
Travels With My Tech System

A/N: Just a random work Note: Don't expect stable updates (1 to 2 chapters per week)

Lazy_Author69 · Anime & Comics
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Rising Star

Holy Britannian Empire, Capital City Pendragon~

The whole capital city was engulfed in a celebration, decorations were everywhere and the people had wide smiles on their faces.

News just came in of the victory against another nation on the African continent. This war was led by the youngest Colonel of the empire. Another territory was claimed and added to the empire hence why people were celebrating.

At this time, on the side streets of the capital, some people were engaged in a conversation.

"As expected of Sir Kenneth, he has once again emerged victorious! Of all the battles he led, none have been a defeat."

"Indeed, he is truly amazing! At the age of 15, he graduated from the Imperial Military Academy and entered the military right after. And in just 3 years, he went through many battles and emerge victorious."

"There were even rumours of him having fought the Knight of One which ended in a draw. Sir Bismarck didn't deny nor confirmed it when asked, which practically confirms the rumour."

"He is truly fit to be the role model for the youths of the empire. His achievements are comparable to that of those old veterans in the military. Haaa, if only my son could have a bit of his talent, I would be happy."

These types of conversations were everywhere. The name Kenneth Ashford was known by every citizen of the empire, even other nations knew him. He was known by many as the military genius who climbed up the ranks to become a colonel in just 3 years.

The last time he was promoted to colonel was 6 months ago before the war against the nation of Zion, a medium-sized nation on the African Continent. This nation had quite a strong military for a medium-sized country. That was because they were backed by the EU or Europa United.

After once again emerging victorious and getting another territory for the empire, it's highly like he will be promoted again. After all, conquering a nation was a great achievement, but few have done so.

Meanwhile, a mansion in the capital was currently in an uproar. Servants were rushing around anxiously and preparing the place.

"Hurry, get the preparations done quickly, the young lord is coming soon in a few hours!" A middle-aged man shouted, he was the head butler of the Ashford Family.

"Yes, head butler!"

The servants heed his orders and sped up their work. Today was a special day, the young lord was coming back after 3 years of military service. Not only that, their young lord has gotten a major achievement by conquering a nation.

While the servants of the Ashford Family were busy, in one particular room, a middle-aged man with short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a neatly trimmed beard watched from the window how the servants prepared for the arrival of a certain person.

Remembering who was coming back home after 3 years of being away, he smiled.

"You're finally coming back, Kenneth. He surely grew more after being away from those years. We'll see later..."

This man was Ruben K. Ashford, the current head of the Ashford Family and also the father of Kenneth Ashford, the youngest Colonel and victor of the recent war against Zion.

In another room of the mansion, a woman and a child were relaxing.

The woman was a mature beauty with silky long blonde hair reaching her waist and hazel brown eyes. She was the typical graceful noble lady with a gentle smile.

The child, on the other hand, has shoulder-length blonde hair, and fair skin like her mother, as well as blue eyes.

"Milly, are you excited? Your uncle is finally coming back home," Emily smiled softly at her daughter who munched on some snacks on the table in front.

"Uncle is coming home?! Hooray! I can finally meet him again." Milly, the child, rejoiced. She has always been close to her uncle who raised her and taught her many things.

Emily smiled seeing her daughter happy, and of course because of the arrival of her younger brother.

"I wonder how he looked now..." She muttered, wondering how much her younger brother changed during the 3 years he was away. She also wondered how many girls or women, her brother charmed outside. After all, Kenneth was known for his outstanding looks and charm. Even when he was still attending military school, most girls there had a crush on him.

'Fufufu, I wonder how Princess Cornelia will react if that brother of mine did get a few girls outside.'

Just that thought amused Emily quite a bit. Though knowing her brother's personality, she doubted he had fooled around outside with other girls.


Aries Villa~

Sitting under a pavilion was Princess Cornelia, she was a beautiful young woman with long Fuschia hair that she let loose. Her eyes were lavender purple and her lips had a natural pink tint to them.

"Hmph, so he's finally coming back." Cornelia snorted after hearing the news that Kenneth is coming back. "I need to settle some things with him later." She muttered before walking away.

She had been waiting for this moment for 3 years, she promised herself she would settle scores with Kenneth.

From their military school days, Cornelia has always had some kind of one-sided rivalry with Kenneth. Every time she got a chance, Cornelia would challenge him which was also one of the reasons why the latter decided to graduate early from military school.

"Big sister!"

Cornelia's thoughts were cut off as she heard a childish voice. She turned around from where the voice came from and saw her little sister, Euphemia.

"Euphie, why are you looking for me?" A gentle smile appeared on her face.

"Uhm, I heard from Lady Marianne that big brother Kenneth is coming back. Can we visit him later, please?" Euphemia fidgeted but ultimately said what she wanted.

Cornelia maintained her smile but hidden within it was something else, "Of course, I've already planned on visiting him earlier."

"Really? Hooray!"

Cornelia smiled as she watched her sister rejoicing.

'Just wait, Kenneth, I'll beat you up later!' She thought


Meanwhile, on a private shuttle which high-ranking officers use, a young man suddenly flinched.

'What was that ominous feeling? Is someone planning on attacking this plane?'

He didn't wait much longer and suddenly stood up. His action prompted some of the subordinates that were on the plane with him.

"Sir, is there a problem?"

"All personnel stay on full alert! Prepare for any possible incoming attacks! Contact our escort fighter jets and have them ready for battle, just in case!" Kenneth ordered,

"Understood, Sir!"

All personnel immediately stood up and went on full alert. The surrounding escort fighter jets also went into battle mode and stand by for incoming attacks.

