
Travelling the Multiverse while disposing Trash~~! (Dropped)

A/N : You know all the copyright crap? Imagine it’s all here… ………….. Look, you all aren’t kids that don’t know the difference between harem protagonists and hentai protagonists. You all, well most of you anyway, are degenerates like yours truly that are beyond saving and experienced in reading the hundreds of shitty fanfics posted in Webnovel. You want a summery? Read the tags. Ain’t enough? Fine. MC dies, meets a rather friendly ROB, gets cheats, and story begins. Also, it’s a harem story, so no-harem sect members, kindly go screw yourselves. And yes, the guy that posts a ‘Is it a huge harem?’, review in every damn research material I look up, it’s a huge Fucking harem. Happy? Good, cause I am. Also, instead of spamming the same review, why don’t you give me a list of all such books? It’s for the greater-*cough* I mean, for research purposes, of course. And for the degenerates still reading this summary, why haven’t you added the book to your library yet? You have? Start reading then! Now scram!

Azerial · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

[Chapter:10][Event (II) !]

"Well then, here goes…!"

Grace, secretly opening his eyes to make sure he wasn't being watched, quickly raised his arm to tap the Card, completely forgetting he could simply do so mentally.

The moment he does, the Card breaks and shatters into countless specks of rainbow coloured light, before it seeps into his body and disappears.

And the next moment, a new icon appears on his right.

'OK! Although I really want to see it, I haven't yet opened the other System functions sooo…'

'Skills / Abilities.'

With a thought, a new window appears in his vision. Dea-chan, who had been dancing around in excitement at the thought of getting an Ultra Rare in just her fifth draw (1 lottery, 3 Newbie Pack Cards), flew down and settled on Grace's head, making herself comfortable before peeking on the user interface.



??? : EX++

— ????????????

Plot Armour : EX++

— Makes the world / universe / Reality rotate around you and your wishes / desires.

Card Extraction: F-

— Extract Cards from target.

— At current Rank, 1 Card from any 1 Mortal Tiered target per day.

Adaptability (low) : F-

— Allows you to adapt to changes within or outside the physical body, such as changes in environment, temperature, pressure, gravity, etc… .

— At current Rank, the rate of adaptation is quite low.

No Fatigue : SSS+

— Nullifies the concept of Fatigue, exhaustion, etc… of user's body, mind, and soul.



Japanese Proficiency : E+

— Knowledge of and experience in speaking, reading, and writing the Japanese language, including but not limited to, all dialects, sub languages, etc… .

Mind Palace : F-

— Knowledge of and experience in creating a mind palace.


'Finally, Author-san decides to show my list of skills and abilities to the readers.'

((A/N : H-Hey! I-it's not like I forgot, okay!?))

'He forgot, didn't he?'

(Yup~~! He completely forgot~~!)

((A/N : *cough* *cough*))

Coming back to topic, Grace looked at his owned skills and abilities and smiles lightly.

'This is pretty good for a guy that began less than an hour ago…but I should probably use that 'Mind Palace : F-' more often.'

When he had first integrated with the skill, Grace had unconsciously followed the instructions provided and created his Mind Palace, but since he hadn't once practiced it since, his Mind Palace was more of a 'Mind Shack'!

Paper thin walls, barely enough place for memory, and it would probably collapse if he gets another F- Ranked skill!

Even 'Japanese Proficiency : E+' was already pushing the shack to its limits!

'So this is the difference between a skill and an ability…if 'Mind Palace : F-' had been an ability, just having it will get me a peak a d complete Rank F- Mind Palace, and I would only have to raise its Rank to make it bigger and better.'

(Yup! But with the skill, though you have the knowledge of and even experience of constructing it, you will have to manually practice and make it yourself! Although, in return, you have the chance of going past the limits of Rank F- without having to spend Golden Points, since you have all the knowledge till Rank F- and can deduce what needs to be done to get to Rank F by yourself. Not to mention, you can also teach it to others.)

Grace nodded. While he would have preferred the ability instead, since he simply didn't like having to work hard for, well, anything, or rather, who would? Getting the skill was fine too.

Besides, with 'No Fatigue : SSS+', he no longer needs to sleep nor would he ever feel bored, so he could simply replace his sleeping time with meditating and grinding the skill.

'Yup, let's do that! Unfortunately, I can't use the Golden Points yet.'

As for why he couldn't?

Grace currently had 2 Golden Points, but using them on 'No Fatigue : SSS+' was a waste. After all, he was already at the peak of what 'anyone' in this entire reality, expect perhaps Dea-chan, though she wouldn't tell him, achieved.

Since there were no Exceeds, he was literally at the peak already. And he didn't feel like he needed to raise himself to Exceed stage anytime soon.

Yes, ladies and gentlefolk!

Unlike what you all may have thought, with just that one ability alone, Grace, our dearest MC, is, in fact, a top tier Divine Being!

Although, his combat strength was still pretty pathetic.

But then again, isn't that what the System is around for?

But anyway, the Author digresses.

((A/N : This is why I made the special section, to not make info dumps in the chapter. But some people don't seem to appreciate it…*sniff* *sniff*))

Now, Grace could use the 2 Golden Points on 'Card Extraction : F-', which would be a good choice as it is technically his very first as well as currently most OP ability, even more OP than 'No Fatigue : SSS+' since no longer being tired doesn't sound as impressive as being able to master things that would otherwise take years if not decades, no?

But alas! His memory simply wasn't large enough to contain all that knowledge.

After all, unlike actually learning skills from scratch, wherein he would only acquire the theory that's actually relevant, skills obtained through the System include literally everything! From something as stupid as what to do when a certain situation like Meteors falling from the sky happens to something as ridiculous as the world ending, which is rather ironical since this world was currently experiencing the Apocalypse, happens!

