
Traversing the Anime Multiverse with a System

The Main Character Soren was *Cough Cough* in a car when an accident happened, he was then killed and brought in front of God. God gave him 3 wishes, his wishes had some restrictions but he wished for a System that in connected to every Anime in the Multiverse and now he travels getting stronger to become a God himself, This is my first one of these type of Novels and I do not own any of the Anime or materials used except my Character, I only made this to improve writing skills. Thank You News! Please Read before reading!!* If you found this fiction lacking in quality or want to see something done differently, I'm remaking this fanfic to add more to the story, as well as visit other worlds and anime, I'm taking suggestions of worlds to visit, so instead of going the same exact route with a dialogue change, I want to visit worlds like Demon Slayer, or Reincarnated as a Smile, or MCU, or DC, or any other worlds you feel are interesting and will add a sense of freshness to this already finished and outdated fiction. I'm doing this to make a better fiction as well as to try and get more inspiration to create new fictions, so come with me on this journey one more time, as I hope to make it longer and more encompassing, as well as add more detail as I am noticing while going through the early chapters I rushed quite a lot of the story just to get to parts I enjoyed while watching the Anime's. Give me your thoughts, I might even go to the Rick and Morty universe to grab some of Rick's tech and blow some shit up. Also, I don't want to limit the Harem this time, but I also don't want to just catch em all to have a bunch of onaholes, I want to build proper character relationships, so look forward to more than just r18 scenes with the women being silent and out of the picture the rest of the time.

southgamez · Anime & Comics
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222 Chs

Chapter 116:One Piece Finale

Soren had decided deep down to help Jack as he felt that if anything had ever happened to any of his close family like Misha, Hancock, Killua or Gon he would also want to use the Dragon Balls to revive them and kill anyone who was in his way. Even though Soren planned to revive Jack's family, Jack couldn't just get away from attacking Soren without any kind of punishment. Soren then started to power up as Jack had been waiting for Soren's answer on how to use the Dragon Balls, but once Jack saw Soren had no intention to help him, it just solidified his choice in attacking Soren in the first place.

[I thought that because you were a reincarnated being just like me that you would have some kind of morals, or else why would that Goddess reincarnate you into this fantasy world]: jack

Soren just smiled before he spoke.

[I was not reincarnated by some lowly Goddess. I was given a second chance at life by the God above all… He had given me 3 wishes and I wished for an ever-growing System that can talk me to any world I want… As for the other 2 wishes I kept them for a rainy day, your weak ass Goddess aint shit compared to the God who made me what I am]: soren

When Jack heard Doren he felt that he was cheated. Not only had the Goddess reincarnate him into this world, but gave him Holy weapons that will make him grow into a God one day. And as for the man in front of him the God who reincarnated him gave him 3 wishes instead. Jack felt like this was bullshit, why did fate hate him so much that even with his luck for a Goddess to take pity on him, he still got the shitty end. Jack couldn't leave this world nor could he have a System that could get him whatever he wants, Jack then watched as Soren powered up to max, but Soren was still out of his league in terms of strength.

[I'm through playing around with you… If you can't find it in your heart to help an old man then there is no need for a selfish pirate like you to exist]: jack

Jack drew his sword that had been sheathed since the first attack against Soren and unleashed all of his Holy Energy that was stored inside of his sword. The sword started to vibrate while glowing with the light of God, all the power contained inside the sword had rushed into Jack's entire body, he cells began to revitalize while his strength had ramped up, it kept climbing higher and higher as it peaked and the System in Soren's head dinged informing Soren that Jack's current power had almost rivaled Kaido's power.

