
Travelling the Multiverse while disposing Trash~~! (Dropped)

A/N : You know all the copyright crap? Imagine it’s all here… ………….. Look, you all aren’t kids that don’t know the difference between harem protagonists and hentai protagonists. You all, well most of you anyway, are degenerates like yours truly that are beyond saving and experienced in reading the hundreds of shitty fanfics posted in Webnovel. You want a summery? Read the tags. Ain’t enough? Fine. MC dies, meets a rather friendly ROB, gets cheats, and story begins. Also, it’s a harem story, so no-harem sect members, kindly go screw yourselves. And yes, the guy that posts a ‘Is it a huge harem?’, review in every damn research material I look up, it’s a huge Fucking harem. Happy? Good, cause I am. Also, instead of spamming the same review, why don’t you give me a list of all such books? It’s for the greater-*cough* I mean, for research purposes, of course. And for the degenerates still reading this summary, why haven’t you added the book to your library yet? You have? Start reading then! Now scram!

Azerial · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

[Chapter:6][Meeting the main cast (II) .]









(You have any idea how creepy it sounds to count the number of eyes and brains you pierce with that rod of yours?)

'691! No? Why? The co-692! Count would be something like a 693! Something to brag about in a zombie 694! Apocalypse, no?'



It was certainly a quaint sight, a handsome and muscular youth with long white hair and a pair of ruby like eyes holding a metal rod, that looked like it had been painted crimson with how much blood it had soaked in, swiftly piercing it straight through the eyes of 'them' within mere moments of their appearance, without even missing once, and with a smile on his face at that.

What's even stranger, however, would be that the two girls, one with blue hair and the other with brown, that followed behind the youth while occasionally pointing at a corridor, rather than being pale in fright at the display of hair raising brutality, were actually…blushing.

Yes, it was, of course, our dearest MC Grace, walking with a smiles as he farms Points left and right, with Misuzu and Toshimi leading him from the back while blushing at how he would sometimes rush over to protect the two when one of 'them' comes up from behind.

'But seriously, at this rate I feel like going to hentai worlds would actually be more scary than those hardcore worlds like Guts or Hellsing…'

Merely imagining the image of sexy girls and MILF with insane curves and outright absurd sizes blushing madly with heart shaped pupils and dripping from below like a waterfall while watching him as he slices off limbs of those that want to assault them, blood spraying all over him and displaying unbridled brutality…

'Holy shit that's scary. Author-san, I'll really fucking quit if you dare write a scene like that.'

Even Dea-chan nodded her head in agreement as she, despite being 'The Goddess' of that reality, felt frightened at the image Grace had managed to imagine.

((A/N : You asshats still remember I'm your creator right? Right? Quit? What do you mean you'll quit you $_£\_|>]@₹#/&%/%;+.&-/))

Alas, Author-san's comments have been censored due to highly inappropriate language, thus he could only grumble on silence as he unconsciously begins to swear so well even sailors would ask him for tips the moment he opens his mouth.

'I don't know why but I suddenly feel like something funny just happened.'

(Eh? You too? What a coincidence~~ I felt like that too.)

…oi oi, I can understand if you two break the fourth wall to piss Author-san off but I'm the bloody Narrator alright? You two have no business interacting with me, now scram.


Apologies for the crude language. Please kindly remove that memory of my blasphemous behaviour from your minds.


Anyway, I digress. Where was I? Ah, yes, the two idiots somehow managed to make a tiny, nearly imperceptible crack in the fifth wall.

Now then, since we obviously can't have that…

'Eh? Did you just say something Dea-chan?'

(Me? No? I feel like I just forgot something…nah, I'm sure it's nothing significant.)


Back to the topic at hand, this rather odd party, consisting of one Damager (Grace), two Guides (Toshimi and Misuzu), and one Mascot (Dea-chan), walked through the silent and rather frightening corridors, making any walking corpse they encounter permanently silent as well.

And soon enough, the three plus one encounter a rather large gathering of 'them' banging their bodies against the infirmary's door.

'Hm? Why do I feel like something is missing?'

Grace conveyed his thoughts to Dea-chan, who cutely tilted her head as she tapper her chin with her finger. A few seconds later, just as Toshimi and Misuzu were wondering if something were wrong, as Grace, who had been actively 'disposing' all of 'them' that he encounters throughout the short yet long walk didn't take action at the sight of the current group of 'them' clearly between him and his destination,



Both Grace, who swiftly rushes forward to take out the blue tiered trash before him, and Dea-chan, who widened her eyes in realisation, exclaim simultaneously.

