
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

First Day of Training

The next morning Raheem woke up at 10:00am. Today was the day he was finally going to train Scott and Stiles.

"System give me the Art of Pressure technique, then combine it with Pressure Control."

*Ding* [ System recommends that you accept the other three combat books first. Do you wish to proceed anyways?]

"Fine give me the three books first." The knowledge of the books slammed into his mind, he could feel his mind space get bigger. He felt a warm sensation in his heart, the warm feeling was soothing and allowed him to remain calm. The most painful one was the spirit, he had never used his spirit before.

He breathed through the pain and clenched his fist. 'I will not scream!' The pain slowly went away, his headache and his heart gradually went back to normal. He opened his eyes and laid on his back. He could see particles floating in the air, they were different colors, from orange to pink. "System what am I looking at?"

[What host is currently seeing are the magical elements. Host spirit was not strong enough to sense them before hand, now that it has gone through its first baptism, host can now sense and see them.]

"Does that mean I can use them?"

[Yes, with the right method host is able to control all of the elements. This is because of host True Human bloodline and host strong spirit.]

"Wait before you said my spirit wasn't strong enough, now you are telling me it's strong enough to control all of the elements."

[That is correct.The host soul is already at a very high level because host is the All-Beast. The All-Father gave the host a stronger soul than most. If we were to put it in this power system then your soul is at Essence Rank 5. What host is lacking is the spirit or the fuel to use this powerful soul.]

"You mean to tell me I have to go through this process every time I get stronger?"

[Only when there is a major change or power up. Host has already reached Rank 13 in Pressure.]

"I see...wait what the hell you just say!??"

[Host has already reached Rank 13 in Pressure.]

"Then why does it say 12 on my status sheet?"

[Host is the process compressing his pressure into Aura. Aura is the liquid form of pressure. This why host pressure feels heavier and more dense.]

"Why didn't I get a notification? How am I supposed to compress pressure?"

[ Host has not directed the system update the host when he breaks through. Host all the pressure you have cultivated or created can be found if host focus on the area just below the stomach.]

Raheem sat up and crossed his legs and closed his eyes, it didn't take him long to find an empty space. "System the space is empty."

[ That is because host is subconsciously rejecting his pressure.]

Raheem breathed in and out. He went back to the empty space and relaxed. The moment he did he felt a mountain crash onto him. He left his space and took a deep breath.

"Why didn't you warn me?"

[...The pressure belongs to the host...system is not responsible.]

Raheem called Stiles and told him to pick up Scott and to come over. The school was shut down for repairs. He did his morning routine and went downstairs.

"Morning, just wanted to give you a heads up about Scott and Stiles. They are both on their way over." "Great let me go put some pants on." Tatiana rolled her eyes and went to get pants. Raheem looked at Frank to see his reaction. "Raheem, I do not know what you are expecting to happen between us, but I assure you whatever you are thinking of won't transpire." He sipped his tea and read his newspaper.

'Tch. I highly doubt that, you two are always spending time together regardless of your age. One of you is bound to slip up.' "Are you going to reveal the entire truth to them?" Tatiana sat back down at the table.

"Uh, I didn't actually think about that." Tatiana slapped her hand on the table. "How could you not think about that!? You are not from this world, everything you have is fake! Your birth certificate, license, and passport. Everything is fake! Now you want two natives to come here to train!?"

"I don't think you can use natives to describe them they are too pale, don't you think?"


"Don't play with me, you knew exactly what I meant." "Tatiana." Frank gave her a look, she took a breath and sat back down. "Sorry, for losing my composure, Frank is right I'm just your teacher and advisor."

"Ok look I understand where you are coming from, but they can be trusted. Besides, they would figure it out sooner or later, Stiles is too curious for his own sake."

*Knock knock*

Twenty minutes later Stiles and Scott arrived.

"Dude, I didn't know he was loaded." "Why does that matter Stiles?" "You kidding me look at this place."

"Hello you two must Scott and Stiles." Tatiana opened the door with a warm smile and looked at them. "U-uh y-yea, I mean yes mam." "I'm sorry for my friend, is Raheem home?" Scott swooped in and saved Stiles from embarrassing himself.

