
Traveling To The World Of Anime With The Dark Souls System

Hikaru Hiroaki, a big fan of Dark Souls. Even though he only played the first one, he still loved the entire trilogy because of the lore that Vaatividya kindly explained in his videos. But Hikaru's future was not bright, his mother works 2 jobs a day just to feed him and his 2 siblings. His father works at a construction site to pay their rent. That's why Hikaru didn't have enough time to play around, he works to save up for his college tuition. He is currently at the end of his high school life and he would enter college soon. But unfortunately, as he traverses through the road while the traffic lights were still red, a drunk driver riding a lamborghini ignored the red lights and hits him directly. He died instantly. He woke up in a place covered in white fogs, and an old voice spoke to him. "I shall give thou the power of Dark Souls, please use it wisely." ________________________________________________________________ Alright, I didn't plan this fanfic at all. I just daydream everyday and write what's inside my head. You may see some paragraphs that you are not able to understand and that's fine. Just report it to me and I'll fix it. Plot holes and plot armor, yeah, I have many of those in my fanfic. If you don't like plot holes and such, please don't read this. I don't like people just messing my ratings just because they don't like plot holes. Also, don't read this fanfic if you don't know Dark Souls, I promise you, you won't understand a thing about this fanfic. Don't write a review if you don't know what you are talking about, it's seriously messing up my rating and I'll have to delete it if it's really bad. Just criticize it in the review, write something that's asking the author to write better. Honestly, reviews that are trying to put the author down are just downright bad. Many people out there gave up writing just because of those reviews, please don't do that to other fanfics or novels out there. I feel sorry for the author. Anyway, thank you for giving your time in reading this. Enjoy the fanfic. Also, I accept people criticizing my fanfic since it helps me grow as a writer. You can do that. _______________ Also, before you post a review, please read at least to 50 chapters. If you don't like it, then you can criticize me for my really bad world building and character development. Trust me, I've had too many people stating that my MC is really bad, and they've only read like what, less than 10 chapters? I know I made too many mistakes in the early chapters, but you don't have to keep shoving it right into my face for god's sake.

Miko_Sayaki · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

Chapter 74: A Deal

Hikaru levitated on top of the whole village with his eyes glaring at his enemies below. His black robe fluttered as the gust of wind hit him in the sky, his bamboo hat was gone. His long black hair can be seen mystically moving, as if it's beyond the laws of physics.

This is as much help as he's going to give them. Itachi is already as strong as Madara, even without his equipment. His Black Knights are equal to all Yokai Lords, except for that old man. This invasion will soon be finished, even if he doesn't do anything.

But he's currently pissed, since he thought he could meet with Azumi in a normal situation instead of this.

He took out his Millwood Greatbow and proceeded to snipe Nagato's Six Path of Pain, one by one.

The Greatbow was two times the size of his body and it was completely black. The string of this greatbow is hard to pull since it has been reinforced with titanite. This greatbow of his is precious to him, since he had this before he even got this strong. Back then, he didn't have much strength to defeat the monsters inside the system on his own. But with this Millwod Greatbow, he was able to easily grind souls since it's so powerful from a long distance. But when the enemy got closed to him, he was basically fucked.

Hikaru smiled sadistically as he pulled the string with the arrow on it. He lit the Millwood Greatarrow with his chaos flame before he shot it towards the Animal Path Pain.

The giant arrow was launched at great speed, and it practically broke the speed of light. Nagato didn't even notice it before the Animal Path Pain was crushed into minced meat because of the large arrow. The whole ground below him even broke under the force of that arrow.

Everyone fighting below was shook!

"What… was that?"

That was the collective thought of everyone in the destroyed village.

All the people fighting stopped to look at what happened.

Without any hesitations, Hikaru pulled his bow 5 more times before all the Six Paths of Pain were dead. Sasuke was even shocked to see the one he was fighting being crushed to mincemeat.

Itachi didn't have to look to see who's shooting those arrows, it was clearly Hikaru having fun.

Hikaru returned his greatbow back to his storage box and said while smirking, "Now, time to harvest a pair of eyes." He's talking about the rinnegan that Nagato has.

It was obvious that most of the people here were all dead, and the only thing he could do is to revive all of them with the rinnegan because it's easy and efficient.

