
Travelling the Multiverse while disposing Trash~~! (Dropped)

A/N : You know all the copyright crap? Imagine it’s all here… ………….. Look, you all aren’t kids that don’t know the difference between harem protagonists and hentai protagonists. You all, well most of you anyway, are degenerates like yours truly that are beyond saving and experienced in reading the hundreds of shitty fanfics posted in Webnovel. You want a summery? Read the tags. Ain’t enough? Fine. MC dies, meets a rather friendly ROB, gets cheats, and story begins. Also, it’s a harem story, so no-harem sect members, kindly go screw yourselves. And yes, the guy that posts a ‘Is it a huge harem?’, review in every damn research material I look up, it’s a huge Fucking harem. Happy? Good, cause I am. Also, instead of spamming the same review, why don’t you give me a list of all such books? It’s for the greater-*cough* I mean, for research purposes, of course. And for the degenerates still reading this summary, why haven’t you added the book to your library yet? You have? Start reading then! Now scram!

Azerial · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

[Chapter:22][Yuuki Miku, and things to do.]


"Kyaaa! Leave me!"

Rei Miyamoto, a beautiful orange haired girl who looked far more stunning when her clothes were off her (duh), screamed as she felt a pair of hands reach out from behind her and violently squeeze her boobs.

"How big!"

Saya grumbled from behind as she held on to those breasts despite Rei's struggles.

"These lumps of fat! They are what took Takashi away from me aren't they!"

Rei somehow manages to free herself from the self proclaimed genius!s vice like girl, but not before her face blushes from arousal and her boobs red from the squeezing.

"Y-you! Shameless! How could you do that!?"

"Ara~ That isn't nice you know, Takagi-san."

If Rei's enraged shout made Saya smirk, however, the following person's sentence made her face glum.

Nearly all girls, excluding Saeko, glared at the owner of the voice.

Long, wet, yet silky blonde hair, an hourglass figure with boobs that defy all logic, smooth, soft, and unblemished skin.

Shizuka looked at the ones glaring at her with her usual clueless smile.

"What what? Why are you all looking at me li-kyaaa!"

She couldn't finish her sentence, however, as Kyoko suddenly appeared from behind her and grabbed her deadly weapons.

"She-senpai! What are you do-mm!"

Her words were interrupted by a moan when she twisted her nipples, making Shizuka blush as her body trembled lightly.

"Large! Sensitive! And most importantly, absolutely perky!"

Kyoko cried as she glared at the two lumps of fat that any man would kill to glance at.

"Why do you have all three qualities!? How unfair!"

Out of no where comes a wild Rei, and without giving Shizuka the time to breathe, latches onto those precious mountains and begins to fondle them.

"No way! I don't believe it! These must be fake!"

"Wh-Ahn! Wa-Wait! Mm! Mi-! Miyamoto-chan! Nn! St-stop! Ahh!"

Kyoko and Rei suddenly look into each other's eyes, and a strange gleam flashes within them as they seem to have come to a decision through a weird means of communication.

And without a moment's notice, both of them begin attacking Shizuka, one playing with the mountains themselves, while the other determined to conquer the pink peaks!


And within mere minutes, Shizuka's entire body trembles before she collapses, her body weak and bereft of strength.

The bath descends into a sudden silence as Rei and Kyoko look at each other.

"Uh…looks like…we overdid it."

"What do you think, you dumbass!"

Saya scolded the two as she suddenly appeared before them, almost making them jump in shock!

"Woah! Saya-chan, you shouldn't surprise people like that!"

The pink head rolled her eyes.

"I've been here all the time! You two were simply too engrossed in playing with Shizuka-san to notice me."

Both former student and former teacher blush, along with several others present in the bath, and though the steam covered them lightly, a certain duo consisting of Kawamoto and Taniuchi stiffened before their hands retreated to their respective owners, their faces far more flushed than any embarrassment should leave them be.

Misuzu and Toshimi looked at each other, and then at Naomi who had somehow clicked with the two, and the three chuckled softly.

Meanwhile, Saeko, who had been relaxing with her eyes closed, opened them to see the only girl in the bath who was isolated from the rest, yet not of her own choice, unlike her.

"Yuuki-san, right?"

