
Travelling the Multiverse while disposing Trash~~! (Dropped)

A/N : You know all the copyright crap? Imagine it’s all here… ………….. Look, you all aren’t kids that don’t know the difference between harem protagonists and hentai protagonists. You all, well most of you anyway, are degenerates like yours truly that are beyond saving and experienced in reading the hundreds of shitty fanfics posted in Webnovel. You want a summery? Read the tags. Ain’t enough? Fine. MC dies, meets a rather friendly ROB, gets cheats, and story begins. Also, it’s a harem story, so no-harem sect members, kindly go screw yourselves. And yes, the guy that posts a ‘Is it a huge harem?’, review in every damn research material I look up, it’s a huge Fucking harem. Happy? Good, cause I am. Also, instead of spamming the same review, why don’t you give me a list of all such books? It’s for the greater-*cough* I mean, for research purposes, of course. And for the degenerates still reading this summary, why haven’t you added the book to your library yet? You have? Start reading then! Now scram!

Azerial · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

[Chapter:17][Supermarket and the Gas Station (I) .]


'Goddamn that was awfull…'

Grace grit his teeth as he tried to, yet failed in focusing properly. His entire body felt dead, while his head felt like it was just hit by a planet sized sledge hammer.

His senses were beyond strained, and he couldn't even feel his breath.

'Fuck…I messed up…'

He had all but forgotten, in the heat of the moment, what happens when he integrates with or ranks up abilities.

The pleasure and comfort, the bone chilling yet relaxing cold, it assailed him so quickly his mind automatically shut down to protect him from the consequences of the sensory overload.

Long story short, he forgot he couldn't do stuff like ranking up abilities at one go and blanked out.

'How long was I out?'

Slowly, yet surely, his senses returned to him. His breathing, no longer necessary with his 'No Fatigue : SSS+' yet an action that he instinctively and habitually continues, stabilises. His control over his body returns quickly, and his mind, clearer than ever before, snaps out of its daze.

'Note to self, never increase an ability's rank by more than 3 at once.'

And with his 'Mind Palace : EX++', he would remember it even if he didn't want to.

Just as he opened his eyes, and noted that the bus was still moving with most of the group resting, a blue silhouette appears before him.

He was about to call Dea-chan and ask her how long he had been knocked out, yet one look at her expression chocked his words back.

'…what did you do?'

To put it in simple terms would be apologetic. Her sapphire like eyes wide and teary, her body trembling ever so slightly, the Supreme Goddess looked more like a little girl scared and sorry over a mistake she had committed.

Grace could, based on what he had seen just before he blacked out, guess what she did, and he honestly wasn't that mad, albeit a little annoyed, but he still asked her while making sure to conceal his thoughts from her.


Grace looked at the little loli expressionlessly, his blood red eyes boring into her blue ones.


She whispered something he couldn't catch on to.

'I don't hear you. Say it louder.', he said, making his best effort to hide his amusement at how an 'Omnipotent' being was currently looking like a child admitting her wrongs to her parent.



(I used up all the Silver Points!)

She shouted through their connection, before promptly hanging her head down, her body trembling even more than it did before.

Several moments of silence pass by, before Grace simply couldn't take it anymore.



'HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my Goddess! Look at you!'

Dea-chan looked at Grace, who could barely stop himself from laughing out loud like an idiot, with a dumb look.

But then he no longer concealed his thoughts from her, and reading them, she blushed till steam began coming out of her head.

(Yo-you! You're teasing me! Bad guy! Meanie!)

'Hahaha…sorry…I just…hehe…you're too fun to tease Dea-chan.'

(I…! I'll…! I'll bite you to death!)

And she did. She zoomed towards Grace and opened her tiny mouth before chomping down on his hand, making him wince at the sudden pain before he continued chuckling.

He wasn't that worried about the bite being seen, since based on how tiny Dea-chan was, the bite mark itself was nearly invisible.

Though he had to admit, it was truly entertaining to him, teasing the tiny loli Goddess like that.

'Alright, I don't really mind you using all my SP up. It's pretty easy to grind anyway. But why don't you show me what Author-san decided to give me?'

There was a pretty simple reason why Grace didn't want to be broke of SP, which is also why Dea-chan had been so unhappy the last chapter.

Because he had realised, a little belatedly, that it was a way for Author-san to provide him indirect help.