"Yes, he is in the back. Go around the stump on the right and walk straight ahead. Don't mind my husband." She closed the door on them. Stiles leaned on Scott. "Man, I can't believe another woman can take my breath away." Scott shook him off. "Dude that's his mom." "Nope. She is his legal guardian, huge difference."

They followed Tatiana's directions and saw Frank chopping fire wood. He stopped and waved at the boys. "Hey there, Raheem is further that way." He pointed towards the greenhouse. "If you boys get thirsty just come on inside and grab a drink."

"Thank you sir." They walked past him and continued forwards. "What the hell man did you see the size of him. His whole freaking bicep is bigger than my head." "What did you expect, he was in the military with Raheem's dad."

Raheem naturally heard everything and was trying his best to hold in his laughter.

He was in the ring with the barrier down and was kicking wooden training dummies. "Hey man!" Stiles walked over and went to put his hand on his shoulder. Raheem flipped him the moment he did.


Scott was on the side chuckling. Stiles on the ground on his side. "What's up Stiles?" Raheem kneeled next to him. "You asshole." Stiles laid on his back. "Well the first part is over at least. Now you know what it feels like to get flipped." Raheem patted him on his shoulder and helped him up.

Stiles rubbed his back. "Yeah but I'm not the one who needs training he is." "No you need it to." Raheem was not going to just train Scott on shifting, he was also going to train him in fighting.

Raheem went off to the side and got them both a uniform. He handed it to them. "Ok get changed in the greenhouse and don't touch anything. I'm not responsible if you get poisoned." Ten minutes later they came out in the uniforms.

Scott stood in place looking nervous. Stiles just stood there with a bored look. Raheem looked at them both and smirked. He finally felt what his instructors and Tatiana felt when they trained him. "First things first, while you are wearing those uniforms you will address me as Instructor Judas." Stiles chuckled and smiled. This earned him another trip through the sky. Raheem stepped back from him and looked at Scott.

"Yes Instructor Judas!" He even did a half ass salute. "You don't have to salute to me, just take this seriously, what I teach you could save your life." Scott and Stiles nodded. "Good. Every weekend you both will come here and I will train you for four hours. Two for physical and two for mental, especially for you Scott. There is a full moon coming up."

Raheem led them through the beginning stretches and showed them the first stances of the Brules fighting style. He didn't teach them Earth's martial arts, because he was not too familiar with them yet. He has practiced the Brules fighting styles his entire life, so he felt more comfortable teaching them this fighting style.

Two hours later they were sprawled out on the ground taking deep breaths. 'System give me the Art of Pressure technique and then fuse it.'

*Ding* [The result of the fusion is the technique supreme pressure (Class S+) ]

Raheem soaked up the knowledge of pressure. He cleared his throat and called out to them. "Ok time for mental training. Scott follow this trail, there are traps and holes all around it, your goal is to not shift no matter how mad you get. Stiles you are staying here with me." Scott got up and took off.

Stiles sat up and crossed his legs. "Ok, Stiles the meditation technique I'm going to teach you is very special, so relax and don't move." Raheem went behind him and placed his hand on the bottom part of his back. He concentrated on finding the same empty space he had. He found it and sent his pressure into it.

Stiles grunted fell over on his side while holding his stomach. "What the hell was that?" "It was me preparing your body, I knew it would hurt, but it needed to be done."

Raheem explained who and what he was to Stiles.

"Just so I'm clear on everything. Tatiana is literally a demon from hell and Frank is an angel." "Tatiana is a devil, not a demon there is a difference apparently. Honestly I'm surprised by how well you are taking this." "What? Oh no I'm absolutely freaking out on the inside!"

"Yeah I figured as much." Raheem watched as Stiles paced around the ring. "Can I tell Scott?" "Of course you can, but don't try to teach about pressure, only humans can learn it." "He is human, so why can't he learn it?" "Pure humans can, not hybrids like him."

Scott came back five minutes later all covered in mud and leaves. "That took longer than I expected." "Yeah well I got hung up in a tree, then I feel in a hole, and after that a log pushed me into the damn river." "Yet, you are still human. Always remember life, struggle, then death. Three things that are always going to be intertwined with each other." He left and bought them some water.

"Considering today was you guys first day, it was not too bad or too horrible. I will see you guys tomorrow, same time."