
Travelling the Multiverse while disposing Trash~~! (Dropped)

A/N : You know all the copyright crap? Imagine it’s all here… ………….. Look, you all aren’t kids that don’t know the difference between harem protagonists and hentai protagonists. You all, well most of you anyway, are degenerates like yours truly that are beyond saving and experienced in reading the hundreds of shitty fanfics posted in Webnovel. You want a summery? Read the tags. Ain’t enough? Fine. MC dies, meets a rather friendly ROB, gets cheats, and story begins. Also, it’s a harem story, so no-harem sect members, kindly go screw yourselves. And yes, the guy that posts a ‘Is it a huge harem?’, review in every damn research material I look up, it’s a huge Fucking harem. Happy? Good, cause I am. Also, instead of spamming the same review, why don’t you give me a list of all such books? It’s for the greater-*cough* I mean, for research purposes, of course. And for the degenerates still reading this summary, why haven’t you added the book to your library yet? You have? Start reading then! Now scram!

Azerial · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

[Chapter:14][Democracy? What’s that? Can you eat it? (I) ]

'*whistle~~* Now that's what I call efficient grinding. Almost makes me want to blow the planet up when I leave this world.'

Dea-chan, who heard the white haired youth's thoughts, rolled her eyes in exasperation.

(Sure, go ahead if you don't mind being cursed by a World's Will for the rest of your existence, and don't even think I'll help you remove the curse.)

'Eh, really? Damn, I though I could farm both blue and Gold markers that I didn't even know of that way. Tsk.'

With that putting an end to Grace's possible future as the Harbinger of World Ending Apocalypse in the Multiverse, he sighed before looking at his status with a grin.

While he wasn't exactly one of those power seeking maniacs, who wouldn't be happy at the prospect of becoming more powerful? Other than, perhaps, a certain baldy in a lame yet trademark jumpsuit.

Before he could get to that, however, he was interrupted by a sudden shout.

"Wha-What did you do!? Or rather! How did you do that!?"

And then his body was shook by a certain pink head, snapping out from their daze the ones who had been staring at the mushroom cloud in disbelief.

"Stop shaking me, self proclaimed genius."

Grace rolled his eyes as he unclamped her hands from his shoulder and plopped down on his seat, which happened to be the whole of the last bench. As for why he was given all six seats that he could sleep on, well, he didn't bother to think about it even if he was thankful.

"And besides, didn't I give enough clues already? What would you be if you can't even figure that out?"

With that said, he lied down on the long row of seats, pretending to sleep, while he was actually busy with his interface. And Dea-chan, who was grinning from ear to ear from her plan having worked out, calmed down as well as she closed her eyes to take a nap.


"So, do you know what 'he' did, Takagi-san?"

"Of course I do!", Saya snorted angrily in response to the question that Takashi asked her, though unlike usual, when her anger would be because of him calling her 'Takagi-san', even she herself failed to notice that she didn't particularly mind that, but was instead focused more on our dearest MC Grace calling her 'self proclaimed genius' instead.

Yes, boys and girls, Grace was slowly yet surely beginning to occupy a rather sizeable place in her mind. And what would follow would be her heart, and then…

Well, all you degenerates already know how 'he' would 'occupy' her 'body', right? Or to be more precise, which 'part' of him would 'occupy' which 'part' of her...

But that aside, Saya's outburst, even if not that loud, managed to pull in the attention of all those in the bus.

"Really? How did he do it then?", asked a certain blue haired beauty, Toshimi, in curiosity. And Misuzu nodded right after her.

The duo had already realised the small seed called a 'crush' towards our MC Grace present in their hearts, though it hadn't sprouted yet since Author-san wants to give some chapters for the development even if this is a shitty harem fanfic with a 'gotta catch 'em all' theme.

Right then, Kyoko, who had gotten herself together, resumed the bus, but her ears remained perked up at what her saviour had done to remotely blow up an entire school.

Saya, who had all the attention she would ever need, smiled in pride, though she was also conflicted on the fact that she was technically about to praise her 'enemy' / 'rival' on how much of a genius he was, even if she didn't want to.

