1 First things first

What you see is space. Space is huge, and very empty.

But soon you start to see swirls of light.

Next? You zoom a lot on one of them, on a specific part of one of those swirls actually.

Wierd, it looks like a red-ish, purple-ish gaz cloud, or close enough anyway.

Few zoom-ins later you find a Big Mass of Flames, and around it, a lot of crap.

You see hollowed out spaceships, some are round, some are long. The only thing those have in common is that there ain't a single one of them that's intact. In fact most pieces are "only" a few hundred meters long, but some go up to a few kilometers in lenght.

But wait, zoom in some more, and there you see a tiny, box-like ship, 10 meters long and 5m of height and width with 4 arms sticking out of one of the sides, respectively with a plasma torch, 2 manipulators, and what looks like an oversized Rivet-Gun. Also cameras on each of em.

That dinky box-like ship is not painted, and if it wasn't moving around with it's dinky thrusters, you'd probably think it was some wreck. And maybe that's the point.

Inside the ship is a teenage scrawny human boy, with the long and thin build of a spacer.

Dressed with a one piece, sweat and oil-stained"yellow" (you may guess it was the original color, and you'd be wrong) mechanics suit, is Jimmy.

Right now, you can't really see his face yet,simply because of the huge leathery strap with googles that are around his head, and the emergency oxygen mask strapped around his lower face.

He's currently frantically tapping away on an AR display, reflecting on his googles, as he does so, the manipulators outside are flailling away, trying desperately to grab what looks like a car sized, blue glowing Plasteel cylinder, that is slightly leaking bubble-like drops of a grey-blue fluid.

This "Jimmy" boy, is the focus of this story, it'd be wierd not to know what he thinks now would it?

Let's unzoom back, and enjoy the show

Next chapter