or DC, or any other worlds you feel are interesting and will add a sense of freshness to this already finished and outdated fiction. I'm doing this to make a better fiction as well as to try and get more inspiration to create new fictions, so come with me on this journey one more time, as I hope to make it longer and more encompassing, as well as add more detail as I am noticing while going through the early chapters I rushed quite a lot of the story just to get to parts I enjoyed while watching the Anime's. Give me your thoughts, I might even go to the Rick and Morty universe to grab some of Rick's tech and blow some shit up. Also, I don't want to limit the Harem this time, but I also don't want to just catch em all to have a bunch of onaholes, I want to build proper character relationships, so look forward to more than just r18 scenes with the women being silent and out of the picture the rest of the time.

southgamez · Anime & Comics
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222 Chs

Chapter 24: Start of Ant Arc

[Holy shit! My power might be one of the strongest in this world… Sakura, are you able to tell me how many people are more powerful than me? If I can surpass them I can leave]: soren


[And this is before the Ant King Meruem is born?]: soren


[I guess the strongest person in this world is from the Dark Continent, if I want to leave this world I will have to surpass that guy]: soren


[What!... That's a let down, I guess that I will kill the Ant King and move out to my next world… I wonder, what will benefit me more One Piece world or to go to the world of…]: soren

Before he could finish his sentence Soren was interrupted by a loudspeaker.

[Soren, your presence is requested in Chairman Netero's office]: speaker

[I guess it's time for the Ant saga… Sakura take down the gravity room from this place and keep in in the system for now]: soren


After the System took the gravity room back into storage Soren headed out of the room toward Netero's office. When he got there he sat down in the chair across from Netero.

[So why did you need to talk to me?]: soren

[The report you make a couple of weeks ago turned out to be true. There seems to be monstrous creatures who are killing civilians and bringing them to their nest for the queen to eat]: netero

[So, they are Ants?]: soren

[Well they look like hybrid monsters but are reporting to an Ant]: netero

[So maybe this Queen Ant is eating animals and Humans to make these monsters with their features?]: soren

[That sound plausible… So I want to make a team to fight these monsters, and you are on the team]: netero

[Okay, cool… But what will be the reward?]: soren

[Ohoho, why would you want compensation for a world devastating crisis? This could cause world destruction]: netero

[Because, I gave you information 4 weeks ago, yet you only sent someone out a couple of days ago]: soren

[Yes, but being able to tell when a disaster will strike is rare, even among Hunters. So I had to get someone who was willing to take a look]: netero

[That's understandable I guess, but I still require compensation. That is also a reason I became a Hunter, Money is what makes the world go round after all. Hehehe]: soren

[Don't worry, all participants will be overly compensated]: netero

[Good, when do I set out then?]: soren

[You can set out right away with the others I thought would be a good addition]: netero

When Netero said this 2 guys came in, one had a big build with white hair. The other was the exact opposite with a small build and black hair.

[Please introduce yourselves for Mr. Zoldyck here]: netero

[My name is Knov, I will be the one who scouts the enemy with my Nen Ability]: knov

[My name is Morel Mackernasey, you can just call me Morel. I am here to be on the front lines with you I suppose. And we will be joined by our apprentices later]: morel

Soren looked them up and down as if looking for any problems in them. When he finished he spoke.

[My name is Soren Zoldyck, welcome to my team]: soren

Morel and Knov faces became slightly distorted as they thought, 'Why are we following this runts orders? And when did it become his team?' the looks could not be seen from normal people but Soren was different. He could tell they detested his attitude towards them. Soren gave a smirk and began to talk to the group.

[You all will not help very much, all I want you to do is help my brother Killua and his friend Gon grow in strength. I will take care of the rest, any problems?]: soren

[What! And why are you bringing your brother and his friend along?]: knov

[Oh, you misunderstand, they are already over there fighting as we speak. I will kill off the Ants and I want you to teach them how to perfect there Nen, now if there are no other questions lets move out]: soren

[Wait, Ren… How do you know that Killua and Gon are there?]: netero

[Remember how I said I can feel anything in the world as long as I know the feeling? I have grown up with Killua, and Gon I may have met recently, but I can tell his presence as well]: soren

[... You really are a Monster… Morel, Knov, do as he says. Right now he is more powerful than even me, I trust that you will get the job done Ren? And I leave these two to you as well]: netero

Soren left the room with Knov and Morel following suit. After, they went to get an airship to take them to the place of the Ants.

After 1 day of travel they arrived to the place that Knov and Morels students will be along with Gon and Killua.

[Time to decent, remember, keep my brother and his friend safe, I'll do the rest]: soren

When Soren dropped from the airship he lands on the ground with his hands in his pockets. When he dropped he landed in front of Killua.

[Hey Kill, how have you been]: soren

Killua jumped back because he was not expecting a sudden entrance like Soren just performed.

[Ren! How have you been]: killua

[Good, how about yourself? And how is Gon?]: soren

Soren looked over to Gon who seems to be contemplating something.

[I'm good, but Gon… He lost someone who was close to him named Kite. So he isn't in the mood for fun]: killua

As Killua said this, Soren understood that Gon was feeling hateful towards the Ants.

[Gon!... Do you want the power to take revenge? Or the power to help those weaker than yourself?]: soren

Gon's face brightened when he heard his name. When he faced the person who said his name he was surprised at who said it.

[Ren… When did you get here?]: gon

[Just now… So, do you want power for revenge or to help others?]: soren

Gon thought for a moment before speaking again.

[I-I want the power to help others, and I want to get vengeance for Kite, if I must sacrifice myself to achieve that I will]: gon

[So it's for a little bit of both I suppose… Gon! You must go home now, if you want strength to take revenge then you must leave, I will finish everything else here]: soren

I had a question about if this will be a Harm or anti harm Fan Fic... to that I say I leave it up to you guys to decide.

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