"*cough* W-well, about him, what he did is pretty simple."

Saya took in a deep breath before she began to explain,

"When he went out to make that announcement, he must have made a trip to the chemistry lab. I noticed he took longer then he should going there and coming back to the staff room, where we were waiting for him, but I assumed it was because he was avoiding 'them'."

"Anyway, going there, he took out a piece of sodium and placed it in a glass tumbler like a measuring jar. Then he must have poured kerosene into that jar before placing at the edge of the experimental table, tilting it a little and placing something like an alarm clock below it to one side."

"Then he must have opened the gas valves after closing the doors and window, making sure the gas wouldn't leak outside the room too much. Setting the alarm clock to a suitable time, he probably went out and did the same to the other chemistry labs. He must have also went to the kitchen and done the same, because just three laboratories exploding wouldn't have had that enormous of an effect."

"So when the alarm rang, the vibrations of the clock or watch or whatever he used would make the tumbler fall over the edge, onto the ground, and break. A minute or two later, the kerosene layer enveloping the sodium would either flow down or evaporate, and the sodium, now exposed to air, would spontaneously combust."

"And if he's lucky, the sodium in all three rooms would burst into flames at the same time, though even if he wasn't, the explosion would only be in steps instead. The rest is, well…"

Saya didn't bother completing the sentence, and instead gestured towards the pillar of smoke and fire, and the heat they could feel even from nearly half a mile away. Those in the bus, other than Shido who was plotting something, Dea-chan who was napping, and Grace who was fiddling with the System, were wide eyed as they stared at out dear MC in awe.

Saya, seeing this, snorted, but was helpless since even she had to admit what he did, especially during a zombie apocalypse when most would think of running away and surviving, was nothing short of incredible.

"Well, there were several risks involved. If he had gotten the time wrong, for instance, we would have been cooked alive."

Saya's sudden words, however, made most of them gulp hard.

"If there had been a sudden earthquake, although improbably, but possible since Japan is known for freakiest earthquakes anyway, then the tumblers might fall in advance."

"If, say, one of 'them' happened to break the window, or even if one of the escaping survivors did so, and the gas comes into contact with something like an electric wire that just so happened to touch another wire and produced a spark."

"If the minibus' engine didn't start, or if 'they' were too many to the point it would have taken us another two or three minutes to get to the bus."

"If some of you foolishly decided to stay in the school and wait for the army or others to save you."

"If any of that had happened, let alone being cooked alive, you wouldn't even be in one piece."

Saya's words made the excitement freeze, as they all felt like a bucket of ice-cold water had fallen on their heads. Almost instantly, the looks of awe were replaced with twitching eyes and slightly fearful expressions, as they stared at our MC who risked all their lives and looked like he was sleeping peacefully.


All of them, who looked at Grace that had closed his eyes, his handsome face serene and charming, felt rather speechless, though a few girls were also blushing ever so slightly.

As for Shido, however, he looked at Grace deeply, before a grin appeared on his face.


While Saya was explaining the plan which, unknown to her, was actually thought of by the thirteenth invisible member of their original group, Dea-chan herself, and only implemented by Grace, he had been mentally using his System.

'This is ridiculous…'

Grace looked at his Points, which slowly yet surely climbed all the way to 5,522 before the increase slowed down.

'Over fifteen hundred of 'them' died from the after math. And I bet most of them actually jumped into the flames, going after the loud sound.'

Grace couldn't help but grin as he converted all those Points into SP, making his total jump to a whopping 9 Silver Points!

Which means 9 whole chances for Author-san to give whatever OP shit he wants to to our MC!

'I have the feeling Dea-chan would strangle me if she knows I used them up without her…'

Thus, with a sigh, he decides to wake up the little midget. Well, he didn't really mind either. As a 'Supreme Goddess', her Luck was nothing short of fantastic even when she isn't controlling Probability and Cause and Effect or manipulating Reality.

'Dea-chan, wake up.'

(Mm…five more…minutes…)


With a twitching eye, Grace secretly opened his eyes to see that he wasn't being watched, before he raised his arm…

…and slapped his head.