'The announcement! The reason why all the students begin running and trampling over each other! Why didn't it happen yet?'

(The butterfly effect! Looks like the plot is already beginning to diverge from the original.)

Luckily, it seems that Grace's worries were unfounded, as the moment he took care of the 5 of 'them' present there, the door opened and a nameless male student rushed out with a tear stricken face, a broken broom in his hands.






The scene abruptly descends to silence as the nameless male student freezes in place as three plus one who he couldn't see state at him speechlessly.


Just then, a purple haired figure crashes in through the window, and flips elegantly before landing, her wooden sword, whatever it's called, drawn and ready to see zombie blood.

"Eh? Uh, they all are down?"

The new girl stated, slightly disappointed, before quickly courting her expression into a gentle yet curious one.

"I thought I heard a scream though?"

And the nameless male student couldn't help but blush as his 'warcry' seemed to have been heard by his beautiful senior.






(The hell are you doing?)

Dea-chan asks in speechless confusion as she watched the two, one white haired dunce she actually has begun to like staying around, and one purple haired blue eyed sword chick that's calm, caring, gentle, and elegant on the outside but is a stunning and rather sexy sadist on the inside.

And no, the latter part of the above paragraph is, in no way, Author-san's personal bias.

Yup, definitely not.

Anyway, Dea-chan felt rather helpless at the duo that have been staring at each other intently since the moment they had introduced themselves and the others, that is, the two girls Misuzu and Toshimi, the nameless male student who has officially been promoted to 'Student A', and the airheaded bubbly nurse Shizuka Marikawa, went inside to collect as much medicine as they could.

(Hey~~ Grace~~ Say something please~~ Puhleese~~? You two have been staring at each other for like eight minutes straight~~ You haven't even blinked~~!)

Just then, Saeko, whose blue eyes had gotten understandably bloodshot, considering she hadn't blinked for over 500 seconds, closed her eyes as tears begin streaming down her cheeks involuntarily.

"I win~~"

Grace said in a voice low enough for only the tiny loli atop his head and the girl before him to hear as he smiled, his crimson eyes looking redder than ever as he, too, closed and blinked several times. Though, he didn't yet tear up unlike the one before her.

"Mm. Looks like I lost this time."

Yet, despite saying so, a beautiful and, by Grace's vast experience, heartfelt smile hung on her face as she looked at him.

"Once again, my name is Saeko Busujima. I am a third year in this highschool. It's a pleasure to meet you, Grace-san."

She extended her right hand, and Grace shook it with his left while showing his right arm still clutching his metal rod, soaked all the way to his elbow in fresh as well as dried blood.

"Gabriel Grace Godkin, though I prefer Grace. I would have been your new Japanese teacher if the world didn't go to hell and your principal accepted me."

Grace smiled as he lied through his teeth, neither his expression nor his breathing, heart beat, nor even his body movements giving the lie away.

Saeko nodded as she agreed that his Japanese, for someone that was clearly a foreigner, was incredibly good. Which is to be expected, as he had taken the knowledge and experience of not merely a single Japanese Teacher.

What Grace didn't know, is that the Rank is merely a sort of preview for those that are not in possession of a System similar to his own. And more often than not, the borderline or threshold for said Rank is far above the actual level of skill that the owner of the card possesses.

But in the case of Grace, who has the System, the ability or skill will show the complete effects of the Rank.

Meaning he was already better than the best Japanese Teacher in the school.

Now, as for why Grace and Saeko had started such a seemingly childish challenge our of nowhere?

Honestly? They, themselves, had no idea.

And I'm pretty sure it's something Author-san came up with just for the word count.

((A/N : Hey! Stop dissing me!))

See? He doesn't even bother defending himself.

Whatever, he isn't important anyway.

((A/N : Oi!))

Back to the scene, Dea-chan, who felt rather left out, pouted as she pulled Grace's hair in mock anger.

'It's alright, Dea-chan. I'll be sure to take you out on a proper date ok? Though, you probably won't be able to enjoy it much in a post zombie apocalypse world.'

(E-eh? Wh-What? N-no, I-I mean, you don't have to. I m-mean, u-uhh…)

Grace's eyes widen, and he barely stopped himself from bursting out laughing like an idiot.

'Hahaha! Who knew all this time, I only needed to show some sincere affection to make you blush? Damn! Hahaha!'

Although he was calm outside, looking like he was still properly keeping guard with the silent Saeko, hearing his thoughts made Dea-chan blush up a storm.

