
Travelling the Multiverse while disposing Trash~~! (Dropped)

A/N : You know all the copyright crap? Imagine it’s all here… ………….. Look, you all aren’t kids that don’t know the difference between harem protagonists and hentai protagonists. You all, well most of you anyway, are degenerates like yours truly that are beyond saving and experienced in reading the hundreds of shitty fanfics posted in Webnovel. You want a summery? Read the tags. Ain’t enough? Fine. MC dies, meets a rather friendly ROB, gets cheats, and story begins. Also, it’s a harem story, so no-harem sect members, kindly go screw yourselves. And yes, the guy that posts a ‘Is it a huge harem?’, review in every damn research material I look up, it’s a huge Fucking harem. Happy? Good, cause I am. Also, instead of spamming the same review, why don’t you give me a list of all such books? It’s for the greater-*cough* I mean, for research purposes, of course. And for the degenerates still reading this summary, why haven’t you added the book to your library yet? You have? Start reading then! Now scram!

Azerial · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

[Chapter:27][An OP Minibus for an OP MC.]

"Man…I really outdid myself didn't I?"

Grace chuckled softly as he looked at the 'monster' before him.

Weighing roughly 3.6 tonnes, with an upper weight capacity of 2.3 tonnes more or less, an engine modified beyond recognition, a ridiculous horsepower for something this size, quadruple copper plated for anti EMP, missile-proof chassis, RPG-proof windows, and bomb proof tires, capable of going up to 3.2 miles underwater and withstanding tremendous pressure, with in-built air purifier systems, enough air to last a hundred people a hundred days, and a fuel tank that can last for 3 days of continuous running when full.

"Yup…really outdid myself on this one…"

Grace grinned.

Obviously, no matter how good his mechanical skills may be, this sort of machine isn't something that can be made without proper tools and materials. Especially the tires.

How did he do it, then? For that, one has to go back in time.

*around 2 days and a few hours ago*

(Please? Pretty please? With a cherry on top?)

Grace looked amused as the tiny Supreme Goddess begged him with her blue watery puppy eyes. Fortunately for him, Author-san had granted him immunity against this nigh-invincible technique, or he might have caved in already!

Regardless, he looked at her for a few more moments before nodding.

"Alright, but you'll only spin the wheel fourteen times. I want to keep at least 10 SP as a reserve."

(Why!? Didn't you say 3 or 4 is more than enough!?)

Dea-chan was incensed. And why wouldn't she be? Her only source of joy, the Gacha, was being limited!

"And I changed my mind. Got a problem?"

He cocked a brow at her, and the little loli could only grind her teeth in anger!

(Fine! Keep your SP! Humph!)

She pouted as she turned her head to the side with a huff, though that anger didn't last long as she zoomed to his face and quickly waved her hand, opening the Lottery window.

'I still have around 80 more SP to spend…'

Grace looked at the different Lottery types and wondered which one he should select next. Well, it was still a few days away, so he didn't ponder on that decision too much.

Unlike a certain white haired Gamer, he was less of a pondering and more of a 'see Trash kill Trash' guy after all.

'I would pay my junior a visit…but unfortunately, that entire Multiverse is trespasser-proof. Not even Author-san can make a crack in the fourth wall there.'

Grace shook his head while wishing luck to his junior, but then he suddenly got an idea.

'Wait, the Multiverse is trespasser-proof, but what about the Dungeons?'

He thought for a moment, before sending 'SCP-049-02' that was currently frozen in time inside his 'House' through a crack in the void, hoping his attempt succeeds, before he focuses back to the Gacha.

And indeed, he was met with the sight of fourteen different wheels that had just stopped spinning, displaying fourteen different glowing Cards.

As they turned around, however…

'As I though, the more I, or rather Dea-chan, spins simultaneously, the less the good rewards there are.'


(Cosmetic Set : D+)

Type : Item

Description : A unique set of cosmetics that include almost every related object and article in it. Despite its seemingly infinite nature, however, the products themselves are ordinary, so to speak, hence resulting in its low Rank.


'I can use this for disguises, I guess.'


(Death Star MK II : S+)

Type : Item

Description : The Death Star MK II is an advanced super-weapon designed to wipe out stars and instil fear into the hearts of all would-be rebels. Although requiring a crew of several millions, this moon sized artificial satellite can fire, upon 48 hours of charging and 24 hours of preparation, an array of several tens to hundreds of energised plasmic rays, each containing enough power to decimate a planet.


'Now what am I going to use this for…ah, I know, I can combine it with that NACJAC when I level up the 'Mechanical Mastery' skill to high enough Rank.'


(Packaged Summoning : A+)

Type : Ability / Active

Description : A special ability that allows you to summon, in return for energy, anything that is packaged.


'Ok? I think I read this one in some fanfic…well, it's good stuff. Though, I guess I can only 'summon' stuff that's A+ or lower…'

'But this Ability makes that cosmetic set and the rubber duck water Satchel I got completely useless…especially with 'No fatigue'. Meh, whatever, more OPness for me to bask in.'


(Technology Mastery : C-)

Type : Skill / Passive

Description : Knowledge of and experience in working with technology beyond one's imagination, already having passed the barrier of 'Mortals' and having touched the mystical side of reality. At higher Ranks, can allow one to incorporate technology with the mystical side completely, or even surpass it.


'Sweet. I can turn the mini bus into a real monster with this. Now that I think about it, I'm getting 'My MCV and Doomsday' vibes…heh, it'll be funny if I can do it without that Star Seed or whatever. Guess it'll be 'My MiniBus and Multiverse' for me.'


(Healing Card)*6

Type : Special

Description : A special Unranked Card which, upon usage, heals the specified target completely off and from all wounds, illnesses, etc… . Abnormal states such as Poison, Paralysis, Curses, etc… are also erased.


