
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs


The next morning

Raheem woke up with a headache. He looked around and got out of bed. He got to the table and ate.

"Raheem it's time for your first training session. From now on every morning you will wake up at 4:00am and exercise, at 6:00am you meditate on yourself and how you can get stronger." Frank laid out his new schedule. " You will also spar with Tatiana from 8:00am till 12:00pm. After, that you may take a 30 minute break, but you must also water the fortism seeds."

Raheem listened to him. He didn't protest his schedule. He realized last night that he was vulnerable and weak, he needed to adjust to his body. Frank finished his breakfast and gave him a map of trails. "These trails go through this forrest, run a new one everyday."

"Ok, let me go change into something more losse." "No run in what you have on now. You must be ready for anything, there's no need to wear tight fitting clothes." Tatiana put away the dishes. "Raheem I will go and buy some new clothes today so don't worry about them."

Raheem nodded and set off for his run.

"What trail should I follow today?" Raheem chose a random one since he didn't know the area very well. He was running on the trail keeping his pace steady, when something snapped and a log fell down towards him. He jumped forwards and landed on his face.

The ground where he landed started fall and he rolled to the right. "Seriously spikes and logs?" He was breathing rapidly. "Just what I needed traps, to make my already stressful life, even more stressful." He complained, but he knew he needed this. He got up off the ground. "I have to remember to ask one of them how long was I out, before I first woke up."

He wasn't finished with his first trail until 1:00pm. His clothes were ripped and filthy. Tatiana stood inside a square ring drawn in the dirt. "Wait, Tatiana give me a break." She smirked. "Either you get in the ring, which will give you the option of tapping out, or I come out there and we fight like I did in the underworld." Raheem didn't like the idea of that.

He walked over. 'System how do I activate a technique?' [Host has already activated the Brules Hunter technique. Techniques are automatically learned by host brain, host needs to only practice and master them.]

Before he could think of anything Tatiana's foot came whirling towards his face. He blocked with his left and tried to sweep her leg, with her same leg she attacked with she pushed off and spun in the air and kicked out. She made a solid hit on Raheem.

*Cough* *Cough*

"You could have held back." Raheem got up, while rubbing his chest. "Raheem I did hold back, I didn't kill you." Tatiana smiled at him. "I'm going to assume, I am to treat you like an enemy and go for the kill?" Instead of answering she attacked him once more.

He dodged her first two attacks and was caught on his jaw with an elbow. He fell down again and rubbed his jaw. "Perhaps I should ask the All-Father to send me to your dad. I think he needs to be beaten for raising a weak child."

"DON'T YOU DARE MENTION MY FATHER!!" A pulse of pressure exploded from Raheem. He charged towards Tatiana again and again. She just calmly dodged them. She was a bull fighter playing with her partner the raging bull. Raheem threw a straight punch and she dodged yet again, but this time he grabbed the back of her head. He pulled her face towards him and raised his knees with all his strength and hit her in the face.

Raheem didn't care whether she was a woman or not. Holding back against an enemy is the dumbest and most disrespectful thing one could do to a warrior. Tatiana took the hit and fell down to the ground. Raheem didn't hesitate and jumped towards her to finish her off. Tatiana suddenly moved and wrapped her legs around his waist and flipped him over her head. She got top and put her claws towards his neck.

Raheem was breathing heavily, while looking upwards at her. Tatiana had not even one drop of sweat on her. "You have a good technique, it just needs to be refined more." She stood up and left him where he was.

"Man if my instructors from the military academy could see me now, they would be disappointed." He chuckled at himself. By no means was he weak, it's just his opponent was too strong!

He got himself up and was ready to take a shower, when Frank sprayed him with the hose. He spat and sputtered. "Hey what the hell Frank?" "The seeds would love to have gotten watered, but their owner took too long to comeback." It was now 5:00pm and it was late to water them now.

"Ok ok I will be faster this time." Frank nodded and entered the cabin leaving Raheem wet and on the ground. "Tatiana for the next two months as he progresses on his trails make them deadlier." Tatiana smiled her signature underworld smile. "Perfect and what about the house that's in the woods five miles away?" "Leave it, it smells like a hybrids territory. The smell may be at eight years old, but we don't know what kind of hybrid lived there."

The next morning.

"Ok, Raheem stay focus and alert. You know there are traps ahead." He took off running into the woods again. The traps were hard to dodge and sense even with the 10% buff. If a trap that was setup and hidden by one of the greatest underworld teachers and strategist, was easy to discover, then the souls of hell would go on field trips to the living world.

Raheem was running and was staying alert when he started to get sleepy.

*Ding* [Host has been poisoned with sleeping gasses.]

This sobered Raheem up and made him pick up his pace. 'System why have a been poisoned by sleeping gas? I thought since I was a True Human poisons no longer worked on me?

*Ding* [Under normal circumstances yes but your class has dropped down to E+ so your body is weaker than before.]

Raheem was starting to really hate the word weak and all of its forms. He snorted and ran faster. He rounded the curve and slipped on a wire. The wire tangled him up and yanked him upwards. A note that said, "Slow down! Prone to slipping." fell down in front of his face.

Something snapped inside of him. He broke the steel wire and fell on the ground standing up, he ripped the note in half and started running again.

*Ding* [ Host has awakend the Primordial Wolf bloodline.]

He didn't hear the notification and continued to run. All of the traps were broken through and were left in tatters. He didn't even realize he was back home until Tatiana punched him in his stomach.

"Good now the real training starts now."