[This should be a fun match… I'm feeling that same feeling I had when fighting Akainu back at Marineford]: soren

Jack then stopped as his power reached max output and he disappeared from his spot leaving the floor beneath him shattered, Soren had lost sight of Jack but felt him attack as he reappeared on his left side punching Soren into the wall once again. Soren had spewed a great bit of blood as he started laughing in a maniacal tone, Soren pulled himself out of the wall once more as he ate another Senzu Bean, the wounds had started to heal as Soren used his MS to form his Susanoo around his body for protection. Jack had saw this and felt a bit of dread as he knew that Soren was a Saiyan when he saw Soren's tail and now Jack saw one of the most dreaded Dojutsu from the Anime: Naruto. Jack then prepared himself to take on a monster, even if the monster isn't as strong as him. Soren then rushed towards Jack while taking out his Zanpakuto, Soren knew that using his Zanpakuto who housed Sasuke's soul would increase the defensive and offensive of the Susanoo when Soren had it activated. Soren reached Jack in a forward manor while swinging his Zanpakuto at Jack, Jack tried to block with his Holy sword but still received some damage while sending him crashing into the wall behind him.

[How does it feel to have a taste of your own medicine?... And so we're even I will hit you once more]: soren

Soren then disappeared with Shadow Flash Step, a self created skill that was better than Flash Step from Bleach but incorporated his Dark- Dark Fruit. Soren had disappeared into a Black smoke before reappearing next to Jack as he was pulling himself out of the wall, Soren then hit Jack with a frontal attack sending him deeper into the wall before breaking into a new room. Jack got up while coughing up a mouth full of blood, he then watched as the smoke cleared just in time to see Soren hopping through the hole in the wall with a White skull mask that had Teal markings, Jack recognized the mask as a Hollow Mask from Bleach, it was also at this time that Jack felt Soren's powers increase. Jack then went on the offensive as he started slashing at Soren with the intent to kill him quickly, Soren was dodging Jack's moves by only a hair's breath, Soren didn't dare to use this time to train his Observation Haki as just a slight mistake will end his life, but even if Soren was not actively training, his Observation Haki was improving at an exponential rate. Soren was able to start seeing attacks be made before they were made, Soren then started speaking to himself in his mind.

'Left, Right, Downward Slash… From my left shoulder down to my right leg… Head Strike!': soren

Soren kept dodging with hardly any time to make a decision, if Soren even hesitated just a little he would ultimately die here. Soren then had the bright idea to use Ki as an offensive as well. Soren then started making Ki Spheres that he tossed towards Jack who ultimately jumped back with just enough space that he didn't lose a limb from the exploding Ki Sphere. This gave Soren enough time to pop a Senzu Bean and watch as the Zenkai boost exploded in his body boosting his power by 3 fold, Soren felt the power flow and decided to check it after this battle was over.

[Damn Saiyan's!... Why would anyone ever create such an OP Race of warriors… It's almost unfair]: jack

Jack was complaining about his luck and about how Saiyan's are to dangerous, he then realized the whole reason why Freeza destroyed Planet Vegeta, it wasn't completely about his fear of a "Super Saiyan" sprouting up but that and the reason that Saiyan's never stopped growing. Jack felt that if the Saiyan Race was given a chance by Freeza they would ultimately destroy Freeza and the Universe, that's why Beerus had Freeza destroy the Saiyans. Jack put these thoughts to the back of his mind as there was still an enemy before him who was the most dangerous person in the world next to Kaido, Jack decided to go all or nothing to kill Soren and started powering up again. The Holy Energy fluctuated through the air and put a heavy pressure on Soren, soon Soren watched as Jack took his Holy sword and impaled himself, the energy along with the sword disappeared inside of Jack's body. The area around the wound on Jack's abdomen had cauterized while turning his body a glowing Gold color, Jack now looked like a God inside of a Human's body, it was also at this point that Soren heard another notification from Sakura.


Soren heard Sakura and felt a bit sad that Jack had choose to sacrifice himself for power, Soren was not going to let Jack experience any more heartache and end it now so that Jack, his wife, and his mother could be revived and live freely. Soren then took a quick peek at the Apex list to see Jack reigning in 1st place while Soren had been bumped up to 3rd tied with 2nd. Soren then thought to himself that he would be able to leave earlier then he thought, it would be quite sad when he would leave as he spent most of his time in this world, and here he had treated his students as if they were his own kids, Soren then made it his mission to come back later and check up on Luffy.