'Not bad…although I can just go to 'House' and get rid of those and heal too, I guess this is good for when I might not make it in time. And I can give this to others (a.k.a. Waifus) too.'

Grace was quite satisfied with what he had gotten this time, even if the three other (Meal for three) and one (Feast for 100) will remain inside his inventory for time to come.

*back to the present*

And obviously, Grace, being the OP MC he is, abused the shit out of the 'No Fatigue' and 'Packed Delivery' combo, getting a hell of a lot of parts and specialised equipment he 'just so happened to discover' on his tours outside.

Well, it did make Toshimi, who unexpectedly turned out to be a bike enthusiast, and Kyoko, who was familiar with modifying cars and vans, to look at him strangely, since they knew that those parts and equipment he 'salvaged' were too specialised, but eh, he didn't really care about that.

As long as he isn't seen making the stuff appear out of thin air, since none of the girls in the group were close enough to him for him to trust them with any of the 'Multiverse' BS yet, Grace was fine being suspected.

"Hey ya'll! Gather up!"

Grace shouted loud enough for all the Group members, who had decided to relax that day after three consecutive days of going out and scavenging for supplies, to hear him.

And minutes later, they all had gathered up.


"Remind me why we're leaving out temporary safe haven again?"

Saya sighed when Takashi asked the same thing for the nth time.

"Takashi, can you not be such a dolt?"

Takashi rolled his eyes at the self proclaimed genius' sentence when Naomi explained with a soft chuckle.

"It's because the city will go dead soon. The electricity will go down, the water will stop, and the gas will run out too."

"And what's different on the other side of the river?"

This time, it was Kawamoto, a rather shy girl, who asked the question, with Taniuchi nodding her head in agreement to her hidden lover's doubt.

"It's because there are several power plants on that side. Not to mention, there are many shops selling solar generators and stuff nearby too.", Saya explained while seemingly recalling something unpleasant as she grimaced before gritting her teeth, both worry and anger flashing past her eyes.

"Ah, I remember those shops. Don't you remember them, Toshimi? We went there for shopping a few weeks ago, but came back since there were only electronic stuff and lots of weird gadgets in that whole street."

"Ah, right, now that you mention it…", Toshimi nodded her head at Misuzu's question.

With that topic ended, the bus fell into a peaceful silence, with only the sound of Alice playing with Zeke, who was officially named Ze-chan, appearing every now and then.

Shizuka was taking a nap, along with Yuuki, on two of the beds. Yes, you read right, Grace had indeed installed beds in the mini bus.

There's a reason it weighed almost four tonnes after all.

The bus itself was modified to fit thirty comfy seats, fifteen soft and comfy beds even if each was barely large enough enough for them to lie down, a fridge, several electronic stuff he would keep a secret for now, the whole thing is, to the Group's shock, completely solar powered!

The only things it needs are water and oil every now and then, and it can keep functioning almost indefinitely with just 3 hours of sunlight sufficient for an entire day!

And, of course, Grace made sure to 'find' half a year's worth of water and oil somewhere.

And it also has place for the supplies, which, to Saya's utter disbelief, happened to be refrigerated as well. And with the temperature maintained at a constant -13 C, their half a month worth of supplies, along with what the Male Group save for Grace had managed to get within the past three days, would easily last them all four months!

But well, that's enough info about the mini bus, which Grace wants to turn into a true war machine capable of travelling through all terrains and take it with him on his Multiverse journey, but that's a story for another Chapter.

'Hmm…should I use an arc Reactor for the power? I always wondered why Rust Man with all his intelligence didn't think of making Arc Reactor powered battleships…that would have made the War with that purple half giant way easier.'

Unfortunately, the element created to function as the core of the Arc Reactor is considered to be beyond mortal science already, thus Grace has to wait till his 'Technology Mastery' and 'Mechanical Mastery' reach at least B+ before incorporating any of his 'more mystical' ideas into his minibus.

But well, he was actually quite satisfied with it already.


The minibus comes to a halt, as Kyoko gets off the driver seat and stretches her body sensually.

"What happened? Why did we stop?"

Just as Rei asked that question, her stomach suddenly growled, making her blush.

"It's lunch time."

Almost instantly, the eyes of all the Group members brighten as they simultaneously lock on to Grace, making his lips twitch.


Grace looked at the eighteen pairs of eyes, including those of Shizuka and Yuuki who had gotten up and Alice who had stopped playing the moment 'lunch' was uttered, and rolled his eyes.

'If there're already like this at just E+, what happens when I raise my 'Cooking' skill to A+ or S+ or even EX++?'

For a moment, a strange sight of hundreds of girls holding guns and bloodied knives Yuno Gasai style while marching like a yandere army and holding flags of burgers and fries appeared in his mind, making him shake the thought away violently.

'An army of yanderes? Fuck that's scary.'

Putting that frightening thought to the back of his head, Grace gets off the bus and takes out the electronic cooking appliances he had stored in the minibus' storage unit and even takes out a picnic table and several plates and glasses and cutlery.


Saya looked at this speechlessly.

"Have you actually packed everything we need for a picnic in there!?"

"Not bad Genius-chan, you guessed it right."

Grace chuckled at the sight of the pink hair's jaw dropping as he looked at the river visible from their current position.

Or rather, there were right next to the river, with the bridge which the army had clearly blockaded just several hundred metres away from them.

'Looks like its time to meet up with the Takagi camp.'

Grace continued cooking as he mentally struck off one of the entries of his checklist.


He looked back at the Group as he placed the last dish into the table, only to find them holding their plates and spoons and staring at him with hunger.


He looked at Saya who was similarly sitting there speechlessly.

'Where's your sense of shame, self proclaimed genius?'