Now, if only he could get Nagato to sacrifice himself to revive all these people. It's basically his fault anyway why this happened in the first place, if he just didn't attack this village, everything would've been okay.

Without that rinnegan, Obito would be powerless and wouldn't be able to do anything. That pair of eyes had caused everyone trouble to an incredible degree.

Hikaru levitated down to the middle of the village, where they were all fighting. The entire ground in a 50 meter radius has been destroyed by those six arrows he launched earlier. It would've destroyed more, if he didn't hold back 99 percent of his strength.

As he descended from the sky, Haku immediately recognized who he was. She has healed most of her injuries earlier from Azumi's rasengan but seeing the man who physically disabled her master, she couldn't help but grit her teeth.

She rushed towards him as he descended to the ground with her ice blade. She then tried to plunge her ice blade into his stomach only for him to deflect it with his finger.


It made a metallic sound when his finger deflected her ice blade.

But she didn't stop there and continued rushing her attacks towards him.

Hikaru was confused as to why this girl was so angry at him, it was as if he killed her family or something.

Pang! Pang! Pang!

Her attacks were futile and he only deflected them with his pinky finger.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Hikaru asked as he deflected another one of her attacks.

"You dare ask me that! You almost killed Zabuza-sama back then! I'll kill you!" She yelled at him.

"I don't even know you!" Hikaru said with an almost deadpanned face.

He doesn't remember Haku because, well, it's been too long. As well as Zabuza, he completely forgot about them.

Hikaru, being annoyed at Haku, decided to just knock her out. He'll ask her later as to why she decided to attack him like this, he understands that she is his enemy right now, but for her to rage like this, he must've done something.

Haku fell to the ground as she went unconscious due to the chop on her neck. Hikaru enveloped her in a sphere of mana to keep her locked in there until he decides to let her go.

Hikaru then turned his eyes at everyone around him. There were 4 Akatsuki members left and they were very cautious towards him. He could see their bodies tense due to their fear.

Deciding that enough was enough, he just said coldly, "Die, all of you." Within a second, all of their heads went flying. Hikaru was now holding an ordinary Uchigatana with no enchantments.

Pain, Kabuto, and Konan had their heads decapitated but there was one missing. It seems like Obito escaped through his Kamui. Truly, how amazing this world is. Even he, a Pseudo God, still hasn't got into space and time control yet. Their sharingans are truly powerful. He wondered why the gods of this universe decided to create something like that, a weapon that has the potential to kill them.

Hikaru claps his hands and says, "Now that they are all dead, let's get to cleaning before fixing what happened here. Anyway, I'll be having a talk with the leader of Akatsuki. But first…" He grabbed Konan's remains before he vanished in a burst of speed.

The Black Knights were already gone, and the people that were watching the fight earlier were gobsmacked. This kind of conclusion in a battle is something they've never seen their entire lives. In less than a second, he killed all of them and without them seeing the attack.

Azumi only smiled, knowing that her darling had already returned. While Sasuke heaved a sigh of relief now that those guys were dead but that masked guy got him thinking, why does he have the Sharingan? And it looked pretty similar to Kakashi. He'll look into it later, he's tired.

Everyone in the ruined village yelled in victory, knowing they've survived another disaster. Their only problem now is fixing their broken village, which will be hard but it's their home, they will do anything to fix their home.

Meanwhile, with Hikaru…

He had fixed the corpse of Konan and reattached her decapitated head. He also stole her soul, so that he can revive her later but if only Nagato agrees to his demands. You'll see later…

He had used his chakra to sense where Nagato was, and found him in a nearby underground cave. He saw that Nagato wasn't low on chakra, so he might attack him as he went there.

Hikaru was in a forest 10 Miles away from Konoha, and he was directly above Nagato.

He carried Konan's body with his mana, forming a small platform to lay her body on top of it. He then made a huge hand from his mana before digging out the entire ground above Nagato, just to enter the cave.

After digging out another patch of dirt and stone, he finally saw Nagato.

"So you've come, Chosen Immortal." Nagato stated, which shocked Hikaru as to how he knew about that title.

Hikaru levitated down as he narrowed his eyes at Nagato before he spoke, "How do you know that title? I thought it was exclusive only to supernatural creatures."

