
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Wannabe Detectives

Raheem was laying down on a bench at lunchtime.

Sasha saw him laying down and snuck up on him.


She yelled as she pounced on him. Raheem caught her and rolled over on top of her ready to punch her. "Stop! It's me, Sasha."

Raheem's eyes cleared up and he rolled over to the side and let his breath out. "Sorry, about that, I didn't mean too flip out on you like that." "No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have startled you." People laughed at them, while others looked weirded out.

"Where have you been all week?" Raheem didn't answer straight away, his heart was still trying to get back in his chest. After his morning escapade with Tatiana, and the hunt he just came back from, his mind was still processing. Sasha didn't ask again, instead she took out her earbuds and put one in her ear and the other in his.

Raheem flinched. "Hey, relax I'm just giving you some tunes." He nodded and closed his eyes. Sasha opened up Spotify and went to her insomnia playlist.

She pressed play and laid down next to him. Their lunch break was only 30 minutes, so she hoped to let him get a nap in. She glanced over and saw him relaxed and asleep. 'He looks so relaxed.' She wanted to reach over and rub his hair, but was afraid of waking him. 'I don't know what has you, so riled up, but I can tell that you need rest.'

She had just closed her eyes when she heard someone coming towards them.

"Raheem wake up!" Sasha sat up and hissed at Stiles. "Shhh can't you see he is trying to sleep." Stiles was about to apologize, but Raheem got up. "It's cool, what's up Stiles."

"We need to talk about our club after school since you have missed like four meetings." Raheem nodded. "Sorry, Sasha looks like I gotta go, but if you want we can meet up after school and grab a bite to eat?" "Yes! I mean yeah sure, I would love that." Raheem leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "Cool so it's a date."

He got up and pulled Stiles away. As soon as, they were far enough, Raheem tore into Stiles. "What the hell Stiles? Do you have any idea what I have been through the past couple of days?" "Mhm let me think, no I don't have the slightest clue, I wonder why that is? Oh wait, I know why, it's cause you wanna play batman and pull a disappearing stunt on us."

Raheem's anger faded, and he sighed. "Sorry, I've been through a lot and I'm just trying my best." Stiles looked at Raheem, his shoulders were slumped and he was rubbing between his eyes. "Hey look man, whatever is going on I'm here, I might not be some powerful creature, but I am a good listener."

"Haha." Raheem laughed. "Hey don't be a dick, I'm just trying to help." Raheem laughed harder. "No, I'm not laughing at you Stiles you just remind me of my old best friend Victor. I think you two would've gotten a long great." "Oh, yeah this Victor was he strong and a werewolf too?" Stiles sniffled and leaned against the lockers.

"Not even close, Victor was scrawny and stood 5'4. He was one of the funniest people I ever met, but he's also reason why I got into so many fights. He didn't know when to quit."

The bell tolled and people started swarming the halls.

"Thanks, Stiles. Tell Scott that I'm back would ya." He went to the rest of his classes and even saw Sasha a few times. He felt excitement and anxiousness from her, he felt the same feelings when he saw her too.

Stiles and Scott talking about the game Saturday.

"Scott, end of discussion. You can not play in the game." "Stiles! I want to play, I want to have a semi normal life." "Scott, I get that, but what are you gonna do if Derek tries to stop you?" "Raheem can take care of him." "No, we gotta find the other half of the body and prove Derek is guilty."

Raheem was waiting by his bike.

"Hey, I didn't know you rode a motorcycle." Raheem looked up from his phone and smiled. 'His smile is really gentle.' "Yeah, is it gonna be a problem?" He didn't say this with a malicious intentions, he asked to make sure she was comfortable.

"I've never, ridden before." "There is always a first for everything." He passed the helmet to her and grabbed the one on the handle bar and put it on. "Hold on tight." He reved the throttle and took off. "Ahhh!" Sasha's screams soon turned into happy ones.

They pulled into a café. "That was so awesome! I don't think, I can ever drive my Honda again." Raheem laughed. He opened the door for her. "Oh, my what a gentleman."

They sat down and ordered. "So, Raheem where are you from? You have a pretty distinct accent." Raheem handed the menu back to their waitress. "I'm from a small place called, Brules." "Cool where is it at?"

Raheem smile dropped a little. "We don't have to talk about it, if you don't wanna." She reached and put her hand on top of his, trying to reassure him that it was ok not to share.

"No, it's fine. I was just remembering my friends, that I left behind." "That must be hard huh?" He nodded.

"Yeah, but I've moved on now." His smile went back to one of happiness. Sasha smiled to, for the rest of the evening she tried to stay away from too personal questions.

Raheem called for the check and paid. "I could have paid for myself you know." Raheem sat on his bike and handed her the helmet. "Yeah, but I was the one who asked you out, so it's fair for me to pay."

"Ok, how about this, we take turns paying for the dates." She didn't say it like a question, but she made a statement. Raheem didn't refuse either, he felt her determination and respected her wishes.

*Ring Ring* <Hey jerk I'm calling, Hey jerk I'm calling>

Stiles voice was loud. Sasha laughed. "When did he even change his ring tone?" Raheem sighed and answered. "Hey Stiles, when did you change your ring tone, I've had my phone all day." "Oh, that I changed it when you went to the restroom and left your jacket in class."

Raheem made a mental note to not leave his phone unattended around Stiles again. Sasha was texting on her phone, she tapped his shoulder and pointed at her wrist. He nodded. "Hey, listen Stiles I gotta take Sasha back to her car at school, so if its-."

"No, wait! I've great news, Derek has been arrested." "What how? I thought the cops couldn't find any evidence." "My dear citizen, I Stiles Holmes and my associate Scott Watson always solve the mystery." "That's good I will see you tomorrow."

"Sorry about that." "Na, you are fine my little sister is always calling me at the worst possible times."

*Ring Ring*

"See, speak of the devil."

"Yeah, ok ok I'll be right there." "Everything ok?"

Sasha hung up her phone. "I need to get to my house and fast." Raheem smiled. "Fast is what I'm made for." He hopped on started the bike up. Sasha climbed on the back. "Punch it."