[Jack… I'm sorry for your loss, and I'm sorry for how shitty life has been to you… But you can't just go around playing the pity me card expecting people to do as you say… How do you think your wife and mother would feel seeing you now? You just sacrificed yourself for power to try and beat me… Did you ever take into consideration that your wife and mother would even want to come back? Sure they miss you, but is it morally right to take them from a place they might be happy at?]: soren

Jack listened to what Soren had to say, even if it hurt him, Jack knew Soren was right deep down. Jack then tried to power down but soon after that a Dark Force entered Jack's body and gave him another boost in power, it was also at this time that Sakura warned Soren.


Soren felt the power spike like never before, the power coming off of Jack had a suffocating effect on Soren, and then he heard some woman laughing in an evil tone.

[Ufufufu… I see that my Hero has forgotten why I sent him here… Your whole mission was to eliminate Soren, yet here you are giving up while ge is still alive in front of you?... I see you still need convincing. Your dear little wife and loving mother had died due to my orders, oh it was so hot when I made that pirate fuck your wife while strangling her to death. And your mother got a front row seat, after your wife died the pirates friend beat her brains in while carefully not letting her due to early, she felt sooo much pain… It gets me so wet thinking about it Unnmmhn!]: ???

Soren looked up at the woman who was floating with a Black as night; gown draped over her curvaceous body. Jack who heard the woman looked at her before he shouted.

[Goddess!... I-it's… You! You killed my family!]: jack

The Goddess only laughed out before she snapped her fingers and Jack's eyes went blank and she disappeared, Jack then turned to Soren and roars out with a deafening tone that made everyone in a 3,000m distance cover their ears, and as for some of the people in a closer radius, they lost their hearing entirely. Jack had lost all reason and sprinted towards Soren with the intent to kill, Soren felt bad for how Jack was played by the person who reincarnated him while claiming to be a Goddess. Soren then made it his goal to find out what happened with that "Goddess" and why she wants him dead, since when did he piss off a God to make them want him dead? Soren then started forcing his limits to fight with Jack equally. Jack slammed his fist into Soren's ribcage blasting him away, while Soren was barely able to catch himself, Soren then thought about using his ultimate move that would devastate even God's. Soren then ran forward at full speed while dodging around as Jack sent punch after punch at Soren, and once Soren was close enough to Jack, he ducked under a punch that was aiming for his face as Soren went between Jack's legs, Soren then shouted at the top of his lungs.


Soren's hand shot out towards Jack's crotch grabbing hold of a 5 inch shaft while squeezing it into oblivion. Jack who then felt his manhood disappear fell to the ground roaring in pain as he lost something dear to him, Soren then saw his chance to end the battle and was about to kill Jack, but once he swung his Zanpakuto at Jack's neck, Jack's body was covered in a Blackish Purple miasma that protected him for Soren's blade. Jack then jumped onto Soren and started pummeling him into the ground, Soren's whole body had ached as blood covered his whole body, and after a few minutes Soren passed out. Jack realizing he won got off the ground while raising both arms into the air while roaring out a victory warcry. Soren sat in the hole losing his pulse by the second as Jack started heading towards the exit to wreak havoc on the rest of the world.

'Wake up… Hey! Wake up!... You weak son of a bitch, you better wake up before everyone dies!': soren's conscious

At that moment memories flashed by as he saw everyone dead. Misha, Hancock, Haku, Ace, Luffy, and his crew, Garp, Shanks, Whitebeard. Soren had the death of everyone he knew flash past his mind as the last image had shown him holding Misha's lifeless body in his arms, and no matter how much Life Force he placed into her body Misha was still dead. Soren who was still unconscious as Jack was making his way out of the room; had his eyes shoot open, his body shoot up from the pit as his bloodied body floated in mid air. Soren's Ki then spiked to new heights as his hair started to spike up into a point, his once Dark Blue hair started to glow with a burning yellow color, his Black pupil's started to turn Turquoise in color, while Soren's once compact muscle body type bulked up as his muscles expanded to new heights. Soren's hair then turned Golden Blonde, and as Soren let out a war cry of his own his Ki spiked to new levels.

[GURRRRAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!]: soren (9 episodes later)

Jack who heard the loud scream from behind him turned only to see a golden bullet hit him in the face, then there was nothing. When Soren attacked with his new found full strength it took off Jack's head with a single attack, Soren seeing the Blackish Purple miasma dissolve leaving Jack's headless body on the floor, Soren then powered down losing his new Golden hairstyle and walked over to the now scattered Dragon Balls while picking them up and placing them into his storage, Soren then picked up Jack's dead body and flew out of the giant hole in the ceiling he just made when he powered up. Soren then popped a couple Senzu Beans to regain his lost powers, stamina and vitality, when the wounds on Soren's body fully healed his power skyrocketed to new heights, looking on the Apex Listings Soren ranked first. Soren then got a bunch of notifications that he would check later, but first Soren would make things right with Jack.

(Dragon Saiyan)[Come out oh great and mighty Black Dragon, Kuroi!]: soren

The balls glowed then rotated and spawned a beautiful Black Dragon with Purple accents, the Dragon looked at his master and spoke.

[Greetings Master, do you need me to grant you a wish? I can only grant 2 wishes at the moment as I have not fully recovered]: kuroi

Soren then placed Jack down on the ground and spoke in the Dragon Saiyan Language.

(Dragon Saiyan)[Please repair this man's body along with his Wife and Mother who were killed by pirates, also bring their bodies here]: soren

[Your wish is very easy Master…*Eyes Glow Purple*... It is done, state your second wish Master]: kuroi

Soren then turned around to see the dead and intact bodies of Jack and 2 women he had never seen before. Soren then hoped they were the right people since Jack never gave Soren their names, Soren then spoke again while saying his second wish.

(Dragon Saiyan)[Please revive these 3 people while erasing the bad memories of these two women about how they died]: soren

Kuroi stayed silent for a moment as id thinking before he finally spoke.

[Normally, this would require 2 wishes to fulfill. But as you are my Master and Creator, along with you having pure intentions, I will grant this wish only once]: kuroi

Soren was happy to hear the Kuroi would grant this wish, then Kuroi's eyes glowed in a Purple color before saying the wish was granted and disappearing, but before the balls could split up Soren used his Telekinesis to hold them in place and placed them back into his storage. Siren then turned around to see Jack getting up while holding his head, and as he looked around he saw his Mother and his loving wife, his wife then tackled him while his mother started crying over being able to see her baby again. Soren then disappeared from their spot to give them time to make up, but he didn't forget to leave a telepathic message for Jack before he went back to Shakky's Bar on Sabaody. The Island was cleared out of Marines ad they were all called back to HQ due to Soren's raid, Soren entered the Bar only to be tackled by Misha and Hancock, Soren then explained the story and told Misha that it was time to "go". Misha quickly said goodbye to everyone along with Hancock and Haku, Soren then brought everyone to the ship and explained who he was and what they would do next, Soren then had Sakura take hold of Misha, Hancock and Haku as he spoke his last words in this world for the meantime.

[Let's go back to Hunter x Hunter!]: soren

Soren then watched a colorful portal open before him, and as he stepped through it closed behind him. Soren then thought about the message he left Jack before he left.

-I had the plan to revive them from the start, I just wanted to fight a strong opponent. Don't spend your life hating all pirates, because pirates like Luffy and Gold Roger exist as well… I did you a favor, now you do me one. Stay in the Marines and help Luffy become the King of the Pirates from the shadows, when I come back I will take you with me to a new world if you want

Sincerely… Blue Reaper-

I hope you guys like the One Piece finale, Next Arc is slice of Life not much action will be shown

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