Why the hell would he need to know what to say in Japanese if a city sized meteorite just so happens to be falling down straight towards him!?


Anyway, the point is, there a shit tonne of knowledge and information involved in each skill, quite a lot of which is useless, and unlike other protagonists, Grace didn't have perfect memory!

So, he would have to concentrate on Ranking up his 'Mind Palace' and grinding it as quickly as he could before he does anything else.

Now, do you want to understand the above situation properly, simply, and conveniently?

The Author didn't want Grace to be sooo OP, that the world becomes too easy and, thus, too boring, so he came up with a bunch of bullshit and decided to make him work slightly harder to become OP in this world's standards.

There, simple right?

((A/N : Yes, yes, I know you all will flame me for this, but let's be honest, Grace having the infinity stones and the infinity gauntlet in a world where the only dangers are mind less zombies and 'Trash' that think this was their chance to fulfil their deepest desires will simply make the story too boring. So there, bear with it.))

((A/N : Besides, don't you think I made that BS pretty believable? I think my 'Dao of BS' just increased in Rank.))


Ignoring the stupid Author-san and coming back to the topic at hand, Grace was going to increase the Rank of his 'Mind Palace : F-' skill, only, he was afraid that doing so would make the influx of information shatter the currently pathetically weak 'Mind Shack'.

'Well, it's not like I'm in a hurry or something. Besides, this is mainly a huge-harem fanfic, so I'm sure the readers will concentrate more on the girls and the currently non-existent romance more than on how quickly I become strong enough to begin Thanos snapping things or people.'

With that thought in mind, Grace takes another look at his skills and abilities before closing the window.

As for why he didn't raise the Rank of his 'Adaptability (low) : F-'? To the idiots that ask this question, the answer is simple.

Because he wants to collect 29 Golden Points and raise his 'Mind Palace : F-' all the way to 'Mind Palace : EX++' before even glancing at any other skill or ability.

Now, back to the scene, Grace then opens the last default function of the System.


And another window appears in his vision.



Home : Locked

Current World : HOTD

Conquered Worlds : None

Unconquered Worlds : None

Randomised World Travel : Begin (Y/N) ?


'Well that's simple enough…but I still don't understand anything.'

(Oh, right, I forgot I didn't tell you about the purpose of Crystal Points yet. I ignored it since Author-san already mentioned it to the readers in the special section of chapter 2.)

((A/N : Holy…! No! My sanctuary! My only remaining holy land! The other side of the wall has been invaded too…!))

'He did? I didn't notice since I was busy farming for Points.'

Dea-chan nodded her little head.

(Yup! But let me put it simply. You get a Crystal Point when you finish all the World Quests in a world, and Crystal Points have two uses. One, to select which world to go to when you're ready to travel. Two, of you have a Crystal Point left when you're travelling between worlds, you will obtain one random Card.)

(It could be a skill, an ability, an item, or a rubber duck. Although, even if it's a rubber duck, it'll be a rubber duck that can probably withstand the insides of a black hole or have planet ending lasers coming from its mouth or something like that.)

'That sounds like one OP rubber duck alright.'

Grace felt his lips twitch as he imagined himself whipping out his a yellow rubber duck that goes 'quack quack' when he squeezes it during a gun fight and make it fire a planet destroying laser from its mouth before his enemies even get the chance to laugh.

'That's weird…yet is also sounds oddly satisfying?'

(I'm sure it does~~)

Dea-chan laughed softly.

(But enough of that. Anyway, 'conquering' a world refers to completing all the World Quests, which will also allow you to have the option of freezing the time of that world when you're not there, so I recommend doing them all.)

(But the World Quests of that world will disappear permanently if you leave, so you don't have another try. Then again, considering who you are and what kind of Reality this is, the Quests won't be difficult enough nor will you be any less OP to not finish them easily.)

Grace nodded as he thought, indeed, this was a huge-harem fanfic after all.

Perhaps the most difficult Quest would be to conquer all the important and beautiful girls and women in the world?

'That…actually sounds pretty difficult. I'm not exactly that charming or anything.'

(Says the guy that can make girls blush with a smile.)

'It's anime logic, and you know it.'


Grace rolls his eyes at Dea-chan's nonchalant attitude.

'Forget it, continue with the explanations.'

(Right! So, Unconquered Worlds are those worlds in which you didn't finish the World Quests, and I recommend keeping the count at 'None'.)

(Your 'Home World', on the other hand, is different. I won't tell you the details of it yet since I want to make the readers guess what that means, but it'll unlock once you conquer a world. Any world. But I guess it'll be this one eh?)

Grace merely nodded, as he closed the window and looked at the icon of the new function.


*Beyond the fourth wall*

Hello there…folks…

I'm afraid I have bad news…

As you may have already read, this special section, that has remained a safe place where I, your beloved Author Azerial, could interact with you all, my dear readers, without any sort of interference.

Yet, in the above chapter, I realised something…this place has been compromised.

Hence, with a heavy heart full of grief and sadness…I hereby announce that the special section *Beyond the fourth wall* will no longer be present in Chapter:11, or in any other chapter for that matter.

This is truly the last goodbye, ladies and gentlemen.

The final goodbye.


Since I don't want to leave with tears, let's all say it at the same time!

One last time!


That's it. Goodbye.


Take care.

There's nothing here!

Stop scrolling down, there's really nothing else!

You're really bored to keep doing this aren't you?

Where are you going?

There's nothing here you fools!

Fine! You win!

You know why I tried to stop you all from going down?

You know what's down below?

You know why I wrote all this?


…for the word count, duh!

Idiots! Bye!