With an incensed *humph!*, she, her face redder than Grace's eyes and steam coming out of her ears, dove into Grace's long and silky white hair, hiding herself from him.

Alas! In her embarrassment, she had all but forgotten that she was but a mere projection, meaning she could fade away into specks of light whenever and wherever.

Something that Grace didn't fail to catch, which only made his smile widen.

"We're done~! Sorry for the wait~!"

Just then, a cheerful voice interrupted the silence of the corridor.


*Beyond the fourth wall*

Hello, and welcome to the sixth episode of 'Beyond the fourth wall'.

This is your beloved Author, Azerial.

Yeah, that didn't sound as good as I imagined it would.


Anyway, welcome back folks! How's your day?

Mine was fantastic! Especially since I just got to know I flunked my exams! For the second time! And I still have two more attempts to flush down the drain!

Wish me worst, boys and girls!

Now then, what will we discuss this time?

Ah, I know, scroll up and see those few paragraphs about Grace's Extraction ability and the skill Ranks in other people I told you about?

Well, I'm pretty sure most of you are confused by what I meant, or rather, I only wrote it vaguely there since I though I'd explain it here instead, where the flow of the chapter won't be cut.

To begin with, let me give you an example.

Suppose Person A has a skill called 'Calculations : E+'.

Now, assume that 'Calculations : F-' allows one to calculate one digit operations upto the number 9 instantly. Again, this is just an assumption, so keep it in mind.

Let's assume, again, that 'Calculations : F' allows one to perform two digit calculations upto the number 99 instantaneously.

'Calculations : F+' is for doing 3 digit calculations upto 999 instantly, 'Calculations : E-' for doing 4 digit calculations upto 9,999 with a snap of one's fingers, 'Calculations : E' for doing 5 digit calculations upto 99,999 with ease, and finally 'Calculations : E+', which allows one to perform 6 digit calculations upto 999,999 within but a moment.

If Grace had 'Calculations : E+', then he would need nothing short of an instant to solve something like (483,892 + 190,402)*(984,493 / 589,903), which would appear unbelievably complex.

To Person A, however, he might only be able to do something like (102,204 + 109,999 - 109,998). In this case, Person A had, indeed, surpassed the highest 5 digit number's calculations, meaning those operations including 99,999 are no longer Person A's limits. Yet, Person A might also not be able to perform calculations on anything above 109,999.

Yes, as improbable as it may sound, it might actually be true that he cannot do any calculations involving a number greater than 109,999, instantly at least. After all, this isn't the real world, it's a 2-D world that I made, so I can make the rules, yeah?

Yet, since Person A had surpassed the highest threshold of Rank E, his skill would be marked as a Rank E+.

And when Grace extracts his Card, he would get the maximum benefit of the card's, or rather the skill's Rank. If he obtains said 'Calculations : E+' card from Person A, even if Person A couldn't calculate instantly numbers greater than 109,999, the same restriction wouldn't apply to Grace! He would be able to use the skill to his maximum benefit. So he can do calculations involving any number that is less than or equal to 999,999 instantly!

Meaning, Grace would actually be better than Person A despite extracting Person A's Card!

And this is also the case with weapons.

Suppose there is a Person B who majors in usage of katanas. He would have a 'Light Sharp Weapon Mastery' skill, which has a Rank, say, D-.

If Grace extracts this Card, would he only get skills and techniques and experience related to using and wielding the katana alone to Rank D-?

No! On the contrary, Grace would become a master equivalent to Rank D- in not only the katana, but every light sharp weapon in existence!

Swords, long swords, short swords, daggers, knives, throwing knives, hunting knives, saws, sabres, cutlasses, and many, many more!

And he would become a master in all of them with just the skill of a specific weapon wielded alone!

Heh, you thought that 'No Fatigue : SSS+' is Grace's first cheat to OPness?

Nah man, you all just didn't know that 'Extraction : F-' is way more OP.

Also, since you all clearly patiently waited for the reveal, here you go!

In my novel, Saitama is a…

Divine Being!

And he has comprehended the 'Law of Invincibility', 'Law of Infinity', as well as the 'Law of Limitlessness'.

Heh, who says Caped Baldy is bad at academics? He spent three years doing nothing more than '100 PUSH UPS 100 SQUATS 100 SIT UPS 10KM RUN EVERY SINGLE DAY' and yet understood three different Laws of Reality that most Gods, Goddesses, and 'oh so high and mighty' Cultivators take hundreds if not thousands of centuries to even scratch the surface of!

Talk about a CHEAT!

Well, that's the big reveal done, sooo…