Said orange hair jolted upright and looked at Saeko.


Not only her, but everyone in the bath blinked their eyes in confusion at that.

After all, in the school, rumours were that Yuuki Miku is a sexy girl that loved to tease boys and even take them for a 'fling' if they manage to catch her attention. In fact, some even say she bribes male teachers with her body for a high score!

But now…

"I just saw you seemed silent since Shido and that other guy 'left' us…are you alright?"

The girls' eyes twitched at how Saeko phrased the death of a former teacher and classmate, and honestly, they couldn't all say they were ok with it…

Not to mention, Rei herself felt conflicted over what to think of her prior actions…

Yet they all then heard Saeko's tone change to one of doubt and concern, and looked at where she was looking to see Yuuki trembling as her eyes shook in fear.

"Th-that is…umm…I-I'm alright…"

Buying her lips, till they bled a little, Yuuki looked at Saeko and gave an unsightly and clearly forced smile as she stammered out a response, yet her body only continued to shake in what they all could clearly see to be fear.

Suddenly, Yuuki stiffened as she felt a pair of soft, delicate, yet also unexpectedly strong arms wrap around her, and a pair of large mountains press against her back.

"It's ok…I don't know what happened, but you don't need to be afraid anymore. You're among friends now, no one will harm you…"

Shizuka's soft, gentle voice, along with warmth that Yuuki herself didn't know whether it was from the bath or from the embrace she was in, made her shake even harder as tears fell from her eyes.



"I-I'm ok now…"

Yuuki muttered in a soft, and clearly embarrassed voice as she tried to shake herself free from Shizuka's embrace.

Yet her hands, despite appearing weak and soft and delicate, locked her like a vice.

"Can you tell me why you cried?"

Her sudden words made Yuuki freeze as she struggled to give an answer.

"Th-that is…"

Normally, the one who asked the question would say it was fine if the answerer didn't want to speak about it, yet Shizuka knew that in situations like the one they were in, it was far better to open up than to bottle it inside themselves.

"It's ok…take your time…I told you right? You are among friends here…no one will harm you, everyone here will support you, they are here to take care of you…"

The rest, even Saeko, felt amazed at how gentle and kind Shizuka looked at that moment. Gone was the clumsy, clueless and airheaded nurse, and now, at that moment, Shizuka looked truly…different.

"It's alright…everything's fine, ok? It'll feel better to let it all out…don't you feel better after you cried? No need to feel embarrassed…"

Her soft, melodious tone was all that could be heard, as the rest of the girls unanimously maintained silence, watching Yuuki. And some, who saw her look back at them, tried their best to give her an encouraging smile, even if it looked pretty forced on the faces of a few.


And thus began the story of one Yuuki Miku, one that is far different that what any reader or watcher of the original series would have expected.


Yuuki Miku was once a playful and energetic girl. She was born to a loving couple and had inherited her orange hair from her mother.

Her father worked as a white collar employee in a not large, but sizeable company. He brought home enough income to support the family of three, the little Yuuki's education, and still have enough to save a little each month.

Her mother was a typical housewife, although a beauty which the young Yuuki had inherited and shown even since middle school.

All was going well for the family, one kind father, one beautiful mother, and one cute child.

Yet it all changed when her father's company filed for bankruptcy.

It was so sudden, so out of nowhere, and the tens of employees simply didn't know how to react. And Yuuki's father was one of them.

A few days later, it came to light that the company itself was merely a façade to a up and rising Yakuza gang, and now that the gang had managed to settle themselves and get a good holding, they no longer needed the money eater that the company had become.

For a few days, their family had to live in a very…tight, situation.

At some point, her mother managed to get a job at a bar close by. And though she said it was due to the bar owner being someone who she knew, the real reason was quite obvious to her father and her.

Especially since she began to come home later and later as the days go by…

Until one day, the last day of the month, her mother didn't return for the night.

When she did return the next day, and with a wad of cash that was far more than any 'normal' bar waitress should otherwise be entitled to, her father snapped at her.

Words that no husband should say to his wife were said. Words that can not be taken back. And as a consequence, her mother left them.

She still gave them money, however. Tens of thousands of yen every month, something that her father truly wanted to throw into away several times, yet he managed to keep himself from doing so every time he looked at the young Yuuki and her innocent face.