And unexpectedly, a few minutes after Kenneth ordered the full alert, they detected an incoming missile attack.

"Sir, incoming attack! It's a missile attack!"

"Have some fighter jet fire to intercept it!"


That day, the rising star of the empire, Kenneth Ashford was attacked by some unknown assailants. Fortunately, with skilled personnel and his great leadership skills, they successfully repelled the attack.

After that, a nearby imperial base mobilized soldiers to hunt down the assailants. The relevant department also deployed people to gather information on those assailants.

And just a few hours later, information about the assailants was gathered. The military deployed soldiers and wiped out the enemies who attacked Kenneth, leaving no one alive.

The news of the attack immediately reached spread and garnered the anger of the Britannian especially the residents of the capital. But it died down after the following hours, and the news of the assailants being wiped out was released.

On the other hand, a young man arrived at the Ashford Mansion. He looks to be in his late teens with tall stature and a well-built body. He wore what seems like a military uniform with a sabre strapped at his waist.

The young man looks extremely handsome with sharp facial features such as a tall nose, chiselled face, sword-like brows, sharp blue eyes, and pink lips. He also had a head full of soft and slightly wavy light blonde hair.

The aura around him was somewhat solemn and slightly cold. But one couldn't say he was unapproachable even with that aura, contrary, something about him made people feel comfortable and secure.

Through his gaze, he saw what welcomed him upon his arrival. The servants lined up neatly in two lines and at the end of the line was his family.

Upon seeing his arrival, the servants bowed and said at the same time.

"Welcome back, young lord!"

Kenneth nodded in appreciation before walking, and moments later, he arrived in front of his family.

The first to welcome him was a little girl around 9 years old who lunged and hugged him. Though the girl only reached his waist due to his tall stature.

"Uncle, welcome home!" Milly beamed

Kenneth showed a smile before lowering himself and carrying the girl in his arms.

"Did you miss me, Milly?" He asked softly

"Yes, why were you gone for so long, uncle?" Milly asked innocently as she stared into his eyes.

"Hmm, uncle has been outside the empire to fight some bad guys. "After some thinking, he replied as such. After all, he can't say that he was conquering another nation while killing many people at the same time.

"Mm, uncle is so cool!"

Kenneth just smiled at her before he turned towards Ruben and Emily.

"Father, Sister, I'm back..." He softly said to the two. It's been 3 years since he left and saw them. Although he did speak to them through calls, it's different from seeing them in person.

"Welcome back, how has the military life treated you?" Ruben asked

"It's been great till now, I had fun while out there."

"Ufufu, I wonder how many hearts of girls did you break for the past 3 years?" Emily butted in, their father chuckled at that comment.

Kenneth smiled wryly at his sister, "There were none."

"Is that so, well...you should be prepared from now on. After all, many more girls would soon flock to you after your promotion to General. There's also the princess," Emily added

"Princess?...Cornelia?" Kenneth remembered his classmate back in the Military School, the 2nd princess of the empire who frequently challenged him to a duel.

"Uncle, how long are we staying outside?!" Milly butted in while pouting cutely. This prompted the others to chuckle.

"Alright alright, let's head in," Ruben said and started walking, followed by Emily and Kenneth.

The servants soon followed and head back to their usual jobs. While the head butler ordered some servants to inform the kitchen staff to prepare a meal.


Sometime later, Kenneth, Ruben, and Emily sat together inside the main study. Milly was accompanied by a servant to play.

"Although the official announcement hasn't come out yet, congratulations on the promotion to General rank. You have become the youngest general in the empire's history." Ruben delightfully congratulated his son. Although the public hasn't known it yet, in the nobility circle, news of Kenneth's promotion has already been known.

"Thank you, father." Kenneth simply nodded

"As expected of you, brother. You are truly a once-in-a-millennium genius." Emily smiled, she was truly happy for his brother. He was the one who supported their family along with their father.

"Mm," Kenneth nodded, "But father, I would like to meet our foundation's research team. I want them to develop a personal Knightmare frame for me, I also like them to cooperate with some of my subordinates in doing this project."

"A personal Knightmare frame huh, fair enough. I will inform them later and set a meeting a few days later. Tomorrow is your big day, after all. We need to focus on that part," Ruben grinned

"Oh, that's right before your arrival, princess Cornelia contacted me informing us that she will visit later along with her younger siblings." Emily finally remembered the earlier call from Cornelia. She looked at her brother intently before smiling, she can't wait for later.

Ruben also smirked after hearing that Cornelia will visit.

Kenneth on the other hand massaged his temples and remembered the ominous feeling earlier.

'This is gonna be troublesome...sigh.'

Just remembering that woman, Kenneth didn't want to further think about what will happen later.

"I'll go rest, Father, Sister. I've already eaten at the shuttle so please don't wait for me." He slowly stood up and said goodbye.

"Go on, you must be quite tired from the journey," Ruben waved his hand at Kenneth who soon walked out of the study.

"He seems to have grown more than I expected," Ruben sighed ruefully, he remembered back when Kenneth insisted on serving in the military at only 15 years old.

"Well, he did fight in quite a few wars. I'm sure he experienced many things there," Emily commented.

"You're right, I guess it's time to pass on the family to him. The current him is capable of shouldering the responsibility "

Emily was momentarily surprised after hearing her father's decision but in the end, became happy for his brother.

'With his experience outside and in the military, he can lead our family to prosper more. He is a genius after all ufufu.' She thought

Her brother has always been a genius since childhood, she was 14 years older than him so she saw him grow up to be what he is today. And she was proud of her brother who became one of the main pillars of their family.