Say he was in the middle of a hoard of a hundred thousand of 'them'. The best way to leave would be to sneak out, yet it still had quite a risk. After all, while he certainly wouldn't get tired, the sheer quantity of 'them' would mean his risk of dying or getting bit or scratched was infinitesimally close to 100%.

Yet, if he used SP to spin the wheel, Author-san could give him something like 'Flight' or 'Teleportation' or something like that, or even a 'Infinite Ammo Gatling Gun' that would let him slaughter his way out in style.

Which is why he decided not to spend the remaining 8 SP. So of course Dea-chan who had been looking forward to spinning the wheel 8 more times was incensed.

Well, then again, he supposed having 3 or 4 SP for emergencies was more than enough.

(Right! I actually got pretty good things!)

Dea-chan instantly perked up and settled on her home atop Grace's head before swiping her hands, opening several screens.


Points : 696 —> 769 Silver Points : 8 —> 0

Golden Points : 30 —> 1 Crystal Points : 0


Well, that much was obvious. Though, Grace was surprised at his increase in Points, before he realised that not only were those dumb zombies probably still rushing towards the flames of the explosion, even the ones that the bus ran over were counted as his own kills.

'I guess it has to do with me being considered the unofficial leader of the group?'

It was another discovery he was glad about, since that meant he didn't need to farm for Points himself if there ever comes a day when he would have to do so.

The next window was the description of his 'Mind Palace : EX++' ability, and other than that it had reached the epitome of all 'Mind Palaces', and that all the knowledge and information and experiences of all beings in existence that have ever constructed or even come across 'Mind Palaces' being present in his 'Mind Palace', there was no difference in the description.

Though, he noticed something else.

'I see…so whether they are skills or abilities, they will automatically upgrade to 'Authorities' the moment I rank them up to EX or higher…'

Indeed, a new list called 'Authorities' appeared above 'Skills' and 'Abilities', with 'Mind Palace : EX++' being the only current entry. Yet it also meant that, as long as Grace had enough GP, whether what he gets is a skill or an ability no longer matters.

'I still prefer Abilities to Skills…but that's good I guess.'

Swiping those windows away, he then looks at the results from the 8 spins of the Gacha, courtesy to Dea-chan.


(Hide of Ender : A+)

Type : Item

Description : The complete and immaculately severed hide of the Ender Dragon, an item of impeccable durability that can be used in either Alchemy, Crafting, or simply to display as a prized trophy or possession.


'Ender Dragon…now that's a name I haven't heard in a while.'

Grace recalled fondly the scene of a pair of siblings, too close in society's view, one sitting on the other's lap and playing games, several games in fact, and one of them being a certain strange character with enchanted diamond equipment and several building materials in the form of blocks fighting against and even defeating a gigantic animated dragon.

Shaking his head, and the depressing thoughts that followed that image out of his mind, Grace focuses back onto the windows while vowing to himself that he would meet her again, and this time, he wouldn't let go.


(Satchel of unending Exploding Rubber Ducks : D-)

Type : Item

Description : A Satchel from which one exploding rubber duck can be taken once every 7 seconds.


'OK? I guess I'll have to thank the guy / gal that gave that idea to Author-san cause I'm pretty sure Author-san didn't play Hitman, don't ask me how I know that.'

((A/N : Yes, as ashamed as I am to say so, I didn't watch or play the Hitman series. Not even 1 movie. But Agent 47 from fandom's Badass with a capital 'B'.))

Grace looked at the window with ten rows and ten columns totalling for a hundred boxes appearing beside him, the new 'Inventory' function window, and saw the first one occupied by Dragon skin while the second box had a Satchel present in it.

Then he looked at the third Gacha prize.


(Neuralyzer : D+)

Type : Item

Description : An electro bio-mechanical neural transmitting zero synapse repositioner, commonly referred to as a Neuralyzer, is a top secret device used by the MiB. It has the ability to wipe the mind of anybody who sees the flash via isolating and editing certain electronic impulses related to memory. Once people are neuralyzed, they seem to enter a trance, freeze and their eyes lose focus. Once victims are neuralyzed, the agents must make up a story to replace the victims' erased memories. Neuralyzers are paramount to the MIB's operation and maintenance of secrecy.

Note : Neuralyzers vary in size, and this one is pen sized and shaped.


