
Travels of the Dark Lord Through the Multiverse (starting with Naruto)

Nice guy, betrayed by close friends in previous life, reincarnated with 4 wishes, will now take what he wants, when he wants it. Decides to become a dark lord. R18 is not because of lemon, but because of some torture stuff that will probably happen I do not own any of the works mentioned within this fanfic, I only own characters, and the divine realm of Reincarnation, nothing else. Image is stock Photo This is My First Web novel, please comment as I would like some constructive criticism, also I will upload as regularly as possible, normally on Saturdays Upload schedule is Saturdays at 15:30 EST and some Mondays from 14:00-15:00

Project_Paladin · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Betrayal, Death and Decisions


The only feeling that I had felt since reaching this land of darkness. 

In my mind, I replayed the moment over and over and over, the betrayal of those I had considered friends, their cowardice.

I'd been a relatively normal person, although smarter than most, but wasting my talent, or so I'd been told. I'd been about to graduate high school. Manga, anime, comics, movies, video games, these many things filled my days. I was on the high school running team, had a small group of friends, helped out in the community a bit, etc. 

My friends and I had been out and came across a mugging. Deciding to be dumb we rushed in to help. I proceeded to tackle the mugger as my friends attempted to help the victim up. Whilst looking back to check on my friends, I suddenly felt slight pressure on my right temple. It felt metallic and cylindrical. I looked at my friends, whose faces were filled with fear, I noticed hesitation in their eyes, I could see them process what was happening before seeing a hint of glee, or some other similar emotion, before proceeding to see them bolt.

I looked back at the mugger, life flashing before my eyes. It was as if the world had fallen into slow motion. I heard the squeeze of the trigger, the pistons and pins moving, the hammer dislodging, the bullet swooshing up the barrel, before darkness consumed me.

The memories continued, over and over and over and over and over. Before finally finding peace, in the cold, in the darkness...

Suddenly, I was wrenched out of this state of perpetual cold and darkness. Pulled onto an island of some sort, floating in the void. Cracked Stone, a purplish hue present, as some kind of aura around anything that could be seen.

Looking around a set of wide steps led to an overarching crystal throne, where upon was sat a feminine being with an imposing demeanour, and a beauty that couldn't be described by words. I looked down at myself, having become a dark mist-like construct. Upon looking back up I notice the being start speaking. 

"Welcome, *ç%&, to the Divine Realm of Reincarnation," Spoke the Being, "I am Saræ, the Goddess that presides over reincarnation" "You shall receive 4 wishes, one for each person you saved by staying to die", anger rumbled up within me at that statement, but I was able to control myself from making an outburst that might make the divine being angry.

"Hello, Great Goddess Saræ, I thank you for your generosity", "You're most welcome, mortal," she replied "now, tell me, what is it you wish for?". I took a moment to process what I had been told. "Oh Mighty one, in that case I would like to return to my previous world, with the power to take revenge upon those who wronged me", I replied. "That, isn't allowed by the council of Gods, however you may choose to Reincarnate into any other world in the multiverse, of course other standard rules such as no wishing for infinite wishes, no wishing for omnipotence or godhood, essentialy so that you will be able to grow by yourself but with an advantage"

I considered several different Anime, Tv Show, Movies and comic worlds that I might want to reincarnate to, before deciding on Naruto since, as a teen I had created an incredibly powerful character that would make me have the potential to take on Madara's final form by myself with ease along with potentially beating a small group of Otsosuki, at the very best.

"For my first wish, I would like to be reincarnated into the world of Naruto" I told her, "Very well." "For my second wish I would like to be reincarnated as the character I created when I was fourteen for that specific world", she looked at me in surprise for a moment before schooling her expression and signalling for me to continue, "for my third and fourth wishes I would like for you to make the time-space jutsu in the personal Sharingan make it so that it allows me to travel to other Multiverses, once in every 15 years at my choice and for me to receive the same treatment I am receiving now in that universe."

"I can't allow that unless four restrictions are placed upon you as a consequence. Firstly you are unable to wish for more wishes; secondly you aren't allowed to wish for knowledge that will allow you to know techniques of the world, you will have to learn them yourself; third you aren't allowed to wish for your skills to be adapted to that world; and fourth you aren't allowed to tell anyone about this realm. However, since I am feeling magnanimous, I will grant you perfect recall of any knowledge that you have and will accumulate."

"Thank you!" I exclaim in joy, having worried that my wish wouldn't be accepted, "but I have one question". She proceeds to look at me in exasperation, before asking "What?! Mortal", "Why did you choose me?" I ask. "I chose you because of the betrayal inflicted upon you and the darkness that now taints your soul, which by itself goes against the laws of Causality" she smirks at me with a dark glint in her eye. I look at her in bewilderment before her eyes suddenly light up, "I remember now! As an insignificant mortal, my goals are beyond your understanding" as she slams her fist into her own palm, "Now,I want you to go to multiple worlds and cause as much Chaos, as you can, since although I am a Goddess of reincarnation I am of the Chaos faction and receive nourishment from the Chaos generated by those I send to different worlds." 

"Anyways, Bye!", she says as a massive wormhole opens up behind me, "Wait what?!" I manage to shout. Before the wormhole takes me too far I'm able to hear maniacal laughter, in a particularly high pitch tone, before being swallowed by the darkness, once more.

If you have some ideas about my story comment them and let me know!

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