The result was instantaneous.

(Ow! Ouch! Hey! What gives!)

Grace, however, completely ignored the little loli who clutched her head as though a mere mortal's light slap would actually hurt a Supreme 'Omnipotent' Being, and asked her,

'Do you or do you not want to spin the wheel? Nine times at that?'

Again, the effect was instantaneous.


Grace shook his head mentally as, despite closing his eyes, he could tell the little blue firefly must have flashed to his face and looked at him with her tiny yet large blue eyes, giving him the so-called 'Puppy Eyes'.

Instead, he looked at his Skills and Abilities window, and sighed softly.

'This is just stupid…'

He felt rather irritated at his 'Mind Palace m F-' skill. He couldn't raise it without first practicing it for several hours to days, and he also couldn't get another skill as the information would overload his mind, making it instinctively discard less important memories from within.

Not to mention, his headache would become more severe, and his mental capabilities would probably decrease further as well.

'I'm sure the readers are pissed too, so you better do something, Author-san.'

((A/N : Aye aye!))

With another sigh, Grace calls up the Lottery window, which appeared in his dark vision. Unexpectedly, a tiny blue haired and blue eyed figure appears in the same darkness even though Grace had closed his eyes.

Though, recalling what the figure was, Grace decided to keep his silence. Instead, he focused on the wheel which the figure promptly spun, anticipating what he would get.



"Everyone, may I have your attention, please?"

Shido stood up as he coughed and cleared his throat, before addressing all those in the bus.

Everyone, other than Grace, Dea-chan, and Kyoko who was driving aimlessly looked at him.

Shido scowled when he saw Grace continue to 'nap', but then smiled as his mind spun.

"May I know who the leader is here? Busujima-san, perhaps?"

He asked, looking toward the extremely sexy purple head while secretly licking his lips. He had to admit, if it were not for the fact that her father was someone who could drag him to the centre of the city and behead him publicly yet not make his own father with all his political power and what not as much as squeak, he would have surely 'taken' her a long time ago.

Alas, he didn't know that a certain white haired youth suddenly felt his thirst for Golden Points and, thus, his desire to dispose of 'Trash', increase for some strange reason right when he thought that.

((A/N : Hehehe! Strange indeed!))

Back to topic, Shido wasn't that surprised when he saw her shake her head, though her answer was quite different to what she would have given in a completely different timeline.

"I'd say we all worked together, and that there was no clear leader…"

She paused, before looking at someone.

"But, though none of us, even he himself, cared to admit it, I think all of us agree he's the one."

And not even Saya, who clicked her tongue while pouting in annoyance, disagreed. They all, be it girls or guys, agreed that Grace was technically the reason most of them were alive, directly or indirectly, and was their group's leader.

'Humph! I'll let you have this one, hateable fellow! I-it's definitely not because I think it's true! I-it's because…right! It's because you lent me your shirt! That's why!', were the thoughts of someone whose identity should be quite obvious to the readers.

As for Shido, however, he smiled.

"I see…by the way, it seems I have never seen him before? Does anybody here know who he is?"

He looked around, just as Rei, who had been glaring at Shido since the moment he appeared, opened her mouth,

"He's our new Japanese Teacher."

"Oh? I do not seem to recall the poor late Principal, who I'm sure 'his' actions have left in less than deplorable state, telling us faculty that a new teacher has arrived?"

Shido started, indirectly reminding them all that Grace had nearly blown them all to bits.

"Did he say that? If he did, I'm amazed and disappointed that you believed him without as much as a second thought, Miyamoto-san. Truly."

And Shido shook his head while sighing so well, he would have given a certain senile old fool with a long beard, a grandfatherly face, and a twinkle in his eyes a magical run for his money.

Rei, on the other hand, was incensed, and would have burst into an angry fit if Grace didn't yawn at that precise moment.

"What's with the ruckus…can't a guy nap in peace? What's the world come to? *sigh*"

(An end, that's what this one has come to.)

Dea-chan retorted in a clearly snarky and angry tone.