'That's useful, I guess? And D+ probably means as long as the target has some kind of additional energy like Ki or Chakra or Qi or Magic or what not, it wouldn't work…man I wish Author-san comes up with a function to rank up items as well. But still, even if it will only work on completely ordinary civilians, this is pretty good.'


(Burger Meal for 3 : F+)

Type : Item / Consumable

Description : A meal for 3 consisting of burgers, fries, and beverages. Hot, spicy, and cold respectively, satisfaction is guaranteed!





(Patek Philippe Grandmaster Chime Ref. 6300A-010 : D+)

Type : Item

Description : It's a watch.



(Hmm? What? It's just a watch isn't it?)

Dea-chan felt Grace's surprise, surprise even higher than what he felt when he saw the results of the first two draws, making her curious.

'You wouldn't understand, you don't have a concept of 'money' after all. But this thing right here…'

He looks at the Card which swiftly vanishes, and at the watch that reappears in the fourth block of the Inventory.

'It costs $72 million last I checked. You can probably buy the entire Fujimi Highschool with just that small round piece of metal and plastic alone.'

Dea-chan, indeed, didn't understand what that meant. To an omnipotent Goddess, paper notes are…inconsequential.

But Grace couldn't help but click his tongue in satisfaction.

'Well damn, I never thought there would come a day when I'd have the chance to even look at it, let alone own it.'

Mentally focusing on the watch, options such as 'Equip', 'Lock', and 'Discard' appeared, and selecting 'Equip', Grace suddenly felt something wrap around his left wrist, weighing it down a little.

Raising his arm, he admires the watch worth nearly 3 quarters of a hundred million dollars and appreciates its image on his wrist for several seconds.

'Useless, but man do I feel good.'

With a soft chuckle, he notes that the time seemed unexpectedly correct before bringing it back down.


(Healing Card)

Type : Special

Description : A special Unranked Card which, upon usage, heals the specified target completely of and from all wounds, illnesses, etc… . Abnormal states such as poison, paralysis, curses, etc… are also erased.


'Now that's what I call a Jackpot.'

Grace smiled as he saw the card disappear and reappear in the Inventory. It was, without a doubt, the best thing he had gotten from the Gacha, the 'Mind Palace' aside. Even the Neuralyzer loses out to it, even if the card can only be used once.

Especially so in a post zombie apocalypse world, where a single scratch or bite or just an unfortunate intake of zombie blood could possibly kill you and turn you into one of 'them'.

'Whether the apocalypse is due to a virus or a curse, this card is perfect for both of them.'

And most importantly, since it also heals wounds, people wouldn't even see bite marks and thus get suspicious about him. Well, not that Grace plans on letting a mindless undead scratch or bite him.

While he was satisfied with this special card, however, the next two Gacha draws surprised Grace quite a lot.


(Super Soldier Serum : D+)

Type : Item / Consumable

Description : A special serum that promotes all physical and mental capabilities and capacity of the consumer to the very peak of a baseline human of the world it originates from. To work, however, an immense amount of energy is necessary.

Note : User's 'No Fatigue : SSS+' serves the requirement for energy.



(Infinity Gauntlet : S+)

Type : Item

Description : A special, nigh indestructible Gauntlet made of a magical and mythical material capable of theoretically bearing the weight of infinite power. The Gauntlet, despite its initially imposing size, can fit the arm of anyone who bonds themselves with it, and has indents for the six stones, each also an S+ item. With the inclusion of each stone, the Rank of the Gauntlet rises, till it becomes a SSS+ ranked Item at completion.

Note : At the moment, it only serves as a highly durable yet relatively light weight metal Gauntlet. However, I also has a high magic / energy conductivity.



Grace was quite surprised at the former Item, yet was rendered dumbfounded at the last result of the Gacha.


He glanced at Dea-chan, who had already slipped into her 'beauty nap' as she liked to call it, and sighed softly.

'Two items from the chaotic and definitely bad news MCU…man I hope I never go there.'

Just imagining the freaks in that world, time benders, reality warpers, absurd aliens, seers, etc… made him shudder involuntarily.

'Nope! No DC or MCU please!'

Luckily for him, Author-san didn't want to step on those two mine fields either.

((A/N : Hell nah! Over my dead body will you see my MC going mano-a-mano with One Above All or that dimension hopping guy from Doctor Strange.))

Before he could further dwell into his thoughts, however, the bus comes to a screeching halt, prompting him out of his thoughts.