Just like that, a few years go by, and her father somehow manages to get a job. The monthly money increased every few months, till it was large enough for the two to live in comfort. Yuuki was at the third year of middle school, and soon would become a high schooler.

Again, misfortune struck once again, as her father was fired from his job as a scapegoat to the manager's mistake.

And you know that saying, when it rains, it pours?

Well, apparently, the manager had once seen Yuuki, who had inherited her mother's beauty, and when her father was fired, he gave him a proposition. One that should be quite obvious to guess.

Her father refused. He had already lost his wife, and he wasn't going to give up his own daughter.

But the manager's smile unnerved him.

And a few days later, he got to know why.

Her father was framed for things, horrible things he had never done, and was sent to jail. Luckily for Yuuki, her mother had arrived in time before some typical ruffians could take her away.

When she became a high schooler, Yuuki caught the eye of Shido. And he asked her for a 'personal favour'. Of course, she refused. Her mother had told her, time and again, not to mess up. Not to make a mistake. Not to be bend her head and give others a chance to drag her by her legs and trap her forever. Something that had happened to her.

In fact, Yuuki had threatened to kill her self and mention his name in her suicide note when Shido pressed her.

That, however, didn't stop him from harassing her. He failed her on purpose just to get her to come to the staff room. He spread rumours of her, about her mother. He made boys cling on to her, something which they were ready to do for some 'benefits' for themselves.

And the fact that several different men frequent her house every evening, only returning late at night, didn't help either.

And finally, just a few days ago…

"My mom…she…she didn't wake up…"

"She was…was…*sniff*…strangled…during sex…"

"The last one…he…I went to the police…but they called her a…a prostitute…a whore…"

"I asked…*hick*…I asked for help…everyone I could…then I found out…"

"The last…last man that visited her…his name…Ichiro…Ichiro Shido…"

"Koichi Shido's…father…"

Yuuki looked at Saya, who had been staring at her with sadness and pity.

"Takagi-san…that uniform you were wearing before…you got it from the…staff room…right?"

Saya nodded her head, suddenly feeling ominous.

"It's…mine…every gym class…my uniform will…disappear…and a new one…different one…'they' will give me…to wear…'they' will call me….to staff room…so everyone…will think I…I was doing something…during gym class…something that…dirtied my uniform…"

The girls present, Saeko included, grit their teeth. Shizuka tightened her hold of the pitiful girl, as she cried softly, her body still shaking in fear.

"Yuuki-san…who are they?"

Saeko asked in a chilly tone, one that made a shiver run down their spines. The gentle, charming smile that had always been present on her face was gone, and what replaced it was a cold face, and a pair of eyes that seemed to freeze one's very soul.


Till then were names that were expected. All boys that didn't exactly have a good reputation.


But then came the more surprising names. Of students and teachers that appeared so…good, disciplined, decent.


Kyoko's eyes widen at the mention of a colleague that had been hitting on her, whose invitation she had even considered accepting, thinking she could finally find her better half.


Naomi stiffened at the mention of that name. Yuuki's words after that, about how some of the students didn't want to harass her and wanted to back out, didn't even reach her ears as the last part of hope and love within her heart died, and all that was left, at that moment, was anger, and pity.

"…and…the last…"

This time, she visible shrunk. Shizuka tightened her hug even more, to the point where it actually hurt Yuuki a little, yet that pain only caused her to feel warmer. She heard the water move, and felt another pair of hands found themselves around her. Another pair of perky breasts pressed her body as a soft voice rang out.

"Don't be afraid…let it out…you'll feel better…we're all friends here…right…?"

Rei's voice calmed Yuuki down, and she mentioned a name.



*step* *step* *step*

Grace walked slowly, not even bothering to silence his steps.

*step* *step*

His face, one that would almost always sport a gentle smile, or a teasing smirk, or sometimes even a clearly fake expression, was cold.

Unthinkably cold.

*step* *step*


He slowly opened the door of a room, and looked inside.

"Hmm? Ah, Grace-san, did you need something?"

The one who asked the question, however, only felt a sudden spike in fear, as a pair of blood red eyes stared into his own…


And then he blacked out.