"Hah hah hah, " Nagato laughed dryly, "I have the rinnegan of legends, do you think I wouldn't be able to see those unseen creatures? I did not tell this to others since they might just take it as a joke. And you're asking how do I know this? Well, I have heard some rumors about it. The Return of the Chosen Immortal! Such a title! Hah hah hah!" Nagato added.

After piecing things together, Hikaru got into the conclusion that Nagato has made friends with some of the Yokais.

Hikaru then shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter whether you know who I am or not, I have come to make a deal with you." As he finished his sentence, he brought down the now dead Konan from the platform he made with his mana.

Nagato widened his eyes at the sight of the corpse of his dear friend.

"What are you going to her body, you sick bastard!?" Nagato yelled angrily but he couldn't do anything due to his body being weak already.

"Woah, calm down, mister. I'm not going to do anything to her, I'm not into necrophilia, you know? What I just wanted was to make a deal with you." Hikaru said, surprised at the sudden outburst from Nagato.

Nagato calmed himself and said, "Fine, what deal are you going to make?"

This time, Hikaru smiled and said, "I want you to revive all the people who died in Konoha by your hands, and in return, I shall revive her myself and I will make sure that no harm comes to her."

"Hmph, I can revive her myself. What difference does it make if you revive her? I can just choose to revive her myself and protect her myself. And what you're asking is impossible, if I did that, I would die." Nagato said, seeing that he will get nothing from that deal.

"It seems like you don't understand, " Hikaru said, "I specifically said that no harm will come to her when I'm the one who revives her. But, if you revive her, I'll kill her almost immediately along with you. In short, either way, you'll just die." As time passes, Hikaru feels like he's becoming more like a villain.

Nagato spat on his face but he just dodged it. He then said, "So you're basically threatening me, huh? I thought the Chosen Immortal was a great person, you���re just a scumbag."

"Oh, and yeah, as a bonus, I'll revive your other friend for you. What was his name again? Ah, yes, Yahiko." Hikaru made this on a whim to make Nagato more inclined to make this deal.

Nagato widened his eyes. If he chose that option now, Yahiko and Konan could live their lives happily, even without him. But he made a promise to him, to save the shinobi world. If he dies now, no one would be there to save this world. A promise of an Uzumaki stays in a lifetime, and he doesn't want to break that promise. But if his friends could live a happy life, even without him, he is prepared to sacrifice anything. Even his life.

Hikaru saw that Nagato is still hesitating, so he thought of another great deal.

"Then…" He got Nagato's attention, "I'll revive you along with your friends, and you three could live your lives happily. If you can revive all of the people who died in Konoha this day, I'll make sure that no harm will come to you three for the rest of your lives." He's basically saying "Fuck you" to the god of death of this world, AKA, Shinigami. As long as he lives here, he's basically a giant middle finger to the gods.

Nagato knew this deal was far too good, something is not right.

"How do I know you will revive me and my friends after I die?" He asked, speculating whether Hikaru's words were to be trusted.

Seeing this happening earlier, he decided to revive Konan in front of him. He took out a jar and inside it was a pure white energy; A soul.

He took out the soul from the jar before inserting it in Konan's body, and not long later, Konan suddenly opened her amber eyes and immediately, she sat up as she looked around.

"Where… am I?" She said.

Nagato, knowing that Hikaru will keep the part of his deal, smiled.

"Fine, I'll revive everyone I've killed in that village now." He said before turning his tender eyes to Konan, "Forgive me, Konan. I'll see you later, I promise."

Nagato then clasped his hands together and performed his ocular technique.

"Gedou: Rinne Tensei no Jutsu!"

Konan was stunned, "Nagato…?" She then came to her mind before she ran towards Nagato, to stop him from killing himself. But it was already too late.

Hikaru smiled, because now is the time to get Yahiko's body and revive him.

Guys, I don't know when I'm going to stop writing this. You see, this laptop I'm currently typing on might just completely break someday. The hinge on both sides of this laptop are already broken, I can barely open and close this laptop because of that.

My chapter's quality is dropping everytime I write, I might need to read more novels later.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed that chapter, stay well there, and as always, thank you for reading.

Miko_Sayakicreators' thoughts